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Attention!!! Fraud Alert beware of Everad at www.everad.com. They will take your money for prepayment, not integrate you and run away.

#everad #scammers #еверад №скамегы #cheat advertisers and steal #deposit @Everad_Support vs @Everad_Support_bot


Attention!!! Fraud Alert beware of Everad at www.everad.com they will take your money for prepayment, not integrate you and run away.

#everad #scammers #еверад №скамегы #cheat advertisers and steal #deposit @Everad_Support vs @Everad_Support_bot

  • Root Admin


This is the message that we got from the everAd support:


Good afternoon! This is a lie, as our company does not work with third-party advertisers and does not take any upfront payments.

So I need more details about your issue to make this case stands. Othwerise I will have to close the complain.

10 hours ago, topgoldforum said:


This is the message that we got from the everAd support:

So I need more details about your issue to make this case stands. Othwerise I will have to close the complain.

#everad #scammers #еверад #скамеры

#cheat advertisers and steal #deposit

@Everad_Support vs @Everad_Support_bot


In the video below you will see the following:

1. The official #Everad account @Everad_Support confirmed another account @Everad_Support_bot as official, belonging to #everad company.

2. The advertiser sent money for the USDT Trc20 details received from account #Everad_Support_bot.

3. After transaction, the #official #Everad account #Everad_Support said that this second account @Everad_Support_bot they don't know (account which the day before they confirmed as official)


That is, #Everad received money and did not fulfill his obligations to the advertiser.





#Direct #scammers #



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