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  1. how to start affiliate marketing. is it worth to start?
    1 point
  2. So you're an affiliate marketer. You've got a website, you have a product, and now you're ready to sell. But before you start pulling in the big bucks, here are Four things that all affiliate marketers need to survive online: 1) A Product You Can Stand Behind You need something people will buy, which means the quality of your product has to be high enough that people know they can trust what they're getting. And don't try to sell junk. you'll get found out pretty quickly by Google and social media users alike! 2) A Blog That Addresses Your Target Audience's Needs You can't just slap any old thing on your site and hope for the best your blog needs to address the needs of your target audience in terms of content and style so that they feel like they're being heard by someone who truly cares about them as individuals and not just money-makers. 3) A Strong Core Although affiliate marketing is challenging, it doesn't have to be. If you're thinking, "I don't want to do this," you should consider taking a break from the industry for a period of time. If your core business is strong, then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to come back and start earning money again in no time. 4) A Plan If you're struggling with money, a plan is the best way to get back on track.It won't work if you don't know where your next income will coming from! Having a plan will give you something concrete that you can focus on when things get tough and they will get tough eventually! But when they do happen, having a plan will help keep them from feeling like insurmountable odds that can push anyone over the edge of despair into suicide (or at least making poor financial decisions).
    1 point
  3. If you're an online marketer, you can't afford to miss out on the potential of high-rolling affiliate marketing.But if you're unsure how to start, above are Four crucial resources that will assist you. 1) A website. You'll need a website for your affiliate program and your own personal brand. It's also important that it's easy-to-use and mobile responsive, so that people can access it from any device or browser. 2) Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager. These two tools are necessary because they allow you to see where your traffic is coming from, how long people stay on your site, and what content works best for driving sales. You can use this information to optimize the content on your site and make sure that it meets the needs of the people who visit it most often. 3) PayPal Merchant Account & Credit Card Processing (if needed). If you want to accept credit card payments from customers who purchase products through your affiliate links, this is a requirement so that they don't have to pay with cash at checkout! 4) A Good Niche Research Tool There are dozens of niche research tools available for free or for a few bucks, but I use one called Niche Hunter exclusively because it does everything I want it to do, and more! It helps me find good niches for my products, it tells me what keywords people use in those niches, and it even provides me with the monthly average amount of traffic coming from those keywords. It's simple and easy to use, which is why I recommend it over any other niche research tool out there.
    1 point
  4. Hello, dear TGFers, Before anything else, I will tell you that's one of the most important posts you would read here on Top Gold Forum. Please do not ignore it. You will thank me in a couple of months. If you are a regular TGFers you know that since 2020 we are preparing ourselves, as a community, to face the global financial crisis which is already here. I've managed to do well in the '08 crisis and also learned a lot of things that helped me see the upcoming crisis and prepare accordingly. So without further ado, I'm going to list 10 things I suggest you doing it to stay safe and why not, make a profit, in these troubling times. 1. Make sure you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. That's the most important piece of advice I can offer you and you should not take it lightly. It's important to make sure that you and your family, your close friends and your loved ones take care of their health and safety. 2. Take care of your expenses and reduce the non-essentials. If you haven't done it already you should have a close look at your monthly expenses and cut the things that are no longer essential. I did this in 2020 right in the middle of the pandemic and I was shocked to see how much money I was spending on things that I could easily cut or reduce. Just to give you some examples: Subscriptions to online tools and services I barely used. Also, I could downgrade my mobile phone payment by around 60% by switching to a smaller plan and the TV subscription with around 30%. So take a look sharply at your monthly bills and start ASAP reducing or cutting what is not essential. 3. Lower your debt or try to remain debt-free. This is important. As the interest rates are rising a lot you'll pay much more for your loans. Also, the banks and lending companies will become ruthless in getting their money back. That's why you need to lower your debt as much as possible and make sure you are paying the loans on time. If you are or you can easily become debt-free would be awesome. 