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I’m not a financial adviser, so I can’t tell you what to do. I can only tell you what I do in the form of these ten guidelines:


1.     Keep working the day job.


2.     Auto-invest money each month.


3.     Stay focused on simple strategies.


4.     Set it and forget it (avoid fees and taxes).


5.     Look for opportunities in times of crisis.


6.     Say “no” to most investments and “yes” to a few big ones.


7.     Talk with smart people to improve your ideas (preferably in person).


8.     Be confident, but humble (have the strength of your convictions while staying open to being wrong).


9.     Educate yourself to Read and Grow Rich.


10.  Give back both in money and in what you’ve learned.


This is the middle way: not too conservative and not too cuckoo. It’s a path we can all follow.” – BMJ


Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/ 


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