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With the continuous development of Internet technology, network applications are becoming more and more widespread, and people's demand for network privacy protection and network security is also getting higher and higher. As an important network technology, rotating proxy plays an important role in protecting user privacy and enhancing network security. This article will introduce readers to the definition of rotating proxies, how they work, and their real-life applications.

Definition of rotating proxy
A rotating proxy, also known as a dynamic proxy or a polling proxy, is a special type of proxy server. It is different from traditional static proxies. Static proxy servers usually only forward requests from clients to target servers fixedly, while rotating proxies dynamically select one or more target servers for request forwarding based on certain rules and algorithms.

How rotating proxies work
1. The client sends a request: The client sends a request through the rotating proxy, and the request contains the address and port information of the target server.
2. The rotating proxy receives the request: After receiving the client's request, the rotating proxy selects a suitable target server for forwarding based on the preset algorithm and rules.
3. Forward the request: The rotating proxy forwards the client's request to the selected target server, and records the address and port information of the target server.
4. Return response: After receiving the request, the target server processes the request and returns the response to the rotating proxy.
5. Return the response to the client: The rotating proxy forwards the response of the target server to the client to complete the entire request process.

Advantages of rotating proxies
1. Load balancing: The rotating proxy can dynamically allocate requests to different target servers based on preset rules and algorithms to achieve load balancing and improve the server's processing capabilities.
2. Failover: When a target server fails, the rotating proxy can automatically forward requests to other available target servers to ensure service availability.
3. Privacy protection: Rotating proxy can hide the client’s real IP address and protect user privacy and network security.
4. Cache acceleration: The rotating proxy can cache the response results of the target server. When the same request is received again, the cached results can be directly returned to improve the response speed.

Application scenarios of rotating proxies
1. Online games: Online games usually need to handle a large number of concurrent requests. The rotating proxy can achieve load balancing and failover to ensure the stability and smoothness of the game.
2. CDN service: CDN service provides content distribution services through nodes distributed around the world. The rotating proxy can dynamically select the nearest node for content distribution and improve access speed.
3. Web applications: Web applications usually need to handle a large number of HTTP requests and responses. Rotating proxy can achieve load balancing and failover, improving application availability and performance.
4. API service: API service usually needs to handle a large number of concurrent requests and data transmission. Rotating proxy can achieve load balancing and privacy protection, and improve the availability and security of API service.

As an important network technology, rotating proxy plays an important role in protecting user privacy and enhancing network security. It can dynamically select target servers for request forwarding based on preset rules and algorithms to achieve functions such as load balancing, failover, privacy protection, and cache acceleration. It is widely used in scenarios such as online games, CDN services, web applications and API services. Understanding the definition and working principle of rotating proxy can help us better understand and apply this technology and improve the performance and security of network applications.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO optimization, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help! 


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With the continuous development of Internet technology, people generate a large amount of data in the process of using the Internet. This data is extremely valuable to businesses and individuals. In order to make better use of these data, some technical means need to be used for data collection and processing. Among them, rotating proxy and data collection technology are two important technical means. This article will introduce these two technologies respectively and discuss their application in Internet technology.

Rotating proxy
1. What is a rotating proxy?
Rotating proxy is a network proxy technology that implements data forwarding and caching by introducing an intermediate node between the client and the server. When the client sends a request to the server, the request is first received by the rotating proxy, and then forwarded to the server by the proxy. The data returned by the server will also be cached by the rotating proxy before being forwarded to the client.
2. The role of rotation proxy
The main function of the rotating proxy is to reduce the load on the server and improve network transmission efficiency. By introducing a rotating proxy, part of the requests and data can be cached on the proxy server, reducing the number of visits to the original server, thereby reducing the load on the server. At the same time, since the data is cached on the proxy server, when other users access the same data again, they can obtain the data directly from the proxy server without requesting the original server again, which improves network transmission efficiency.
3. Classification of rotating proxies
Depending on the implementation method, rotating proxies can be divided into two types: forward proxies and reverse proxies. The forward proxy forwards the client's request to the server and returns the server's response to the client; the reverse proxy caches the server's response to the proxy server before returning it to the client. When other users access the same data again , data can be obtained directly from the proxy server.

Data collection
1. What is data collection?
Data collection refers to the process of obtaining data from various data sources through certain technical means. These data sources can be databases, files, networks, etc. The main purpose of data collection is to obtain valuable information and provide a basis for subsequent data analysis and processing.
2. Data collection methods
According to different data sources and collection methods, there are many methods of data collection. Common ones include database query, web crawler, log analysis, etc. Among them, database query is one of the most common methods, which is to obtain the required data from the database by writing SQL statements; web crawlers crawl data from websites by simulating the way humans browse web pages; log analysis is by analyzing the system or Application logs are analyzed to extract valuable information.
3. Data collection process
The data collection process generally includes the following steps: determine the data source, select the collection method, write collection scripts or programs, conduct data collection, clean and organize the collected data, and store the data in a database or file for subsequent use. Among them, determining the data source and selecting the collection method are very critical steps, and the selection needs to be based on actual needs and the characteristics of the data source. At the same time, cleaning and organizing the collected data is also a very important step to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data.

Rotating proxy and data collection are two important technical means in Internet technology. The rotating proxy implements data forwarding and caching by introducing an intermediate node between the client and the server, reducing the load on the server and improving network transmission efficiency; while data collection is the process of obtaining data from various data sources, providing the basis for subsequent Provides the basis for data analysis and processing. In practical applications, appropriate technical means and methods need to be selected based on actual needs and characteristics of data sources.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO optimization, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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In today's digital era, search engine optimization (SEO) has become an important means for businesses and individuals to improve their online visibility, attract potential customers, and increase business profits. Agencies are an important part of your SEO strategy, but many beginners may be confused by them. This article will introduce readers to how to perform SEO through a proxy.

