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First of all - sorry for my english. 😉 I know that I am not writing so much well, but it is the best I can, so.... 😉

I am Natasha and i am from Europe, Slovenia. I am new-old online moneymaking woman - old because i was involved in internet business for about 1 year, but new because i am in pause already about 7-8 years. To be in pause so much time it means that probably a lot of things changed in this time also in this world, so i will be really happy if someone will tell me the most important changes. Thanks! 🙂

When I started about 8-9 years ago, naturaly i didn`t know nothing about internet business. Fortunately I had a fortune to found 2 great "teachers" who taught me all about this so special world. So when i found JustBeenPaid (today AdClickExpress) I was new but prepared and so i started. And i had again a really big fortune - surfing for referrals i found one great referral who then involved another referral. Both of them invested really a lot of money in this site. So with my poor 20 dollars of my own investment, I withdrew for next 6-7 month from 600 - 700 dollars each month. I was really gratefull for this so great fortune and also now when i remember this period of my life, i just smile. 🙂

Then it happend the crash and JustBeenPaid suddenly was down. In the same period chrashed also 2-3 other my great business, so i suddenly didn`t have anymore so much motivation to continue.

Now I would like to start all again so I will be gratefull if i will have other great "teachers" on this road. 🙂



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Hello @natasha31367. Welcome on TopGold Forum. This was a really nice introduction. Loved to read it. We are also in online money making arena for 10 years already so I know what you're saying.. a lot of things changed.

There are new payment processors, now most of the programs deal with cryptos so there are several things you need to update to;) It will be my pleasure to guide you.


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I am really happy to see that my english it is steel understood, also if i know that i am writing like Tarzan. 😄 😉 Times ago my teacher of english said that my problem when i am writing in english it is that i am thinking in slovenian and then I translate in english. To write and speak good a language it is urgent to think in a language which we are writing or talking. And she was right in fact. I know this for experience, because in italian I think and speak or write all the time like them, Italians. For this reason no one can believe that i am not one of them. In english i am not capable to do this. So, glad to know that also my "slovenian english" it is enough good. 😉

I have read something about new payment processors and cryptos. I am curious for nature, so many times I read also about things with which I am not involved directly. Anyway, i will be really happy If you will be my new teacher, Dennis. The elementary school i have already finished, but now i am in the high school and without a teacher i am not sure to pass it so well. 😉 Thanks! 🙂

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On 7/23/2019 at 1:30 AM, topgoldforum said:

Hello @ExchangeRatesPro

Welcome on TGF. Nice to have you here. Hows your website working?

Hello @bangndri20. Welcome on TGF. We don't have many people from Cambodia yet. How are you?

Hello Dennis. Thanks, we are working hard to add to make all the planned features 😀 Please let us know if have any suggestions!

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hello every one nice meeting you all
alex Come From Canada
i'm web developer and about one year active in Online Investment (HYIP)
i trying to Analysis HYIP projects and make Review about them and share my payment proof daily 

also I'm the HYIP RATE channel manager (HYIP Monitoring)

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Visit For Live Payment Proofs Daily,HYIP RATE (Get 100% RCB) 


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skyexbluu - Hello everyone!

Skye here looking to make money and learn something new everyday. I currently do sales for a digital marketing company that has been profitable but stagnant in a routine i cant continue for ever.  

 From small to big i just like learning and seeing the techniques you ALL have to share.0 

Awesome site here! Cant wait to explore  

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