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Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming: Ray Dalio’s Warning


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Ray Dalio founded Bridgewater Associates in 1975 and grew it into one of the world’s largest hedge funds by 2005. As of 2022 his hedge fund has 107 clients with over $235.5 billion in total assets under management.

Here are his predictions and warnings for 2022 and beyond from a recent interview.

He says there are three things happening in out lifetimes that have not happened before in our lives that he sees based on his own study of history.

  • The creation of a huge amount of both currency and debt by governments and central banks .
  • The amount of internal conflict the U.S. is having over how our taxes are spent and different values.
  • The changing world order and how China and Russia now compete with the U.S. like never before in modern history of the past 80 years.


  • Ray Dalio puts the odds of stagflation in 2022 at 33%, which means inflation during a recession.
  • Dalio believes the U.S. has a high probability of over 33% of a civil war soon as citizens pick sides and even move to states to align with their political beliefs.
  • Dalio sees a greater than 33% chance of the Ukraine war evolving into World War 3 if Russia loses and feels the need for a win in another way.

Dalio recommends diversifying assets between stocks, real estate, gold and businesses to hedge against both inflation and stagflation.

Read the full article here and tell me what do you think:


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