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  1. Hashing Ad Space is an advertising platform, there is no investment made in Hashing Ad Space, but we do offer the opportunity to earn more Asimi. You can mint Asimi and earn more by holding a minimum of 100 Asimi in a Waves Minting Wallet. We facilitate contact between advertisers and a verified public. You can advertise your own business on Hashing Ad Space and we will deliver real people to your website. We also pay members to view ads. We offer a unique Ad Minting platform that allows anyone to earn tokens from home through minting cryptocurrency that can be used to purchase ads products or exchange to BTC/USD/Waves. Minting is easy: you watch ads, you get paid. Please watch the Overview video here and continue on with other videos which will help you to understand Hashing Ad Space, Minting and Staking and Advertising https://hashingadspace.funnelbundle.io/getting-started-guide/Members-Landing We have different advertisement products: 1. Ad Minting Advertising 2. Banner Advertising 3. V2E Advertising Purchases 4. Log In Ads Ad Minter Advertising - These ads can be especially effective because they are shown to Staked members of Hashing Ad Space for 7 seconds as they mint ads. Banner Ad Advertising - Your banners will be placed on all pages of the site. View to Earn Advertising Purchase - This is fast, high-value traffic to your website where you can get thousands of quality views to your website, quickly and easily with our V2E system. -25 total views Log In Ads Purchase - A log in ad is an ad each registered member of Hashing Ad Space will see when they log in to their account. This ad will run for the full day chosen at purchase. As you can imagine this is a very powerful advertising tool, as each member will see it upon each log in until the ad expires. All purchases of Advertising Products can be done with Asimi from your Hashing Ad Space account balance or with bitcoin using your own bitcoin wallet through the CoinPayments gateway (you do not need an account with CoinPayments). Note: some log in ads may not be available for purchase with bitcoin because of time constraints, please click on the days available to see which days are possible to purchase with bitcoin. These Advertising Products are solely used to advertise your website, opportunity, blog, etc and there are no earnings paid by Hashing Ad Space associated with these purchases. Here is a presentation by CEO Luke Millard which explains clearly Hashing Ad Space and Asimi. https://youtu.be/WJTukTchjlw
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