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Members - Greeting New Members...

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Greetings to All,

I'm excited to be a new member here. I have a soft spot

in my heart for HYIPs, and I've been out of the loop for

a bit. I was trying to find info on why LR changed their

system to only include the past 14 days of history, and found

this forum in my search. I look forward to getting to know

you all.


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Greeting to all the admins, mods, newbies and my fellow member here in this forum. I'm Izaak and I just dropped by to introduce myself. Enjoy all. have a good day. :rolleyes:

“Gokken: De zekere manier om niets uit iets te halen.” (Wilson Mizner)

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Guest HYIPNEW365


My name is dangthanh

I am a website admin Hyipnew365,com

I am also an investor, I built this site monitor the desire to bring the best things for me as well as all of you. forward to receiving the support of everyone, thank you.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings from Costa Rica,

I'm the admin of


and have an interest in how people go about investing on the internet, whether by gambing, paid to do or hyips.

I'd also like share as much info as is needed about this simple game we've developed and since 2012 launched on the internet.

Bet on any 1 of 36 numbers & WIN 26x your bet. Its that simple @ Worldcashpot.com - the worlds best game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My goodness, a lot of you posting in here...


We WELCOME Each and everyone of you to our Forum, so glad to have you with us !!!

Visual it being so...

And it shall be...

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About Me:

I've been making money online for about a 1 1/2 years with these companies http://moneybuildersbank.com/blog




and selling Hydrogen Generator kits http://www.hhokitsdirect.com/HHO-Generators.php

I joined to network with like minded pple and discover more ways to make more money.


Improving my businesses,Making money,Spending time with my family,Playing pool,On occasion going to The Cheesecake Factory to eat,Growing my hair longer,Studying the learning power of the subconscious mind,Attending online college for Business Management.

Favorite Quotations

1.The 3 R's: Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions.

2.In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation, don't

We are anonymous.. We are legion... We do not

forgive... We do not forget... You should have

expected us... ( V for Vendetta)

3.The most potent form of ENERGY is THOUGHT because thought-waves

are cosmic waves penetrating all time and space.

•Watch your thoughts, they become words.

•Watch your words, they become actions.

•Watch your actions, they become habits.

•Watch your habits, they become your character.

•Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Where Thoughts goes.. Energy flows...

Your mind is a antenna, control your frequencies [thoughts] or be controlled.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Members;

I am a newbie to this Forum. I have been to many programs and frankly I never made any money out of it. All of them were just scams! They just take your money and disappear. But I am sure there may be good programs where one could earn some money. I am not looking out to make a lot of money but just enough to make a decent living out of internet.

Regards to all

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All! I'm happy to be part of this forum. I hope to make beautiful genuine posts/Contributions that uplift this our great Forum.So, I'm Mastermp by Username. Meanwhile, you can visit my blog for easy money making Tips for free of charge. www.masterinvestment.blogspot.com.Thank you All.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tired of TOO Risky HYIP? Matrix Cyclers?

Turn ur attention to 2Up-Reverse System of Gift2Freedom. We are in SoftLaunch. Want to be part of our Growing Company? Want to be a Pioneer? This is the right one for you!!

*Learn Online/Offline Marketing

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*Genuine System to build your Residual Income

*2up-Reverse System

*Instant Payment

*Receive $20 multiplied by each active members you invite



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