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Brandy last won the day on November 13 2023

Brandy had the most liked content!

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Apprentice (6/28)



  1. My name is Brandy Evans. I have a family of 4. I am hard of hearing and know American Sign Language. I love cats that I have 3 live in my house. I do care for outdoor stray and feral cats as well. I have 6 hens, one rooster and one mini-rooster. I already started getting some eggs about 2 weeks ago. I am from America. I am in 4 different opportunities which I will share about it in proper categories on different posts and hopefully some people would be interested in to join. As of now, I'm sharing little bit about me and to get familiar with TGF. Thank you for reading this post and have a blessed day/night. 🙂
  2. I was using Bing Chat to find out which forum are the most search for people looking for opportunities to join. It brough up Top Gold Forum as one of forums. I signed up and see how it works. I'm still learning to navigate this TGF.
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