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Артем Леонидов

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Everything posted by Артем Леонидов

  1. Fincake - cryptocurrency portfolio management and DeFi wallet app. Track all investment means in one window (Crypto, stock, real estate, business, nft, etf, bonds gold andetc.). The pall software provides ready - made tools for shadowing and analysis of investment portfolios and individual means. With his help you can manage multiple cryptocurrency exchange or brokers accounts at the same time and combine them! - Track your portfolios in different accounts at the same time (Follow the stylish investors). - Ameliorate your trading strategy to increase gains (Save time, forget about Excel). - Deep analytics, unlike a broker and an exchange (dissect why your portfolio is falling or rising). - Flexible analytics setup (full dashboard customization). Support team: support@fincake.io
  2. Commonly, in news reports or thematic publications of bloggers, there are mentions of offshore companies, offshore accounts, or offshore zones. These concepts are not always clear to the usual people, but representatives of commercial structures know them very well. The interest of businessmen in this direction is understandable because sometimes the withdrawal of activities to such zones is economically reasonable and gives a clearly beneficial effect. However, it is important to clearly understand the negative and positive sides of this decision. Let’s consider the most important pros and cons of offshore companies in order to properly understand their properties, capabilities, and distinctive features. Here, it will be useful for businessmen to assess the degree of rationality formed by free economic zones. Read more here: https://dailyinfo.blog/advantages-disadvantages-of-offshore-zones-the-essential-points.html There are many advantages of offshore zones that give certain benefits to the owners of companies. But modern conditions force the authorities of different states to fight more and more actively with these territories in order to reduce the outflow of capital.
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