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Newbie (2/28)



  1. I think this is really shame. The owner and admin all they earning money by advertisements and others but don't get nothing. What ever competition I don't think it's not worth anything because it's tough for everyone. You should give user a random like basis working points which users can converts into money. In this way user will spend much more time in here and group will be excited. Everyone will be rewarded for their participation your work will also be lower. Make me rewarded because of my suggestion because you won't get such a valuable suggestions from anywhere. Let me know your thoughts.
  2. hi guys i am new in this forum. i basically looking everywhere for hyip programs. i want to learn how can they manage their sites,skims or plans.studying about the hyips.
  3. hi guys i am new in this forum. i basically looking everywhere for hyip programs. i want to learn how can they manage their sites,skims or plans.studying about the hyips.
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