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  1. Hello ! Arbitrators are divided into two types: those who use the antidetect browser in their work and those that work through macbook and google profile. There are also arbitrators who simply surf the Internet during their workday without the browser)) There are both pluses and minuses in any work option, each affiliate chooses an individual scheme of work for himself. In the social network Facebook, the rule of using only one account still remains unchanged. FB tries to detect arbitrageurs by checking the system and the response of the system to many different parameters. If you work with an antidetect, then you create 1 profile per 1 account. Gologin replaces a large number of parameters, such as: W EBRTC, Canvas, WebGL, Video Card and others. The main purpose of arbitrators, first of all, is to investigate the situation by which the data was lost. Data-reloading is just a common resource. It should be noted that there are no universal data restoring tools. There are a lot of parameters by which FB detects arbitrageurs. Here is a breakdown of the most important. 1) Screen Dimension or simply Screen. This is the screen resolution. The parameter can be 1200×600, 1280×720, etc. Yes, FB fires permission. Data spoofing on the macOS operating system can be switched on and off by creating a profile in the antidetect under Windows. Apple computers have specific screen sizes, i.e. multiple immutable permissions. If you create a profile and set a permission that does not exist in nature, which is not on macOS, then FB will burn - and you will be banned. Therefore, we do not recommend creating profiles under Windows while working with macOS, and vice versa. Also choose random prints, don't create them by hand unless you're a pro. The antidetect will create a random but existing resolution, and you can create a resolution such as 1222 × 1011 that doesn't exist. 2) Language. You need to understand that this is the language of your browser. Let's imagine the situation, you are sitting in an Italian account, with an Italian IP and setting the RK to Italy, while the language in the browser is Russian. The situation is ambiguous, there may not be a ban, but it will cause suspicion. The Language parameter must match the GEO of your IP and it is replaced by the antidetect browser. Those. if the IP is Italian, then the substitution language must be Italian. 3) Canvas. This option is used to create a 2D image in the browser, created using JavaScript. It is also used to create players, details in browser games, for animations, processing video elements in real time and other similar things. Initially, this parameter was created for convenience, and not for detection. However, anti-fraud systems are progressing and by the Canvas parameter they have begun to detect people who are engaged in multi-accounting. Creation, drawing of two-dimensional objects and other things takes place in real time and it happens individually, based on many other system parameters. Improved Content: The entire creation process is done digitally to the highest quality that has ever been seen before. Both the hardware and the software part are used, after which a unique fingerprint is obtained, which is generated into the code. Further, what FB received from the system detection, it runs through its database, if some computer in the database had a similar result, then there are no suspicions. But if the FB database has a computer with parameters like yours, and the result of the Canvas detection does not match these parameters, then FB will have suspicions, since this simply cannot be. Antidetect Browser replaces this parameter. 4) OS. Operating system. Gologin can replace your OS. 5) WebRTC. This is some kind of interface, a feature. With it, you can communicate via video or audio without additional programs and applications. Those. call another person through your browser, talk to him using a microphone or webcam. Useful, but you can sleep on it. An audio-video technology such as WebRTC that sends the audio and video data of a conversation directly to the other computer, can not hide the IP addresses of the devices that are part of a call. FB will know which microphone you are using and even its unique ID. WebRTC also determines your public and local IP address, which FB is just to hand. This technology can be disabled and not transmit FB data. However, most people do not know what WebRTC is, and therefore do not disable it. If you turn it off, it will arouse suspicion. Gologin replaces these parameters, but again, do not be smart with the operating system. 6) GPS or location. This is your geolocation. FB detects location, movement, etc., this parameter must be changed. 7) Audio Hash or Audio Context. This setting determines how the browser interacts with the sound card. A special signal is sent, the sound card simulates it, and the data is sent to FB. There, FB already determines whether you use anti-detection or not. Audio Hash or Audio Context is a parameter by which you can get burned. It can be replaced or not replaced, special noises can be applied to change the final signal. But if you are not very versed, then it is better to configure this setting automatically. 😎 User agent. A parameter that indicates the person who is using the browser. The user agent is a file with several lines, it contains the browser version, the browser itself, the device used, the OS, and so on. 9) WEBGL. Needed to render 3D images. Here there is an interaction with the video adapter and certain metadata are detected. It is difficult to explain in a nutshell, plus, arbitrageurs are arguing, but is it necessary to replace this parameter? There is information that FB does not detect all WEBGL data, but only a simple set of data that can be replaced by changing the transparency of the color. In any case, antidetect browser Gologin replace this parameter. However, it should be understood that WEBGL and Canvas intersect with each other, the parameters that are used when drawing also intersect. If the result of Canvas and WEBGL is different, then FB will suspect something is wrong, it's better not to be smart and set the automatic generation of the substitution. Antidetect browser Gologin also change the parameters of the video card, time, fonts, and much more. We talked in detail about the key parameters of the substitution. Conclusion Friends, now you know the parameters by which moderators can block your account. If the moderator finds that your edits contradict their standards of a "good citizen", your actions may be enough for them to classify you as a "disgrace" and block your account. Moderators use these parameters as a tool to take action against users and curb rampant rule violations, but if you don't want to be banned, you need a good browser antidetect. Good luck to everyone in your work!