Basic Concepts of Proxy and Search Engine Optimization
1. Definition of proxy: A proxy is an intermediary service that interacts with search engines on behalf of an individual or business to increase its online visibility.
2. Definition of SEO: Search engine optimization is a technique designed to improve a website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) to increase traffic and conversion rates.

Advantages of SEO through a proxy
1. Improve website rankings: Proxies can improve website rankings in search engines by optimizing website content, structure and links.
2. Expand coverage: A proxy can promote your website to search engines worldwide, increasing the number of potential customers.
3. Save time and resources: A proxy can provide one-stop services, including keyword research, content creation, link building, etc., allowing you to focus on your core business.

Choose the right proxy for SEO
1. Understand the professional capabilities of the proxy: When choosing a proxy, please ensure that it has SEO-related professional skills and experience.
2. Review success stories: Learn about the clients the proxy has served and the results it achieved in the past to determine whether it can meet your needs.
3. Communication and cooperation: Establish good communication channels with proxies to ensure that both parties can work closely together to achieve SEO goals.

Search engine optimization through a proxy is an effective way to help you increase your online visibility, attract potential customers, and increase business revenue. When choosing a proxy, be sure to understand its professional capabilities, success stories, and communication and cooperation methods to ensure the best SEO results.

360Proxy is of great help for SEO optimization. It provides stable and secure connections, covering 190+ countries and regions, rich resources, and professional customer support. It is a good helper on your SEO optimization journey!


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Internet technology, as an important driving force in modern society, is affecting our lives in an extremely wide range of ways. Whether in work, study, entertainment or socializing, we can feel the ubiquity of Internet technology. However, with the popularity of the Internet, network security issues have become increasingly prominent. In this context, brand assurance through proxies is particularly important. This article will introduce in detail how to carry out brand assurance through proxies to help beginners better understand and apply Internet technology.

Basic concepts of proxy
A proxy is a network connection method that allows users to access the Internet through a proxy server. The proxy server acts as an intermediary between the user and the target server, processing and forwarding the user's request. Through a proxy, users can hide their real IP address and improve network security. At the same time, proxies can also help users break through geographical restrictions and thus break through information barriers.

The importance of brand assurance
In the Internet era, brands have become an important part of the competitiveness of enterprises and individuals. Brand assurance means protecting the brand image and reputation from malicious attacks and infringements. Brand assurance through proxies can effectively reduce network risks and prevent security issues such as hacker attacks and data leaks. At the same time, proxies can also help users improve network access speed and optimize network experience.

How to do brand assurance through a proxy
1. Choose a reliable proxy service provider: Choosing a proxy service provider with good reputation and professional technology is the key. They can provide high-quality proxy services to ensure users’ network security and privacy protection. For example, 360Proxy, a service provider, has 80M+ real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, provides stable network connection services, and has won the choice and trust of many brands.
2. Use professional security tools: Using professional security tools, such as firewalls, anti-virus software, etc., can effectively prevent hacker attacks and virus spread. At the same time, regular updates and upgrades of these tools are also important measures to ensure network security.
3. Establish a complete backup mechanism: Back up important data and files regularly to prevent data loss and damage. In the event of a security issue, backup data can be used for recovery and reconstruction.
4. Improve users’ security awareness: Strengthen users’ security awareness education and improve their understanding and prevention capabilities of network security. For example, do not click on links from unknown sources at will, do not download unknown attachments, etc.
5. Regular inspection and assessment: Regularly inspect and assess the network environment to discover and resolve potential security risks in a timely manner. At the same time, security policies and measures are adjusted based on the assessment results to ensure the effectiveness and continuity of brand assurance work.

In conclusion
Brand assurance through proxies is one of the important means to ensure network security. Starting from the basic concept of proxy, this article introduces the importance of brand assurance and related measures on how to carry out brand assurance through agencies. I hope it can help everyone better understand and apply Internet technology, and improve network security awareness and prevention capabilities.

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With the popularity of cloud services, enterprises and individuals have increasing demands for cloud resources. However, the security and privacy issues that come with it are also of concern. As a powerful tool, network proxy is playing an increasingly important role in the field of cloud services. This article will delve into the application of network proxies in cloud services, emphasizing its dual value in security and performance optimization.

Protecting the privacy of data on the cloud
In cloud services, data transmission and storage is an important task. Network proxies effectively protect the privacy of user data by hiding the real IP address. This is crucial for businesses and users who are concerned about the security of sensitive information, especially in sensitive areas such as financial data and personal health information.

Standardized access to multi-region resources
Cloud services are often distributed in different data centers around the world, and sometimes users need regulated access to these resources. The network proxy provides multi-regional IP choices, allowing users to access cloud services more flexibly and improving global availability.

Dealing with online censorship
In some areas, there is network censorship, which may affect users' normal access to cloud services. Through the network proxy, users can use cloud services in a standardized manner to ensure smooth service.

Prevent DDoS attacks and malicious access
Cloud services are often targets of cyberattacks, especially performance-sensitive services. Network proxies can block real IPs, reducing the risk of enterprises and cloud service providers from DDoS attacks and other malicious access, thereby maintaining the stability and reliability of services.

Improve the performance of cloud applications
Network proxy is not only to protect privacy, but also to optimize the data transmission path and improve the performance of cloud applications through technologies such as intelligent routing and load balancing. This has significant advantages for applications with high response time and bandwidth requirements.

Flexible configuration of network policies
Network proxies usually provide rich configuration options, and users can flexibly configure them according to actual needs. This includes selecting the geographical location of the proxy server, setting access control rules, etc., so that users can better adapt to different usage scenarios.

Reduce cloud service costs
Through network proxies, users can choose more economical geographical locations and reduce data transmission costs. In addition, by properly configuring the network proxy, you can avoid additional costs caused by network delays and congestion, and achieve more efficient cloud service utilization.