4. Make sure you're not easily replaceable. This applies to you even if you're employed or a freelancer. During a financial crisis, many companies reduce their working force and the first ones that get laid off are persons that are not essential to the business. So ensure that you bring value to your employer or to the businesses you are working with. Become better, learn new things, and automate as much as possible of your work to have competitive rates. 5. Have 6-8 months of expenses covered. Just in case you get laid off or you simply do not get any more work as a freelancer you should have AT LEAST 6-8 months of expenses for your family covered. I recommend even having 12 months of expenses covered. I know this sounds too much but remember that we don't know how tough the crisis will be. Keep some of your savings in hard cash just in case the banks are going to limit the withdrawals. It's not SCI-FI, it happened before in the 08 crisis in Greece and Cyprus. 6. If you plan to sell anything, do it now. If you plan to sell your house, your car, or some assets you own, I recommend doing it ASAP. That's because soon there wouldn't be so much money in the markets and the interest rates will go up so people will be reluctant to purchase things that are not essential or are overpriced now. 7. Educate yourself - Learn new skills In the 4th point of this list, I've told you to ensure you're not easily replaceable. What I want to emphasize here is that in a recession companies look for ways to cut their costs. And one thing to do is through automation. Besides automation, there are new industries that rise now like blockchain, web3, digital healthcare, electric cars, etc. So don't be afraid to reinvent yourself for the jobs and opportunities of the upcoming years. 8. Develop multiple income streams (side hustles, money-making opportunities, etc) Having multiple income streams ensures you that will still make money even if lose your primary job or income opportunity. In times of financial crisis relying on only one income stream is risky. You may lose your job, your stock investment may plunge in value, etc so make sure you have a couple of income streams that are in diverse industries. I recommend checking the money-making opportunities here in TGF and choosing one or two that fit your skills and your risk profile. 9. Keep your eyes wide open for opportunities A financial crisis it's not only about hard times but also about opportunities. Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, and a couple of highly successful companies of today were started in the 08 crisis. On top of that the stock, commodities, and other assets were at good discounts. As Buffet says "be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful". In a financial crisis, most people are fearful and sell their assets at great discounts. That's the time when you can get them at a fraction of their true value. 10. Pay attention to SCAMs The last piece of advice that I want to share with you is to pay attention to SCAMs. That's because in troubling economic times the criminality rises sharply and there are many that want to get rich by stealing others' hard-earned money. So research everything, and don't fall for promises that are too good to be true. 11. (Bonus) Have a plan It's mandatory to have a plan and stick to it if you want to be well in these troubling times. If you don't have one you will be easily distracted by the news or the events that rise. As long as you have your plan you can adjust it easily but make sure you do everything in your power to reach your goals. Conclusion And there you have it: 10 things + bonus that you should do to do well in the following financial crisis. To recap, this is what you should do to prepare yourself: Take care of yourself and the health and security of your loved ones; Cut or reduce your debt and your expenses that are not essential; Have money aside in case you get laid off and for investments and opportunities that arise; Learn new skills, and become better at what you do; Develop multiple income streams; Pay attention and do not fall for SCAMS; Have a plan! Even if you have not prepared yet, it's not really too late if you start taking action now. What about you? Are you prepared? What actions would you take to be safe in these troubling economic times? Let me know by posting in this forum and let's all learn and prepare
    1 point
  5. hi to all. i am new here. i hope i will learn from this forum and honored members of this forum
    1 point
  6. I have long been interested in the topic of investment and had experience with cryptocurrency, in the end I lost my money and I would like to try to find something new that can bring me a steady income (scammers bypass)
    1 point
  7. Greetings guys. Need some advice from experienced people I am now actively looking for a job remotely, I want to work from home. I used to be into cryptocurrency, trading on the exchange. But what can I try ot
    1 point
  8. Hello everyone, thought I would introduce myself. I'm trying to learn as much as possible, so feel free to guide me to good guides and all that stuff.