  2. Hello for all! Farming or, as they say, “warming up” FB accounts is very important if you are an arbitrator, targetologist, or you need this social network for any reason. FB is updating constantly its algorithms and the number of blocks is growing every day. There is a good chance to get banned just like that, without applications. In this case, it is better to have several spare "airfields" for advertising bays. These should be warmed up accounts. In total, in this article you will learn: 1. What is needed for warming up? 2. What kind of accounts are there? 3. How to farm accounts? 4. How to get an account already warmed up by 99%? Reading time 9 minutes!!! What do you need to warm up? 1. Proxy server - your personal IP address for one of the accounts. Simple rule: one account - one IP Where to buy: Proxyline is a good site with inexpensive IP . The main thing is not to forget to renew them after the lease expires, otherwise all your warm-up activities will go down the drain. 2. Antidetect browser is a program that replaces your browser with its own. Each browser has its own unique fingerprint that websites see. can easily figure you out on it. Therefore, it is very important that it be different on each account. It is the antidetect browser that will help us with this, in our case we will use Gologin. What are the accounts? 1. Self-registration is when you register an account yourself, farm it yourself, use it yourself. Everything is very simple. But it is important to remember that you will not be able to constantly create several accounts, FB will instantly see similar actions and block you. For self-registration, you need to spend much more time, besides, it will not work for a significant exhaust. 2. Autoregistrations are purchased accounts that are created by a special machine. Often, auto-registers are the cheapest possible accounts, but you can immediately pour ads on them, maybe you're lucky. Autoregistrations are different, starting from $0.12 and ending with $100. 3. Rent. In fact, this is the easiest way, they rented a real person's account and launched advertising. But there is a problem is too expensive, unless of course you take your friend's account. Account summary: You can use any of the methods. Everything is for the goals you need, you need a quick launch, then rent, there is a lot of time then auto-registration, you want to be 100% sure then self-registration. Later in the article, we will look at autoregistration. How to farm accounts? 1. We buy an account, get login information. The first fields: login and password, a large block of information at the bottom is cookies, by which we can immediately log into the account. 2. Download and register in the browser gologin.com 3. Click New Profile 4. Add a proxy 5. Give our profile a name (any) 6. Everything is ready Our first warm-up profile is ready. 1. Open the profile and go to the FB account Now about the farm itself: After logging into the account, we immediately exit it and forget about it for a day. Next, follow the plan: 1. After one day, we go in and fill in all the information that Facebook requests. 2. Add a photo if there are none. 3.Add friends if there are offers from FB 4. You can add friends yourself by posting in a dating group. Behave like a real user who just logged into the social network. 5. Subscribe to a couple of groups that match your interests, these can be tiktok videos, news, memes, etc. 6. Just visit your page for a couple of days, scroll through the feed, watch videos, play games, etc. 7. Sometimes click on ads, enter any data to be seen Pixel/ 8. Continue to perform these actions at any free time for you. 9.After a week or two, create a Fan Page and start posting something in it, on different accounts, create a Fan Page in different ways to make it harder for the system to track. 10. Show that you are a real person, your page should correspond to a real user. For example, reposts of cats, new photos, likes under comments, reactions to videos and records in games. 11. When your page becomes as similar as possible to the user's real page, start clicking ads more actively, since it is important for Facebook that you earn money for him, so he pays more attention to this. Enter data, click only normal ads that you like. Follow links, etc. I think you understand) 12. After 2 weeks, create a business manager, or create it via a direct link, find it in the Facebook menu. 13. Bind the card. It is better to use Tinkoff or Qiwi virtual cards (It is possible to create up to 100 cards with the Qiwi Master package) How to link a card? go to Ads Manager, settings, payment settings, add a payment method; go to Ads Manager menu, billing, payment settings; 14. We place any post on our FB, it must be neutral, without excesses, gestures, politics, etc. 15. Click "promote post" and fill it with 2-3$ 16. We do the same with 2-5 posts, at different intervals. That's all. Your account is ready to receive ads. Usually, such an effective warm-up takes from one to two weeks, but it’s better not to rush, do everything deliberately and slowly. It’s better to prepare 5 such accounts at once for the future and warm them up for as long as possible. To summarize the most important things for warming up: Imitation of the activity of a real person. You should not go too far and make 100 comments a day, just like interesting posts, play cool games and watch videos. You can also chat with friends. Arrange yourself a break from work for 1 hour a day and warm up your accounts. I recommend subscribing to groups that are really interesting to you and watch their content. Click on ads. Here, too, without an inflection. We saw the registration for the marathon, clicked, filled in the data, left. Cool product - add to cart, browse the site, then exit. No purchases or any complicated actions are required from you. How to get an account with a 99% probability of a bay??? In fact, Facebook is a roulette that can even give a ban to a real person who has been using their site for 10 years. Therefore, you should always have an account with a block already passed. So, how to get through the lock as quickly as possible. We buy an autoregistrator, go to it and immediately load the ads, without the rubbish, just activate the advertising account. With a high degree of probability, we get a Prohibition of Advertising Activities. We go to a site that creates comic documents Diasp.pro, or we do it ourselves in Photoshop. With a 50% chance, we pass the Prohibition of Advertising Activities and get an account that is ready for the bay. If your projects are not burning and you don’t need to fill it right now, it’s better to start heating it as described above. Such an account can be sold for $8-16. Conclusion: To successfully work with Facebook, you need to understand the features of its neural network, which distributes blocks. To avoid a drawdown at low tide, you should always have a couple of accounts ready for the bay in your pocket. Therefore, it is important to use an antidetect browser that supports multiple profiles. Thanks for reading and good luck with the ebb!
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