In conclusion
The application of network proxy in cloud services provides users with comprehensive security guarantees and performance optimization. By hiding real IP addresses, standardizing access to resources, and resisting attacks, network proxies not only ensure the security of cloud services, but also improve their availability and performance. In the future, with the continuous development of cloud service technology, network proxies will continue to play a key role in bringing users a safer and more efficient cloud experience.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


Edited by BBBill
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The concept of network proxy and IP pool management
Network proxy is a technology that plays the role of a middleman in the network, forwarding, filtering, and protocol conversion of network requests. IP pool management is an important function in network proxy and is mainly responsible for managing the IP addresses used on the proxy server. Through IP pool management, network access speed can be effectively improved and network latency reduced.

Establishment and maintenance of IP pool
The establishment of an IP pool requires collecting and organizing available IP address resources, including statically allocated public IP addresses, elastic IP addresses provided by cloud service providers, etc. When establishing an IP pool, factors such as the availability, regionality, and operator of the IP address need to be considered.
The maintenance of IP pool mainly includes regular detection, cleaning and updating of IP addresses. Regular testing can promptly detect expired IP addresses, clean up IP addresses that have not been used for a long time, and ensure the overall quality and availability of the IP pool. At the same time, timely updating and adjusting the scale and structure of the IP pool based on changes in actual needs and scenarios is also necessary maintenance work.

IP pool usage and management strategies
When a user uses a network proxy, an appropriate IP address can be selected from the IP pool and provided to the user through dynamic allocation. When the user ends use, the corresponding IP address should be recycled in time to avoid waste of resources. Reasonable dynamic allocation and recycling strategies can improve the efficiency of IP address usage and reduce management costs.
In addition, in order to better manage the IP pool, corresponding management strategies need to be formulated. For example, you can set the maximum number of uses of an IP address in the IP pool. When an IP address reaches the maximum number of uses, it will be automatically removed from the IP pool. At the same time, in order to improve security, you can also perform black and white list management on the IP addresses in the IP pool to restrict the use of certain specific IP addresses.

IP pool management in network proxy is an important technology, which can effectively improve network access speed and reduce network delay. In order to achieve good IP pool management, it is necessary to establish and maintain a high-quality IP pool and formulate reasonable management strategies. Through reasonable dynamic allocation and recycling strategies and black and white list management, the usage efficiency and management effect of IP addresses can be further improved.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the rapid development of Internet technology, advertising verification technology has also received increasing attention. Residential proxies play an important role in ad verification. This article will delve into the role of residential proxies in ad verification, hoping to help readers better understand this technology.

Residential Proxies Overview
A residential proxy, also known as a residential IP proxy or home proxy, is a proxy service for data transmission over a home broadband network. Residential proxies offer greater anonymity and privacy protection than traditional proxy servers. By using residential proxies, users can hide their real IP addresses, protect personal privacy, and break through information barriers and other issues.

The role of residential proxies in ad verification
1. Improve advertising click-through rates: By using residential proxies, users can simulate IP addresses from different regions. This allows advertisers to more accurately target audiences and increase ad click-through rates.
2. Prevent cheating: Residential proxies can effectively prevent various cheating behaviors, such as malicious clicks, brushing orders, etc. Since each click comes from a different IP address, this behavior of simulating real users can effectively avoid being identified and blocked by advertising platforms.
3. Protect user privacy: Using residential proxies, users can hide their real IP addresses and avoid the collection and abuse of personal information. This privacy-preserving feature makes residential proxies widely used in certain sensitive areas (such as online surveys, online voting, etc.).
4. Reduce operating costs: By using residential proxies, advertisers can reduce losses caused by invalid clicks and improve the efficiency of advertising. This helps reduce operating costs and improve overall profitability.

In conclusion
With the continuous development and popularization of Internet technology, the importance of advertising verification technology has become increasingly prominent. As one of the key technologies in advertising verification, residential proxies play an important role in improving advertising effectiveness, preventing cheating, protecting user privacy, and reducing operating costs. For advertisers and users, understanding and mastering the role of residential proxies in ad verification will help to better utilize this technology to improve advertising effects while protecting personal privacy and rights.

future outlook
As Internet technology continues to evolve, residential proxy technology will continue to develop as well. In the future, we can expect improvements and developments in the following areas:
1. More accurate positioning capabilities: With the advancement of big data and artificial intelligence technology, residential proxies will have more accurate positioning capabilities, be able to more accurately simulate user behavior in different regions and groups, and provide advertisers with more accurate Target audience positioning services.
2. Stronger security: With the advancement of network security technology, residential proxies will have stronger capabilities in protecting user privacy and preventing cheating. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of regulatory policies, the residential proxy industry will gradually become standardized and provide users with safer and more reliable services.
3. Richer application scenarios: With the popularization of the Internet and the acceleration of digital transformation, the application scenarios of residential proxies will become more abundant. In addition to the traditional online advertising field, residential proxies can also be used in data collection, online research, online voting and other fields to provide more convenient and secure services to various industries.
4. More efficient resource utilization: With the development of cloud computing technology, residential proxies will be able to utilize resources more efficiently and improve data processing capabilities and service response speed. This will help reduce operating costs, improve service efficiency, and bring more value to users and advertisers.

In short, residential proxies play an important role in advertising verification and have broad application prospects and development space. With the continuous evolution of technology and the deepening of applications, we have reason to believe that residential proxies will play a more important role in the future development of Internet technology.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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In today's Internet era, data crawling and crawler technology have become important means of obtaining information. However, improper use of crawlers can place unnecessary burden on the target website and may even violate the law. To solve this problem, many developers choose to use proxy HTTP services to limit the behavior of crawlers. This article will detail how to use a proxy HTTP service to prevent crawlers from having a negative impact on your website.

