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Everything posted by Affinos

  1. I have been dating a girl for two months. We met online, we haven't seen each other for two months because she studies in another city and lives in Moscow, like me. That's why for now we are content with the internet. But at first things went very well with us, we quickly found a lot of similarities, just a lot. She answered quickly, even when she was busy she was able to answer. But then school started, and she suddenly became super busy. I remember myself when I was a student, because I graduated not so long ago, too, and I did not have such a big learning curve. But why doesn't she have a minute to spare just to respond to a message. I always go in and see that she goes online, but does not respond. the problem is that still remain all the nice words and nicknames, such as kitty, zay, etc. but they are so hard to get, because the time to communicate was very little. I somehow even at work I can answer everyone's messages, but she can't. We even call for 2 months 2 times, because she can not, then the condition is not that What to do? I feel attached, but I can not understand what lies behind her nice attitude to me? She also said that she wants us to go the distance, that she's attached too. But man, I keep thinking it's just a game. She also keeps saying she loves me, but what's wrong? I don't want to keep asking what she's so busy with that she can't answer.
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