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  1. Hey, Evadavers! A few years ago, the world started switching to a remote format of life. People use desktop and mobile devices for earning, buying, selling, learning, studying, and communicating You can and should offer boosters, cleaners, and other utilities. These programs protect gadgets and provide anonymity for users, optimize the operation of devices and allow you to use all their features. Advertisers should pay attention to this vertical! Still, trying to drive traffic from Evadav to the Utilities vertical? Or maybe you don’t know how to deal with it? We will tell you how to work professionally with it and show you a successful case of one of our advertisers that will inspire you! Details Ad format: in-page Evadav Offer: install (mobile) / Utilities Ad network: Evadav Geo: US Campaign period: 01.09.2022 – 13.09.2022 Total budget: $1 773 Total earned: $2,446 NET profit: $673 ROI: 38% Our affiliate chose this offer because it had a CPI model for mobile devices along with a high payout. Driving traffic in states where competition was running high was risky. The advertiser contacted the personal manager at evadav.com and received comprehensive support and recommendations that worked. That’s how the affiliate’s landing looked like: The advertiser only bothered a little with creatives when adding Evadav in-page campaigns. You don’t need a lot of imagination to create a creative for utilities, but it is better to make several options for testing. Creatives with warnings about hacking smartphones have shown their effectiveness when working with cleaners. A tip from the Evadav team: "ATTENTION", "WARNING", and exclamation marks still work well; however, the android icon should be minimally modified (due to the restriction on original logo usage). Here is an example of failed creatives where the visual does not display the essence of the offer: Generally, it is ideal for utilities when popup notifications look like system messages. They are usually hard to ignore. Therefore, our advertiser chose the Evadav inpage format. And he focused on these creatives: In the offer, you can choose whether to specify a limit according to the Android version or not. Clarify this point in the app store to avoid unauthorized traffic. The cleaner ad targets Android 6.0 and above. Devices are excluded, and the language is English. That’s all for settings. The landing triggered, but after the first week, the advertiser set up the automated rules and a postback, which gave their results. The stats look good, accordingly: Affiliate’s feedback: "The offer is working. Even after the standard optimization, I can drive traffic with a plus". So what are Utilities? Utilities is the category of software products promoted in the install-vertical. It includes various applications for mobile devices and browser extensions: cleaners, accelerators, and other solutions. App installation is usually the target action in Utilities offers. But sometimes, there are offers where conversion counts only once the user uses it. There are enough utilities available today, they are relatively easy to promote, and you can test and optimize as much as you like. Rumor has it that affiliate marketing virtuosos can raise from $2000 per day on utilities. While some believe the tools are obsolete, others successfully drive traffic from almost all channels and geo. Tip from Team Evadav: This niche has a place for beginners and experienced affiliates, so pay attention to this vertical, write to your manager any time of the day, and get the income of your dreams. Offer types in Utilities vertical The target audience of offers with utilities – is not programmers but ordinary users of desktop and mobile devices. These software products make the life of users easier: clean smartphones, get rid of "garbage", free memory, and remove malicious and residual files. In other words - optimize the device. Utilities are: - disk cleaner; - backup application; - device accelerators and boosters; - scanners and software for system diagnostics; - ad blockers; - data recovery applications; - disk defragmentation; - text and media file viewers. Choosing offer In general, contact your manager to choose a good offer. He will tell you what and where will convert better today. But for a successful drive in the install niche, you should also carefully study the conditions of cooperation. The advertiser is insured from shaving when working with an ad network instead of direct deals. But if the lead is not counted because of the KPI discrepancy, the support will not help. For instance, traffic sources can be strictly marked (Hard KPI); it doesn't count if the lead comes from any other channel. Sometimes limits on the number of targeted actions per day are set in offers with cleaners. For instance, if there is a limit of 100 installs offline, the 101st conversion doesn't count, and the advertiser will lose part of the profit. We reject such offers or use trackers and automatic optimization in this case. Among the Utilities offers that have shown promising results, evadav.com has: - Repair System Phone; - Booster cleaner; - Phone Keeper; - Clean Up. Evadav tip: Please write to your manager, who will help you choose an offer. Choosing ad format There are no unsuitable ad formats for the promotion with Utilities offers, but there are those that convert better or worse. The Utilities offer work well with the pop-traffic. Evadav popunder format does not need a banner; the user immediately gets to the target page. Pre-lander will help not to provoke panic due to the cracking of the device or other threats. Evadav inpage traffic is the best for the promotion of Utilities offers. It is similar to system messages; therefore, it is clicked more often. In addition, the inpage covers a solvent audience of iOS devices. Classic push also shows an excellent conversion. If it needs to be clarified where to drive traffic on the selected offer, it is always better to contact the manager, who is in touch 24/7/365. Today advertisers almost always have the opportunity to target the audience by the device type. Push format can obtain mobile traffic, and other sources like social networks, native ads, and banners can also do it. dvice from the Evadav team: We recommend running campaigns with Evadav push and inpage. They are inexpensive, excellent converters, and suitable for beginners. And don’t forget - people sign up voluntarily, which means you