How Proxy HTTP Services Work
A proxy HTTP service is an intermediary service that sits between the crawler and the target website. When the crawler accesses the target website through the proxy HTTP service, all requests and responses will pass through this intermediate service. In this way, the proxy HTTP service can monitor and limit crawler behavior to ensure that it does not have a negative impact on the target website.

How to use a proxy HTTP service to prevent crawlers from negatively impacting your website
1. Limit the access frequency of crawlers
The proxy HTTP service can set access frequency limits to ensure that crawlers do not visit the target website too frequently. This reduces the load on the target website and avoids excessive stress on its servers. At the same time, it also helps prevent IP addresses from being blocked by target websites due to frequent visits.
2. Identify and filter malicious requests
Some crawlers may send malicious requests, such as a large number of concurrent requests, brute force cracking, etc. The proxy HTTP service can protect the target website from attacks by identifying the characteristics of these malicious requests and filtering or blocking them.
3. Record and analyze crawler behavior
By proxying HTTP services, we can record and analyze crawler behavioral data. This helps to understand the operating rules of the crawler, detect abnormal behavior in time, and handle it. At the same time, these data can also be used to optimize the operation strategy of the crawler program and improve the efficiency and quality of data capture.

In conclusion
With the continuous development of Internet technology, crawler technology has become an important means of data acquisition. However, improper use of crawlers can have a negative impact on the target website. In order to solve this problem, we can use the proxy HTTP service to monitor and limit crawler behavior. By limiting the crawler's access frequency, identifying and filtering malicious requests, and recording and analyzing crawler behavior, we can effectively reduce the burden on the target website and prevent it from unnecessary attacks and interference. At the same time, these measures will also help improve the efficiency and quality of data capture and promote the healthy development of Internet technology.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the rapid development of Internet technology, our network behavior increasingly relies on various proxy tools. Among them, IP proxy pools are widely popular for their ability to provide anonymous access and change IP addresses. Understanding the working principle of the IP proxy pool, how to judge the authenticity of its size and how to use it rationally is of great significance for us to ensure network security and improve the Internet experience.

What is an IP proxy pool?
The IP proxy pool is a resource library that collects a large number of available IP addresses. Users can use this resource library to use proxy servers for network connections, thereby hiding their real IP addresses and protecting their privacy. At the same time, by using agents, users can also break through information barriers and complete their needs.

How to judge the authenticity of IP pool size
1. Check the IP source: A real IP proxy pool should contain IP addresses from different regions and operators. If the IP comes from a single source, or only comes from a few regions or operators, then the authenticity of this IP proxy pool is questionable.
2. Dynamic IP proportion: In a real IP proxy pool, dynamic IP should account for the majority. If most of them are static IPs, then this IP proxy pool may be fake, because the cost of static IPs is much higher than dynamic IPs.
3. Check the validity of IP addresses: You can check the validity of some of them by trying to connect to them. If the connection can be successful, then the authenticity of this IP proxy pool is relatively high.
4. Update frequency and quantity: A real IP proxy pool should be able to continuously generate new IP addresses in large quantities. If an IP proxy pool is not continuously updated, or the number of updates is very small, then its authenticity is questionable.

How to use IP proxy pool reasonably
1. Clarify the purpose of use: Understand the purpose of using the IP proxy pool, such as to protect privacy or to break through information barriers. Only when the purpose is clear can a suitable IP proxy pool be selected.
2. Choose a trustworthy provider: Choose a well-known and reputable IP proxy pool provider and avoid using proxy services from unknown sources.
3. Comply with laws and regulations: When using the IP proxy pool, you should abide by relevant laws and regulations, and you must not use proxy services to conduct illegal activities.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the rapid development of Internet technology, network security issues have become increasingly prominent. Among them, residential proxy, as an important means of protecting online privacy, has received widespread attention. This article will introduce the use and settings of residential proxies in detail to help readers understand this technology and ensure network security.

Residential Proxy Introduction
Residential proxy, also known as residential IP proxy or home proxy, is a network security technology that hides the real IP address through a proxy server. When using the Internet, through residential proxies, users can hide their network activities behind the IP address of the proxy server to prevent the leakage of personal information and privacy.

Use of Residential Proxies
1. Choose the right proxy server: When choosing a proxy server, you should give priority to location, speed, and stability. Depending on your needs, you can choose a static or dynamic proxy server. The static proxy server provides a fixed IP address and port, which is suitable for long-term use; the dynamic proxy server assigns a different IP address for each connection, which is suitable for occasional use or frequent IP changes.
2. Configure proxy settings: Set up a proxy server in your browser or application. The specific steps vary depending on the browser and operating system. Generally, you can find the "Proxy Server" option in the browser settings or network settings, and then enter the IP address and port number of the proxy server. For some applications, you may need to manually configure proxy settings.
3. Note: When using a residential proxy, the security of the proxy server should be ensured. Avoid using proxy servers from unknown sources to prevent personal information from being stolen. At the same time, proxy server settings need to be updated and checked regularly to ensure online privacy and security.

Advantages of Residential Proxies
Residential proxies can effectively protect users’ real IP addresses from being leaked and improve network security protection capabilities. At the same time, for multinational users, using residential proxies can break through restrictions and increase network access speeds.

As an important network security tool, residential proxy can help users protect personal privacy and information security. Understanding and properly using residential proxies is an essential skill for every internet user. At the same time, we should continue to pay attention to the latest developments in the field of network security in order to better respond to ever-changing network threats.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!+


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In the rapid development of Internet technology, proxy networks play a vital role. As an advanced network architecture, the proxy network has been widely used in the business field with its unique functions and advantages. This article will delve into the commercial applications of proxy networks and how they are changing our Internet lives.

How proxy networks work
The core of a proxy network lies in how it works. When a user makes a network request, the request is first sent to the proxy server. The proxy server acts as a middleman, responsible for receiving and processing these requests and forwarding them to the target server. Likewise, when the target server returns a response, the proxy server receives the response first and forwards it to the original user. This process ensures the security and reliability of data transmission.

