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skrimon last won the day on May 9 2022

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About skrimon

  • Birthday 10/31/1985

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    Khulna, Bangladesh
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    forex, forex trading,

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Newbie (2/28)



  1. Hi, Traders! Whatever I say here is based on my personal tastes; I make no investment suggestions, and I have nothing to sell you. I don't want you to end up like a lot of other traders I know who have gone or are going broke, which is why I'm sharing this information with you. Where did I get all the skills I need to be a successful trader? Did most people strive and fail? was it masterminds instead? did you use advisors? mentors? books? I) I was not afraid to fail The fact that I didn't worry about failing so much is largely responsible for my accomplishments. When I realized I didn't have to succeed the first time, I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and tried again. It took me months to figure things out from reading trading books and investing in trading courses, but it only took me a few weeks of analysis of my historical trades to identify the root of some of my trading problems. II) I was totally fine in the unknown Disclaimer: you can never know what the Federal Reserve will do, which country will invade another, which bank will go bankrupt, etc. Traders who want to succeed often look for external validation in the form of a mentor or a book. When you learn to adapt to change and be comfortable with ambiguity, you realize that you don't actually need any of those stuff since you already possess the ability to reason and make decisions on your own. Plus, you can improvise, try new things, and invent in order to come up with effective trading methods that take advantage of the market's inherent volatility and directionality. Successful traders don't need to know for sure that something will occur. They have a plan in place for dealing with it regardless of whether or not it occurs. The absence of a plan is not an issue. They have the willingness to trade regardless of their expectations for the market, which is similar to how I approach the unknown. After trading on a demo account for a while, I worked up the courage to trade micro-lots for a year in the hopes that I would eventually be successful. III) Self-education Now that I'm doing better financially, I invest heavily in educational opportunities like classes, mentorships, workshops, books, and private coaching sessions with 9-figure earners who are far more accomplished than I. Let me be clear, though; I didn't shell out any cash to pick up trading knowledge. As for me, I figured it out by.... repeated attempts, repeated failures, repeated.... because I was prudent enough to only open tiny trades, exposing me to negligible risk. Conclusion The idea of learning while traveling does not imply that you study there and then immediately leave. Which translates to picking up knowledge as you go along. Just because you don't have all the facts doesn't mean you should take insufficient action. The experience of having done something will teach you more than any amount of reading could (book, course, ...) The more trades you make, the more likely it is that you will be heading in the right path. By focusing less on finding the perfect trades and more on finding opportunities at every trade, your decision loop will be able to move much more quickly. Many thanks to all who have read this far!
  2. One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal. Start by thinking about what you might want to save for—both in the short term (one to three years) and the long term (four or more years). Then estimate how much money you'll need and how long it might take you to save it. Thanks for posting.
  3. Here are 10 of the most evil to have ever been born: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) The chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Führer of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler was perhaps the most intelligent, creative and brutal dictators of them all. He was largely responsible for the holocaust and the second World War. He believed that Jews were the root cause of all problems and set out to eliminate them. His actions resulted in death of over 50 million people. Hitler committed suicide in his bunker on 30th April 1945. Hard to believe that he was once a talented artist and part of a Bohemian community. Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin was dictator of the Soviet Union from 1922 till his death in 1953. As a young man, he was a robber and an assassin. For almost 30 years, he reigned with terror and violence in the Soviet Union. His decisions led to a famine that killed millions. Forget enemies, he even killed families of people who were fond of him. Under his rule, more than 1.5 million German women were raped and in all, he easily killed over 20 million people. He once said, "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is simply a statistic." Ironically, he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 & 1948. He died of a stroke in 1953. Vlad the Impaler (1431-1476/77) Vlad the Impaler was also known as Vlad Dracula. The character of Dracula was loosely based on Vlad, due to his sadistic personality and cruel acts done to the people of Wallachia, where he reigned as prince three times between 1448 to 1462 and killed about 20% of the population. He impaled the victim through the buttocks till the stake came out of the mouth. A German pamphlet once read: 'He roasted children, whom he fed to their mothers. And (he) cut off the breasts of women, and forced their husbands to eat them. After that, he had them all impaled.' P.S: If you're fed up with slow trade executions, then buckle up as AssetsFX is currently offering lightning-fast trade executions along with an ultra-wide range of trading opportunities! Pol Pot (1925-1998) Pol Pot was the leader of the Cambodian revolutionary group the Khmer Rogue, which had orchestrated the Cambodian genocide. Pol Pot believed in destroying the Cambodian civilisation in order to start a new regime and usher in a new age. He is probably the only man is history who ordered mass genocide on his own country. During his reign as Prime Minister from 1976 to 1979, his policies led to the death of around 2 million people which was 25% of the entire population. He liked to keep the skulls of people he had killed and he went as far as ordering babies to be torn limb by limb. He died of natural causes. Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945) He was head of the SS and the brain behind the Final Solution to the Jewish question, that is extermination of all Jews in Europe. Himmler had ordered the killing of about 6 million Jews, 2 to 5 lac Russians and many other groups that the Nazis believed were unworthy of living. It is believed, not verified, that he had furniture made from the bones and skins of Jewish victims. He committed suicide and is buried at an undisclosed location. Idi Amin (1952-2003) Idi Amin, who was the Chief of Army Staff, had taken control of Uganda while President Obote had gone to Singapore to attend a meeting. He promised to bring prosperity to Uganda. But a week later, he declared himself President of Uganda. As dictator, he came to be known as the 'Butcher of Uganda'. He killed people by feeding them to crocodiles, claimed he was a cannibal, mutilated one of his wives and rearranged her limbs. He killed and tortured around half a million people between 1971 to 1979 as ruler. He died of natural causes. Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584) Ivan was the first Tsar of Russia. As a kid, he used to throw animals from the top of tall structures. Though he was intelligent, he had bouts of rage due to mental illness. During one, he even killed his own heir to the throne. He loved impaling, beheading, burning, strangling, frying, blinding and disemboweling people. Even in friends, he saw his enemies. In the Novgorod Massacre, more than 60,000 people were tortured to death. Ivan died while playing chess with his friend. Leopold the IInd of Belgium (1835-1909) When king, he ruled over the Congo Free state which was approximately 76 times the size of Belgium. He made the entire world believe that he was going to help Congo. But under his regime, between 1885 to 1908, the country was subjected to a reign of terror. Over 500,000 died of diseases and many died of starvation as well. He killed over 10 million Congolese, which was 50% of the population of Congo. All this, just to gain money and more power. Thanks For Reading.
  4. "Countries with high debt levels and limited policy space will face additional strains. Look no further than Sri Lanka as a warning sign," said IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva on Saturday. She said developing nations had also been experiencing sustained capital outflows for four months in a row, putting their dreams of catching up with advanced economies at risk. Sri Lanka is struggling to pay for crucial imports like food, fuel and medicine for its 22 million people as it battles a foreign exchange crisis. Inflation has soared about 50%, with food prices 80% higher than a year ago. The Sri Lankan rupee has slumped in value against the US dollar and other major global currencies this year. Many blame ex-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa for mishandling the economy with disastrous policies whose impact was only exacerbated by the pandemic. Over the years, Sri Lanka had built up a huge amount of debt - last month, it became the first country in the Asia Pacific region in 20 years to default on foreign debt. P.S: If you're fed up with slow trade executions, then buckle up as AssetsFX is currently offering lightning-fast trade executions along with an ultra-wide range of trading opportunities! Officials had been negotiating with the IMF for a $3bn (£2.5bn) bailout. But those talks are currently stalled amid the political chaos. But the same global headwinds - rising inflation and interest rate hikes, depreciating currencies, high levels of debt and dwindling foreign currency reserves - also affect other economies in the region. China has been a dominant lender to several of these developing nations and therefore could control their destinies in crucial ways. But it's largely unclear what Beijing's lending conditions have been, or how it may restructure the debt. Where China is at fault, according to Alan Keenan from International Crisis Group, is in encouraging and supporting expensive infrastructure projects that have not produced major economic returns. "Equally important has been their active political support for the ruling Rajapaksa family and its policies... These political failures are at the heart of Sri Lanka's economic collapse, and until they are remedied through constitutional change and a more democratic political culture, Sri Lanka is unlikely to escape its current nightmare." Laos The landlocked East Asian nation of more than 7.5 million people has been facing the risk of defaulting on its foreign loans for several months. Now, a rise in oil prices because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has put further strain on fuel supplies, pushing up the cost of food in a country where an estimated third of people live in poverty. Local media outlets have reported long lines for fuel, and said some households had been unable to pay their bills. Laos' currency, the kip, has been plunging and is down by more than a third against the US dollar this year. Higher interest rates in the US have strengthened the dollar, and weakened local currencies, increasing their debt burden and making imports costlier. Laos, which is already heavily in debt, is struggling to repay those loans or pay for imports like fuel. The World Bank says the country had $1.3bn of reserves as of December last year. But its total annual external debt obligations are around the same amount until 2025 - equivalent to about