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Rookie (4/28)



  1. An affiliate marketer is bassicaly a middleman between a seller and a buyer. Whenever a client buys the seller product via youur arrangement, you earn a commssion from that sale. There are several methods you can that: - Share links in your blog posts/socialmedia/etc - Email your list of contacts - Promote product/services via paid ads (Ad networks are your perfect ally in this case) - Sponsored posts & partnerships
  2. I'm not sure there are speccific rules or a secret recipe for suceesful affiliate marketing. I believe there are guidelines but defintely everyone is unique. From my experience I can advise affialites to: - Diversify the risk - Be patient with the results - Always monitor your results - Be transparent with your partners and audience - Invest in tools to ease up and automate your workflow(if possible)
  3. I wanted to be closer to the affiliate industry so I googled affiliate marketing forums and conferences.
  4. As figured, we think similarly. Can you recommend me some native ad networks that worked for you, please? I know about MGID, Outbrain, Taboola, RevContent but I was wondering if you've tested less "known" platforms.
  5. I agree. To me, advanced targeting and company transparency is also a decisive factor. I'm not that into social media advertising(it's a thing of me) but I guess e-commerce fits pretty well with that channel. Thanks for your reply! 🙂
  6. What traffic source do you prefer for advertising with native ads? How are you choosing the right ad network for you, what are your criterias?
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