Commercial applications of proxy networks
1. Data protection and privacy enhancement
With the growing concern for privacy protection, proxy networks play an important role in data protection. By using a proxy network, businesses can ensure that user data is secure during transmission. The proxy server encrypts the data to prevent it from being intercepted by unauthorized third parties. At the same time, data stored on the server can be anonymized to protect user privacy. This data protection measure is critical to maintaining user trust and brand reputation.
2. Accelerate international network access
In a globalized business environment, companies need to quickly access websites and services in different countries. The proxy network improves work efficiency by optimizing international network access. By using a proxy server, enterprises can obtain faster network connection speeds and avoid delays and congestion in cross-border communications. This helps employees work more efficiently and reduces lost productivity due to network issues.
3. Advertising and Marketing Optimization
Proxy networks also have extensive applications in advertising and marketing. Advertisers can use proxy networks to deliver targeted ads to accurately reach their target audience. Through the statistical analysis capabilities of the proxy network, advertisers can collect data on user behavior and market trends to develop more effective marketing strategies. In addition, the proxy network can also be used to collect market feedback and competitive product analysis to help companies better understand market demand and competitive trends.
4. Content filtering and network management
In organizations such as businesses or schools, administrators need to effectively manage network usage and filter inappropriate content. Proxy networking provides administrators with a powerful tool to meet these needs. By configuring a proxy server, administrators can filter out inappropriate or malicious content to ensure the health and safety of the network environment. At the same time, by analyzing network traffic and usage, administrators can better manage network resources and improve network performance and stability. This refined management method helps create an efficient and secure network environment and promotes the smooth operation of the enterprise.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the rapid development of Internet technology, proxy technology, as an important means of network security, has attracted more and more attention. In proxy technology, sticky proxies and rotating proxies are two common types. This article will conduct a detailed comparison of these two proxy technologies to help readers better understand their characteristics and application scenarios.

sticky proxy
The main feature of sticky proxy, also called dynamic proxy, is the ability to dynamically modify request or response data. By modifying data, sticky proxies can implement functions such as filtering, modifying, and monitoring network requests and responses. In addition, sticky proxies can also be used to implement some advanced network applications, such as network traffic analysis, user behavior analysis, etc.

rotating proxy
Rotating proxy is a more complex proxy type, the core idea of which is to dynamically select the best proxy server to complete the request. Rotating proxies usually maintain a list of proxy servers and select an appropriate server based on a certain strategy (such as polling, random, etc.). This mechanism can effectively balance network load and improve network performance.

1. Function and purpose: Sticky proxy is mainly used to filter, modify and monitor network requests and responses, while rotating proxy is mainly used to balance network load and improve network performance.
2. Data processing method: Sticky proxy realizes its function by dynamically modifying request or response data, while rotating proxy completes the request by dynamically selecting the best proxy server.
3. Applicable scenarios: Sticky proxy is suitable for situations that require in-depth processing of network requests and responses, such as traffic analysis, user behavior analysis, etc.; while rotating proxy is suitable for scenarios that need to balance network load and improve network performance, such as large-scale Network applications, cloud services, etc.
4. Implementation difficulty: Sticky proxy is relatively simple to implement and mainly involves modification of requests or responses; while the implementation of rotating proxy is more complex and requires maintaining a list of proxy servers and selecting them according to certain strategies.
5. Scalability and flexibility: Sticky proxies have strong scalability and flexibility and can be customized and modified according to actual needs; rotating proxies have relatively poor scalability and flexibility and usually require specialization for different application scenarios. Configuration.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!

With the rapid development of Internet technology, proxy technology, as an important means of network security, has attracted more and more attention. In proxy technology, sticky proxies and rotating proxies are two common types. This article will conduct a detailed comparison of these two proxy technologies to help readers better understand their characteristics and application scenarios.

sticky proxy
The main feature of sticky proxy, also called dynamic proxy, is the ability to dynamically modify request or response data. By modifying data, sticky proxies can implement functions such as filtering, modifying, and monitoring network requests and responses. In addition, sticky proxies can also be used to implement some advanced network applications, such as network traffic analysis, user behavior analysis, etc.

rotating proxy
Rotating proxy is a more complex proxy type, the core idea of which is to dynamically select the best proxy server to complete the request. Rotating proxies usually maintain a list of proxy servers and select an appropriate server based on a certain strategy (such as polling, random, etc.). This mechanism can effectively balance network load and improve network performance.

1. Function and purpose: Sticky proxy is mainly used to filter, modify and monitor network requests and responses, while rotating proxy is mainly used to balance network load and improve network performance.
2. Data processing method: Sticky proxy realizes its function by dynamically modifying request or response data, while rotating proxy completes the request by dynamically selecting the best proxy server.
3. Applicable scenarios: Sticky proxy is suitable for situations that require in-depth processing of network requests and responses, such as traffic analysis, user behavior analysis, etc.; while rotating proxy is suitable for scenarios that need to balance network load and improve network performance, such as large-scale Network applications, cloud services, etc.
4. Implementation difficulty: Sticky proxy is relatively simple to implement and mainly involves modification of requests or responses; while the implementation of rotating proxy is more complex and requires maintaining a list of proxy servers and selecting them according to certain strategies.
5. Scalability and flexibility: Sticky proxies have strong scalability and flexibility and can be customized and modified according to actual needs; rotating proxies have relatively poor scalability and flexibility and usually require specialization for different application scenarios. Configuration.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!

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In today's information age, Internet technology is changing with each passing day, bringing great convenience to people's lives and work. However, with the popularity of network applications, network security issues have become increasingly prominent. Among them, crawler attacks have become one of the important factors threatening network security. This article will introduce how to prevent the negative impact of crawlers and protect personal privacy and network security by using proxy services.