half of the country's total domestic revenue. As a result, Moody's Investor Services last month downgraded the communist-ruled nation to "junk", a category in which debt is considered high risk. China has loaned Laos huge amounts of money in recent years to fund big projects like a hydropower plant and a railway. According to Laotian officials speaking to Chinese state news agency Xinhua, Beijing undertook 813 projects worth more than $16bn last year alone. Laos' public debt amounted to 88% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021, according to the World Bank, with almost half of that figure owed to China. Experts point to years of economic mismanagement in the country, where one party - the Lao People's Revolutionary Party - has held power since 1975. But Moody's Analytics has flagged increased trade with China and the export of hydroelectricity as positive developments. "Laos has a fighting chance of avoiding the danger zone and the need for a bailout," economist Heron Lim said in a recent report. Thanks for Reading!
  5. "I hope, these kinds of professions you need to try before making money online: Outsourcing Outsourcing has forever been a famous method for bringing in cash on the web and the Internet has a few choices. There are a few sites offering independent assignments for individuals with changing abilities. All you want to do is to make a record, peruse the postings, and apply for the errand that suits you. A few sites might even expect you to make an individual posting with the subtleties of your range of abilities, so that intrigued clients can reach you straightforwardly. Outfiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, and worknhire are a few sites that give independent positions. You can acquire anyplace somewhere in the range of $5 and $100 through these sites. Beginning your own site There is sufficient material accessible online to assist you with assembling a site. This incorporates picking the area, formats, format, and general plan for your site. When prepared to support the guests with the pertinent substance, pursue Google Adsense, which when shown up on your site and tapped on by guests, assists you with bringing in cash. The more traffic you get on your site, the more will be the potential for higher income. Affiliate Marketing When your site is ready, you could settle on offshoot advertising by permitting organizations to embed web joins onto your website. This resembles an advantageous association. Whenever guests to your site purchase items or administrations by tapping on such connections, you procure out from it. Virtual assistantship Doing all the corporate stuff from one's house is what a menial helper (VA) does. VAs essentially work from a distance with their clients and deal with the parts of their business that they are excessively occupied dealing with themselves. At the point when you function as a remote helper, you can decide to fill in as a representative or you can set up your own business. Trading Trading is perhaps the best calling on the web. However, in some cases, it even deteriorates. Since the forex market is gigantic and the everyday trading volume is around 6.5 trillion bucks. That is the reason the liquidity is so high and no one but experts can bring in cash with their amazing skill. However, you can trade with keeping up with certain prerequisites of it. Like you really want a decent specialist where you tracked down a ton of advantages. It is obligatory. And furthermore, you really want somebody who can direct you to an ideal objective for your trading objective. I will stop here even if there is a LOT more to discuss! A LOT! But this is not an ebook and is already a very long post! At least it gave you a few useful tips, I hope. My mission is to help you, and I really hope I just did that!
  6. HUGE gratitude for sharing these essential prospects with us and literally all of us really appreciate the effort. The topic that you've stated is undoubtedly filled with significance and we really can't deny that fact. At any rate, finally simply needed to let you know that observing a representative could sound hard, and trust me it truly is very hard yet assuming you look appropriately you'll discover probably the most ideal choices out there which clearly incorporates Litefinance since they are giving a super-wide scope of exchanging adornments. Have an incredible day!
  7. Thanks a vast for sharing these essential prospects with us and huge gratitude for that. The topic that you've stated is undoubtedly filled with significance and we really can't deny that fact. Anyways, lastly just wanted to tell you that finding a broker might sound hard, and trust me it really is quite hard but if you look properly you'll find some of the best options out there which obviously includes Litefinance since they are providing an ultra-wide range of trading accessories. Have a great day!
  8. HUGE gratitude for sharing these essential prospects with us and literally all of us really appreciate the effort. The topic that you've stated is undoubtedly filled with significance and we really can't deny that fact. At any rate, finally simply needed to let you know that observing a representative could sound hard, and trust me it truly is very hard yet assuming you look appropriately you'll discover probably the most ideal choices out there which clearly incorporates Litefinance since they are giving a super-wide scope of exchanging adornments. Have an incredible day!
  9. skrimon

    new serials

    Thanks a vast for sharing these essential prospects with us and huge gratitude for that. The topic that you've stated is undoubtedly filled with significance and we really can't deny that fact. Anyways, lastly just wanted to tell you that finding a broker might sound hard, and trust me it really is quite hard but if you look properly you'll find some of the best options out there which obviously includes Litefinance since they are providing an ultra-wide range of trading accessories. Have a great day!
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