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AVA.HOSTING: Webspace Hub | Trustworthy Hosting Provider since 2001

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We have a personal data center

  • We have equipped our data processing center with the latest technology, offering you a guaranteed uptime of 99.99% to ensure you always get maximum speed!

The stable and high-performance operation of our server equipment, as well as its security and uninterrupted availability, is guaranteed by its placement in a specialized data center. Our data center is located in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, in a unique and secure facility – a former bomb shelter of a military factory. Situated 5 meters underground, this location ensures the utmost security for our servers and the confidential data they store and process.

By utilizing this underground facility, we offer our clients the highest level of protection for their valuable information. The robust physical infrastructure and strict security measures implemented in the data center provide a secure environment for our server equipment. This includes safeguarding against potential physical threats, such as unauthorized access, natural disasters, and other external risks.

100% privacy
Our commitment to maintaining a secure and reliable environment allows our clients to have peace of mind, knowing that their data is protected within this fortified facility. With our data center’s unique location and comprehensive security measures, we ensure the safety and confidentiality of your valuable information while delivering uninterrupted server performance.

The data center was established and became operational in 2001, boasting impressive specifications including:

  • A robust communication channel of 20 Gbit/s, ensuring reliable and high-speed connectivity.
  • Power consumption capacity of 1.6 MV, ensuring sufficient power supply for optimal server performance.
  • Effective protection against DDoS attacks, capable of handling up to 500 Gbit/s, safeguarding the servers and preventing disruptions caused by malicious activities.

VPS One - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=265&billingcycle=monthly
VPS Basic - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=266&billingcycle=monthly
VPS Lucky - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=267&billingcycle=monthly
VPS Power - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=268&billingcycle=monthly
VPS Extra - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=269&billingcycle=monthly
VPS Ultra - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=270&billingcycle=monthly

Hosting Mini - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=272&billingcycle=monthly
Hosting Ether - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=273&billingcycle=monthly
Hosting Impulse - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=275&billingcycle=monthly
Hosting Loading - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=276&billingcycle=monthly
Hosting Web Elite - https://my.ava.hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=277&billingcycle=monthly

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