Overview of crawler technology
A crawler, also known as a web crawler or web spider, is an automated program used to crawl, collect, and copy data on the web. In the era of big data, crawler technology is widely used in data mining, search engine optimization and other fields. However, some criminals also use crawler technology to conduct illegal activities, such as infringing on personal privacy, online fraud, etc.

The principle and function of agency service
A proxy service is a network service that forwards requests and responses between clients and servers through a proxy server. Using a proxy service can hide the client's real IP address and protect user privacy and security. At the same time, the proxy service can also encrypt, compress and filter network data to further improve network security and data transmission efficiency.

How to use proxy services to prevent crawler attacks
1. Hide the real IP address: By using a proxy service, the user's real IP address will be hidden, thereby reducing the risk of being crawled by crawlers.
2. Filter malicious requests: The proxy server can filter and filter network requests, identify and reject requests from malicious crawlers, thereby protecting personal privacy and network security.
3. Encrypted data transmission: The proxy server can encrypt network data to prevent data from being stolen or tampered with during transmission.
4. Change the proxy regularly: In order to prevent being tracked by malicious crawlers, users can change the proxy server regularly to improve the prevention effect.

In conclusion
With the continuous development of Internet technology, network security problems are becoming increasingly serious. Preventing crawler attacks is an important part of maintaining network security. By using proxy services, users can effectively hide their real IP addresses, filter malicious requests, encrypt data transmission, and regularly change proxies, thereby reducing the risk of being attacked by crawlers. At the same time, users also need to increase their awareness of network security, strengthen personal privacy protection, and jointly maintain a safe and healthy network environment.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good friend that can provide huge help!


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In the rapid development of Internet technology, the data generated by our network behavior is increasing day by day, and personal privacy protection and network security issues are becoming more and more important. In order to protect personal privacy and security, many users choose to use proxy servers. Among many proxy servers, anonymous proxy and transparent proxy are the two most common types. This article provides an in-depth comparison of these two proxy technologies to help you understand their features and advantages and disadvantages.

Concept introduction
1. Anonymous proxy: It is a proxy technology that can hide the real IP address of the user when the network request is made through the proxy server. This technology can effectively protect the privacy of users and prevent personal information from being leaked.
2. Transparent proxy: Different from anonymous proxy, transparent proxy forwards the real IP address of the user to the target server, and records and monitors the online behavior of the user. This proxy technology is mainly used in online behavior supervision and network content filtering scenarios.

Technical comparison
1. Privacy protection: Because anonymous proxy can hide the user's real IP address, it performs better in terms of privacy protection. In contrast, transparent proxies expose the user's real IP address, which reduces the level of privacy protection.
2. Data security: Transparent proxies will record and monitor the user's data, so for organizations such as enterprises or schools, the use of transparent proxies can better ensure the security of data. The anonymous proxy cannot record the user's online behavior, so the data security is relatively low for individual users.
3. Access speed: Using transparent proxies can break through restrictions and speed up access. The anonymous proxy needs to pass through the proxy server, so the access speed may be slow.

Application scenarios
1. Anonymous proxy applies to scenarios where IP addresses need to be hidden to protect privacy. For example, when users express their views on blogs, forums and other websites, using an anonymous proxy can protect their privacy and identity security.
2. Transparent proxy is applicable to companies, schools and other scenarios that need to monitor the online behavior of employees or students. Through the use of transparent proxies, organizations can monitor employees' online behavior, enhance cybersecurity management and content filtering.

Sum up
When choosing between using an anonymous proxy or a transparent proxy, users should make a trade-off based on their needs. If privacy protection and data security are important, you should choose to use an anonymous proxy; If you need to regulate and control online behavior, you should choose a transparent proxy. At the same time, we should also understand the characteristics and restrictions of different proxies in order to better apply them to protect their online security and privacy. In the future development of Internet technology, with the increasing demand for network security and personal privacy protection, proxy technology will also continue to develop and improve.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the rapid development of Internet technology, the network has penetrated into all aspects of our lives. In this digital age, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to how to use this technology for business activities. Among them, residential proxy, as a new way of proxy, has been widely concerned. This article will detail the application of residential proxies in TikTok business activities to help readers understand the basics and practical tips in this field. We will address this topic in professional, detailed language so that the basic reader can fully understand it.

Overview of residential proxies
Residential proxy, also known as home proxy, is a kind of proxy service based on home network. This service allows users to set up a proxy server in their home network to forward network requests to the proxy server. In this way, users can filter, accelerate and protect network content. In TikTok commercial activities, residential proxies are not only an efficient tool, but also able to provide a safe and reliable network environment.

The application of residential proxies in TikTok commercial activities
1. Improve network efficiency
TikTok, a popular short video app, is known for its high Internet speed requirements. In commercial activities, such as live broadcasting and advertising, network delay will affect user experience and effect. By using a residential proxy, users can forward web requests to a proxy server closer to the TikTok server. This approach can significantly reduce network latency and improve the smoothness of video playback, thus improving the user experience. At the same time, for advertisers, smooth video playback can enhance advertising effectiveness and improve conversion rates.
2. Ensure network security
In the Internet era, the problem of network security has become increasingly prominent. In TikTok's commercial activities, the security of users' personal information and accounts is particularly important. By using a residential proxy, users can hide their real IP address, reducing the risk of being hacked and infected with malware. At the same time, the housing proxy has the function of filtering the network content, and can automatically block malicious links and phishing websites, effectively preventing the infringement of network fraud and malware. This kind of security is important for protecting user privacy and trade secrets.