    1 point
  9. Rostcher PLC provides everything you need to launch your US business from anywhere worldwide. We'll get your company entity approved by the state, register your EIN number, opening business bank account, LLC, merchant account and more. Purchase and enjoy, let us take care of all the details. Visit https://rostcher-plc.com to know more.
    1 point
  10. Hey, it's good to see you here! I heard about the terrible things that are happening in Ukraine and I sincerely hope you are safe. Let me know if you want to chat with me and get support. I will definitely help you in any way I can
    1 point
  11. yeah you are right... i will surely do.... but i want to know expert opinion about that..
    1 point
  12. Find some entry lvl affliate couse or some videos in youtube.
    1 point
  13. hi Yusra... the given information is very useful for affiliate marketers..... keep posting about this more that can help the learners....
    1 point
  14. what a retailer will get in reverse? how the circle goes
    1 point
  15. Hi everyone, a few friends of mine introduced me to the forum. I’m glad to be part of this community. Wishing you all patience to make the right choices. Cheers!
    1 point
  16. Welcome back my friend. Taking breaks is really healthy for us. How’re you now? What were you up to during the break?
    1 point
  17. My greetings to everyone in the forum. Wishing you all success and health.
    1 point
  18. My friend from Canada refer me to this page and I started to love it !
    1 point
  19. I've been having a lot of problems getting approved, thank you ver much for the info.
    1 point
  20. Hello, welcome here. I am sure that you would have been missing trading during your break. Lol. All the best for your future career.
    1 point
  21. Thank you for the list. I watched few of them but i am gonna wach the ones i haven't watched.
    1 point
  22. Hi, welcome back. How was the break? Wishing you luck and patience in the rest of your journey!
    1 point
  23. Hey, welcome back! How does it feel to be back here? What did you do during the break?
    1 point
  24. Well, start with a source where you can market affiliate links with offers such blog. Create interesting content for visitors. More high quality traffic will likely convert well.
    1 point
  25. Thanks a vast for sharing these essential prospects with us and huge gratitude for that. The topic that you've stated is undoubtedly filled with significance and we really can't deny that fact. Anyways, lastly just wanted to tell you that finding a broker might sound hard, and trust me it really is quite hard but if you look properly you'll find some of the best options out there which obviously includes Litefinance since they are providing an ultra-wide range of trading accessories. Have a great day!
    1 point
  26. As for me, the life of a student is divided into two stages, getting new useful information and writing coursework. That's when I decided that I was ready to start working, I realized that I needed help. I was disappointed and did not know what to do.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Have you taken any courses online? It used to seem to me that such courses would not teach me anything new, but, as it turned out, I was one hundred percent wrong. After the electrolysis school online has passed, I have already started working in my specialty, and I already earn more than before)
    1 point
  29. My main area of interest is saving money for the retirement and the best way you can do is by hiring a well known financial advisor. My wife and I hired a financial planner from LLWMG and we are very satisfy with their services.
    1 point
  30. High Risk Online Investments for sure
    1 point
  31. It's not really a main interest per se, but I've recently been taking a look into the manufacturing industry of cars and dealerships. I always found it odd how these industries get so big considering that there is not an intensely high and consistent demand for cars. I ended up discovering that one of the biggest foundations of the car industry are parts replacements. The maintenance of cars are what keep them running all-year round! Travelling this rabbit hole, I ended up reading tons and tons of articles about forged wheels–being a heavy crypto fan, if my investments ever take off, I might just end up building a foundry or forgery because of how hot (heh) the industry is.
    1 point
  32. I reallly like skateboarding. It's a great way to feel some sort of achivement with every stunt
    1 point
  33. My main area of interest in Digital Marketing.
    1 point
  34. my main area of interest is crypto and traveling
    1 point
  35. I want to learn how to make money without leaving home
    1 point
  36. I would like to learn about Forex well. So, don't hesitate to register here. I hope I could learn from this community.
    1 point
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