get a "warm" audience. Choosing geo In the Install vertical, which refers to the Utilities offers, you should focus more on geo, not payouts. You can get a 100% profit in the US, where the deal costs $15. But it is much more effective to farm in, say, Indonesia, where payouts are ten times lower, and downloads are thousands of times higher. But our partner decided to take the risk and did not fail. The most convertible geo from Evadav today looks like this: - USA - Italy - Turkey - Great Britain - France - Spain - Germany - Brasil - Mexico - Canada Note that this data is constantly updated. Our managers will help you to choose GEO, and formats, set up and launch a campaign, and optimize it for the best profit. Setting ad campaign Creatives should consist of such components: - triggering header with a length of not more than 30 characters; - the precise and concise description in 45 characters; - icon with a resolution of 192*192 pixels; - main image; - link. When developing creatives to promote a Utilities offer, consider its type first. If it is a cleaner and booster, it is appropriate to use an image of the cleaning attributes in the banner: a brush, mop, or broom. Creatives with prohibitory and stop signs are suitable for ad blockers: crosses and “stop” signals. VPN creatives must contain images that are associated with security and privacy: lock or shield. And here is the perfect image for the banner advertising application, which symbolizes the device's protection from threats. It clearly shows why you need to download this utility. Working with landings and pre-landers The pre-lander is useful when using creatives with shocking information or virus threat statistics, which can also scare the user. A pre-lander for offers with cleaners and boosters often includes a credible story about how someone lost money or personal files due to not installing this utility on time. Advertisers also use more aggressive techniques when promoting utilities. For example, the device is reported to be hacked. But along with the information about the network threat, they immediately offer a quick way to solve the problem – install an application. A countdown widget for disabling the device due to virus damage is an even more intimidating component. Make the pre-lander effective by placing the alert and a solution. Scare tactics work great in pre-landers for push and pop campaigns. However, many networks prohibit it, which increases the likelihood of cancellations. To avoid risks, we recommend giving preference to push notifications in the style of system messages or classic push. Evadav tip: Buy a domain that contains a link something like "android cleaner." The clearer and shorter the domain, the higher the conversion. No one will click on a link that looks like a set of letters and numbers. When creating a landing for cleaners, the following techniques showed good conversion: - Post an article about new features where users can now watch movies without restrictions. Select a proper image and the CTA button. - Create a website aggregator of popular utilities using large banners; - Make a detailed and concise description of the application, the steps for its installation, and device specifications. - Inform the user that his cleaner is outdated and needs to be updated. - You can offer an annual subscription at a very favorable price on the landing. - Explain briefly or via article why users need to install this application and what benefits they will get. Evadav tip: The call-to-action button is the main element of the landing page. There may be several, but all should lead to one action. The CTA button should be noticeable and clear. Users should understand what happens if clicked. Our advertiser used a successful landing and did not change it in this Evadav advertising campaign. Testing and optimization It is not enough to create an advertising campaign for a good profit. Post-optimization is a mandatory stage in the advertiser’s work. It is essential to use all Evadav options available in the advertiser’s account to increase profit. ROI often depends on them directly. - Configure the postback to transfer data from the network to the tracker using macros (parameters) – we have more than ten of them. - Use black- and whitelist and set automated rules to fill them up. - When setting automated rules, ensure all data is transmitted via a postback. You can set several conditions at once and no longer do it manually. - We recommend buying only some days of subscriptions as part of the same advertising campaign. It is better to test them from different campaigns and with other bids, giving an advantage to the newest and most expensive. - Use micro bidding to customize bids for your campaign. Place your bets on different parameters and use your budget efficiently. Novice advertisers working with utilities often make such mistakes: - launching the latest subscription days at low bids; - not using postback and automated rules to get the lead at the best price; - choose the browser language, thus limiting traffic volume; - Buying all traffic at minimum bids (due to non-convertible sources and large traffic volume, the rate will be high). It is better to start with high bids, gradually lowering and disabling non-converting sources; - setting a minimum budget or click limits, making it impossible to use top sources and large amounts of traffic. The Evadav team recommends using such lifehacks when configuring Evadav Ads for utilities: - Run several creatives at once, then leave those that showed the best conversion and send the rest to the trash bin; - Focus on the WinRate indicator (formally, in terms of an advertising campaign, less than 60% of this indicator should alert you. However, experienced affiliates still recommend considering WR separately for each source); - send converting sources to whitelists and run with minimal targeting and high bid (don’t forget about limits). We shared secrets and life hacks in the Utilities vertical. Now you know all about customizing and optimizing Utilities promotion campaigns for mobile devices. The niche is significant, and there is enough space for everyone, but do not relax – competition is often skyrocketing, and trends are changing rapidly. Launch new campaigns, test, analyze, and earn with Evadav It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and try to drive utilities traffic! You are in for a fiery profit with Evadav.
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