How to choose the right residential proxy service
Choosing the right residential proxy service is the key. When choosing, users need to consider a number of factors, including but not limited to the following:
1. Understand the proxy types: There are various types of residential proxies, such as HTTP proxy and SOCKS proxy. Different types have their own characteristics and usage scenarios. Users should select the appropriate proxy type according to their actual needs (such as TikTok application type, network security needs, etc.).
2. Consider geographic location: Because network requests need to be forwarded through a proxy server, choosing a proxy server that is closer to the target server can reduce network latency. Users should consider their geographic location and the distribution of target servers to choose the best proxy server.
3. Understand the quality of service: The quality of service provided by different residential proxy service providers varies. Users should understand the service provider's reputation, customer evaluation and other information to evaluate its service quality and service stability. In addition, factors such as the qualifications, professionalism and experience of the service provider should also be considered.
4. Consider the cost factor: Fees for residential proxy services vary. When choosing a service, users should make a reasonable selection according to their budget. At the same time, you should also be aware of the possible risks and limitations of free proxy services.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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In today's Web development environment, cross-domain resource sharing (CORS) is an indispensable concept that allows browsers to initiate requests to servers with different domain names, thus enabling cross-domain data exchange. As the intermediate layer between client and server, Web proxy plays a crucial role in handling cross-domain requests and maintaining security. This article explores how Web proxies work with the CORS protocol and their application in modern Web development.

Introduction to Cross-domain Resource Sharing (CORS)
Cross-domain resource sharing is a mechanism that allows a server to tell a client whether a cross-domain request is allowed when it responds to a request. CORS controls cross-domain requests securely in the browser by using specific HTTP header information.

Integration of Web proxy and CORS protocol
Web proxies play a key role in handling cross-domain requests. It sits between the client and the server and can intercept, modify, and forward requests. For CORS, the proxy server can check the Origin field in the request header and dynamically add the response header according to the server's CORS configuration to achieve cross-domain request control.

Implementation principle of cross-domain resource sharing
The implementation of CORS is based on the browser-based Same-Origin Policy, which restricts the interaction between documents or scripts from different sources. CORS bypasses the same-origin policy by adding a new set of standard fields to the HTTP header that tell the browser which sources are trusted.

The role and application of Web proxy
Web proxies have multiple capabilities when handling CORS requests. It can act as a middleman, coordinating communication between clients and servers, while checking and modifying request and response headers to ensure the legitimacy and security of cross-domain requests. In addition, proxy servers can cache data and speed up the request response process.

Practical application scenario and case analysis
In real Web development, cross-domain requests are a very common situation. For example, a front-end application may need to get data from servers in different domains, which may have different domain names and security policies. Web proxies can help developers handle these complex cross-domain requests, ensuring data security and integrity.

Web proxy selection and configuration suggestions
When selecting and configuring a Web proxy, developers need to consider the performance, security, reliability, and support for the CORS protocol of the proxy server. It is recommended to select a proven proxy service provider and configure and optimize it appropriately according to project requirements.

To sum up, Web proxy is closely related to cross-domain resource sharing and plays an important role in modern Web development. Through proper configuration and use of proxy servers, developers can better manage and control cross-domain requests, thereby improving the performance and security of Web applications. The understanding and application of CORS protocol is one of the necessary skills for Web developers, and it is also the key to building safe and reliable Web applications.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the popularity of the Internet, network verification codes are widely used in various scenarios, such as registering accounts, logging in to the system, and changing passwords. However, some criminals use automated tools to carry out malicious attacks, resulting in the verification code system under great pressure. As an effective solution, residential proxy has attracted more and more attention. This article will explore the application of residential proxies in solving the CAPTCHA problem.

The working principle and problem of verification code
A CAPTCHA (Verification Code) is an online test used to verify that a user is a robot. The way it works is that the system shows the user some distorted text, picture or other form of challenge and asks the user to respond. This process is designed to ensure that the operator is a real person and not an automated script. However, with the development of technology, some automated tools can recognize captCHA, leading to its protection effect is greatly reduced.

Advantages and applications of residential proxies
Residential proxy is a technology that forwards user requests to a residential network server. By using a residential proxy, users can hide their real IP address and thus avoid being attacked by malware or hackers. In addition, residential proxies can provide a more stable and faster network connection, improving the security and privacy of users when using the Internet.

When it comes to solving CAPTCHA problems, residential proxies have the following advantages:
1. Protect user privacy: The use of residential proxies can hide the user's real IP address to prevent personal information from being leaked or abused.
2. Defense against malicious attacks: By forwarding user requests to the home server, you can effectively defend against malicious attacks from automated scripts and reduce the pressure on the verification code system.
3. Improve network speed: The residential proxy provides a stable network connection, enabling users to complete the verification process of the verification code faster.
4. Wide range of application: Applicable to a variety of scenarios requiring verification codes, such as social media platforms, online banks, etc.

How to choose the right residential proxy service
1. Consider privacy policy: Choose a residential proxy service that adheres to a strict privacy policy to ensure that personal information is adequately protected.
2. Check the network speed: Choose a residential proxy service with a fast and stable network connection to ensure a smooth network experience.
3. Understand service providers: Choose well-known and reputable residential proxy service providers to ensure reliable service quality.

Faced with the challenges posed by the capTCHA problem, residential proxies are an effective solution to improve network security and user experience. Through reasonable selection of residential proxy services, users can not only protect personal privacy, but also effectively defend against malicious attacks and reduce the pressure on the verification code system. With the continuous development of Internet technology, we look forward to the emergence of more innovative solutions to jointly maintain a safe and healthy network environment.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the rapid development and popularization of Internet technology, people rely more and more on the Internet. Web proxy and content delivery network, as the core components of Internet technology, plays a vital role in improving network performance and accelerating content transmission. This article will delve into the principles, functions and applications of these two technologies in real life, aiming to help readers better understand the mysteries of Internet technology.

