Register as contributor

Do you want up to 100.000 bloggers, affiliate marketers, and entrepreneurs to read your next article?
Great! Then, become a contributor on and send us a remarkable piece of content that we will publish and promote to all our members.

Become a Monetize.Info contributor and enjoy the following benefits:

This page contains all the information you need to become our contributor. Issues? Please send us an email on the contact page.

Make sure you have read our writing guidelines before registering. If your articles do not comply with the rules, we will not publish them. You may check our advertising offer for easier publishing.

1. Steps to becoming a contributor

Here are the steps you need to complete to become a contributor here at

  1. Fill out the form below with accuracy.
  2. Visit to link a personal photo of yourself to your profile for free. It is mandatory!
  3. Verify your account by confirming the registration message you received in your e-mail.
  4. Add your social profiles and your proposed article(s).

2. What Content Our Audience Love To Read

We maintain a high-quality standard for all our content. We reserve the right not to publish or strip unnatural links from any content submitted if needed.

Before writing an article, please take the time to read our writing guidelines. Meanwhile, here is, in a nutshell, what kind of content we expect from you:

What We Will Publish:

  • How-to guides, Research papers, and Tutorials that our readership can follow and implement.
  • Niches: Affiliate marketing, Monetization methods,  E-commerce, SEO.
  • Articles based on research and link to quality research and contain pictures, videos, or infographics.
  • The content should be no less than 1300 words. Once again, check our writing guidelines.

What We Will Reject:

  • Generic articles or rewritten content that doesn’t bring anything new. Check the topic in Google first.
  • Articles that have promotional links.
  • Thin content or written in poor English.
  • Content in risky niches: Loans, Insurance, Trading, Crypto, Gambling, etc.
If you are looking to advertise a company or service, check out our advertising offer. It is the best and sure way to get your company in front of our community and generate leads and sales.

3. F.A.Q.

#1. Does accept new contributors?

Yes. We constantly seek new contributors who want to write about their industries’ amazing digital marketing insides.

#2. How many readers will my article get?

Our top articles receive more than 15,000 page views per year.  (Example Top Article 1, Top Article 2). Most other articles receive around 6,000-10,000 page views every year.

#3. Will I be paid if my article is accepted?

Well, no. is a community-driven digital magazine. We do not charge users for accessing our premium content or paying contributors. But you will get recognition, traffic, and a backlink :). See How Guest Blogging can Boost your SEO.

#4. How fast will you publish my article?

Usually, it takes around ten days (sometimes up to 20 days) to get your article published if it follows ALL our writing guidelines. If you should make some corrections, we will inform you by editing the article and writing what you should change.

#5. What will happen if I don't follow the guidelines?

We will have to reject the article, and you can publish it elsewhere.  Please don’t lose our time and yours and follow the guidelines. There are no exceptions.

4. Register as a contributor form

Register as contributor

By having a contributor account you will be able to publish articles in our magazine, promote your website or blog in your bio, along with your picture and social profiles.

  • No free email providers like Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo.
  • Strength indicator
  • The website URL of your business or blog. It will be shown in the Bio section of each article you publish.
  • Enter the link to your Facebook profile. It will be shown in the Bio section of each article you publish.
  • Enter the link to your Linkedin profile. It will be shown in the Bio section of each article you publish.
  • Please enter a short biography. It will be shown in the Bio section of each article you publish.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Thank you for deciding to become a contributor to our community. You will soon receive an email with welcoming details.

Last page update: December 5, 2023

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