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Everything posted by Yusra

  1. I made 2 posts but didn't get any credit. Is it still disabled?
  2. So you're an affiliate marketer. You've got a website, you have a product, and now you're ready to sell. But before you start pulling in the big bucks, here are Four things that all affiliate marketers need to survive online: 1) A Product You Can Stand Behind You need something people will buy, which means the quality of your product has to be high enough that people know they can trust what they're getting. And don't try to sell junk. you'll get found out pretty quickly by Google and social media users alike! 2) A Blog That Addresses Your Target Audience's Needs You can't just slap any old thing on your site and hope for the best your blog needs to address the needs of your target audience in terms of content and style so that they feel like they're being heard by someone who truly cares about them as individuals and not just money-makers. 3) A Strong Core Although affiliate marketing is challenging, it doesn't have to be. If you're thinking, "I don't want to do this," you should consider taking a break from the industry for a period of time. If your core business is strong, then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to come back and start earning money again in no time. 4) A Plan If you're struggling with money, a plan is the best way to get back on track.It won't work if you don't know where your next income will coming from! Having a plan will give you something concrete that you can focus on when things get tough and they will get tough eventually! But when they do happen, having a plan will help keep them from feeling like insurmountable odds that can push anyone over the edge of despair into suicide (or at least making poor financial decisions).
  3. If you're an online marketer, you can't afford to miss out on the potential of high-rolling affiliate marketing.But if you're unsure how to start, above are Four crucial resources that will assist you. 1) A website. You'll need a website for your affiliate program and your own personal brand. It's also important that it's easy-to-use and mobile responsive, so that people can access it from any device or browser. 2) Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager. These two tools are necessary because they allow you to see where your traffic is coming from, how long people stay on your site, and what content works best for driving sales. You can use this information to optimize the content on your site and make sure that it meets the needs of the people who visit it most often. 3) PayPal Merchant Account & Credit Card Processing (if needed). If you want to accept credit card payments from customers who purchase products through your affiliate links, this is a requirement so that they don't have to pay with cash at checkout! 4) A Good Niche Research Tool There are dozens of niche research tools available for free or for a few bucks, but I use one called Niche Hunter exclusively because it does everything I want it to do, and more! It helps me find good niches for my products, it tells me what keywords people use in those niches, and it even provides me with the monthly average amount of traffic coming from those keywords. It's simple and easy to use, which is why I recommend it over any other niche research tool out there.
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