Web proxy
A Web proxy is an intermediate entity between a client and a server, and acts as an important intermediary. It can cache, forward, or process requests and responses between clients and servers, greatly improving network efficiency. In the busy network environment, the existence of Web proxy can effectively reduce the load pressure of the server and optimize the allocation of network resources.
1. Web proxy functions
The main functions of a Web proxy include caching, content filtering, traffic control, and load balancing. Using the cache technology, the Web proxy can store the commonly used web content, reduce the number of visits to the server, and speed up the network access. At the same time, it can also filter the content as needed to ensure network security. In addition, the Web proxy provides traffic control and load balancing functions, and dynamically adjusts traffic distribution according to network conditions to ensure smooth network operation.
2. How the Web proxy works
When a client makes a request, the request is first sent to the Web proxy. The Web proxy processes the request and returns a response based on what is in the cache or communicates directly with the server. If there is no required content in the cache, the Web proxy makes a request to the server, retrieves the required content, and caches it locally. This mechanism can effectively reduce the number of visits to the server, reduce the pressure on the server, and speed up the transmission of content.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of Web proxy
The advantage of Web proxies is that they can greatly improve network performance and user experience. With caching technology, Web proxies can reduce network latency and allow users to get what they need faster. In addition, Web proxy can effectively reduce the pressure on the server and optimize the allocation of network resources. However, Web proxies also have some drawbacks. For example, large amounts of cached data need to be maintained and managed to keep the data fresh and accurate. In addition, in some cases, there may be data consistency issues that need to be addressed and resolved accordingly.

Content delivery network
Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a new network distribution architecture technology that enables fast and stable content distribution by setting up multiple nodes globally. The emergence of CDN greatly improves the transmission efficiency and availability of Internet content, and enables users to access various online resources more smoothly.
1. Concept and function of CDN
A content delivery network (CDN) is a global, distributed service network that enables fast and reliable content distribution by storing content on geographically dispersed nodes. The main functions of CDN include accelerating content transmission, improving availability, and reducing network congestion. It can store content on multiple nodes, so users can get the content they need nearby, improving access speed and response performance. At the same time, CDN also has auxiliary functions such as defending against network attacks and improving data security.
2. Working principle of CDN
CDN works by distributing storage and processing of content so that users can quickly get the content they need. When a user makes a request, the CDN will select the best node to provide services according to the user's location and network conditions. Through this mechanism, CDN can automatically select the node closest to the user to provide services, reducing network latency and transmission costs. At the same time, the CDN also has intelligent flow control and load balancing functions, which can dynamically adjust the traffic distribution and node load according to the network condition to ensure the stability and efficiency of the network.
3. CDN deployment mode
CDN is usually built and operated by a professional service provider, and enterprises or individuals can host their own content to the CDN service provider for distribution. CDN can be deployed in two modes: self-built and hosted. Self-construction requires a lot of capital and manpower for infrastructure construction, while hosting only needs to upload the content to the platform of the CDN service provider to enjoy the service. For enterprises, the use of CDN hosting can quickly improve the efficiency of content distribution and user access experience. For individual users, hosting a personal website or blog to a CDN service provider is also a reliable choice, which can improve the response speed and stability of the website.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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With the rapid development of Internet technology, network proxy and market research are playing an increasingly important role in modern business. For many enterprises, using network proxies to conduct network services and market research has become an important part of their competitive strategy. This article will delve into the application and impact of web proxy and market research in the field of Internet technology, with the aim of helping readers better understand the latest developments in this field.

Network proxy: A professional Internet service provider
Network proxy is a third party organization that uses Internet technology to provide various network services for individuals or enterprises. These institutions usually have professional technical teams and rich industry experience, and can provide customers with efficient and convenient network services. Their core business includes web design, website maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO), etc., and they have a wealth of practical experience and in-depth industry knowledge in this field. In today's competitive market environment, many enterprises choose to outsource network services to professional network agencies in order to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency and focus on their core business.

Market research: Insight into business opportunities and challenges
Market research refers to the collection and analysis of market information through scientific methods and means to understand data and trends in market demand, competitive situation and consumer behavior. In the Internet era, market research has gradually become an important basis for enterprises to formulate marketing strategies, evaluate market risks and explore business opportunities. With the continuous development of big data technology, the technical means of market research are also constantly innovating and advancing. Companies can use data mining, artificial intelligence and other technologies to gain more accurate insights into market dynamics to make more effective marketing strategies and business decisions. In-depth market research can not only enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, but also make them better adapt to the ever-changing market environment.

As an important part of Internet technology, network proxy and market research play an important role in promoting the innovation and development of enterprises. With the continuous progress of Internet technology, the application scope and depth of network proxy and market research will continue to expand. For enterprises, understanding and mastering the latest trends of network proxies and market research, and flexibly using these advanced technologies will help enhance their competitiveness and market position. Therefore, enterprises should attach importance to cooperation with network agencies and investment in market research in order to adapt to the changing market environment and seize business opportunities.

360Proxy provides 100% real residential proxy resources, covering 190+ countries and regions, and 80M+ residential IP resources. To meet the different needs of users, such as media account management, ESTY and SEO, 360Proxy is a good assistant that can provide huge help!


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  • 1 month later...

Account password authentication method extraction, simple and fast
Support rotating IP/sticky IP
Support multiple network protocols
Supports multiple business scenarios: data collection/social media management/brand protection/advertising verification, etc.

Various offers, click to view details


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360Proxy--The purest 100% real residential proxy
99% of new users choose $4/month, and enterprise plans are as low as $0.7/GB


●Provides two extraction methods, software and User&Pass Auth.
●Perfect integration with all third-party software.
●100% real residential proxy IP. 80M+ High purity IP resources.
●Complete range of dynamic and static housing types.


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360Proxy provides static residential proxies in multiple countries, lasting 30 days!


●Price as low as $0.17/IP/day
●Provide 7-day/30-day package plans and support multiple withdrawals
●Meet the needs of various business scenarios: TIKTOK live broadcast, e-commerce, advertising, market research, etc.
●Perfect integration with all third-party software.


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Posted (edited)

360Proxy can get 10% referral commission!


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