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Webvork last won the day on August 25 2022

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  1. ⚡️ DR. PROST IS GOING TO SPAIN Dear publishers, our new offer Dr.Prost has just been released now and it already went up the TOP-3 offer list last week. And today, we are opening another promising European GEO — Spain! Dr. Prost are capsules that have a double effect: they improve men's health and the fatness of your wallets! 😃 💸 Payout rates for Spain start from €38 per lead Enable the new product at the link: https://bit.ly/3AVZLxD
  2. Accounts that have access to advertising features and to that have high spending limits are your formula for success when you drive large traffic volumes with Google Ads. You can get the required amount of advertising here in two ways: by buying new accounts or farming Google Ads accounts. If you choose the second path, then your account will have a double value: such accounts can be sold to other colleagues in the field or successfully used for personal aims. Read more about farming accounts in our blog: https://blog.webvork.com/en/farming-google-ads-accounts-tips-from-webwork-experts
  3. 🔥 ADVANCE IN TREATING PROSTATITIS This New Years, we’re happy to please you with another fresh offer with several rich European GEOs: Italy – from €38 Spain – from €36 Germany – from €36 Switzerland – from €38 ProstAktiv are new capsules that come in a clear and efficient form and help improve men's health. The ingredients of the capsules meet all EU standards. So, like many other offers from Webvork, ProstAktiv claims to become a long-term offer on the European market! 💰 And you have the opportunity to start driving traffic to this new offer among the first: https://bit.ly/3HsmlTj
  4. 🔥 THE 3 TOP APPROVED OFFERS Let’s see which offers were ranked as the best according to their last week’s approval rates. The first place went to a joints offer which is a must have of the cold season, so it’s not at all surprising. Artrolux + Cream got a 40% approval rate in Switzerland. The second spot — the offer’s older brother — Artrolux+ capsules. 38% in Italy. The third place was taken by the season’s new product — Dr.Prost. The offer’s approval rate in Italy was 37%. Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!😉
  5.  TWO NEW GEOs — DOUBLE PROFIT Guys, it seems that our new weight loss offer Pro Biotic Slim has every chance of becoming a bestseller! Italy has been actively adopted by our publishers as a successful traffic region since September, so much so that you can already get acquainted with a nice case study: https://blog.webvork.com/en/skim-the-cream-a-449-roi-with-a-new-offer/. And those who, for some reason, did not have time to be the first to skim the cream in Italy, have the opportunity to start driving traffic with Pro Biotic Slim in other countries, brand new for this offer, two great European GEOs — Spain and Germany! 💰 Payouts start from €34 per lead You can enable the weight loss offer at the link: https://bit.ly/3CXo2WA
  6. ✏️ EXPERT VIEW Here’s a historical fact: advertising on TikTok was first launched in January 2020. Nutra, gambling, and crypto verticals are ready to grant you a significant profit if you know how TikTok works and how to properly set up TikTok Ads. In this article, we will go into detail about the nuances of TikTok Ads. And at the end of the post, as always, you’ll see some comments on the topic from our advertising experts. 👉🏻 Enjoy: https://blog.webvork.com/en/tiktok-ads-how-to-properly-set-up-your-ads
  7. ⚡️ NEW WEIGHT LOSS OFFER STARTING AT €38! We introduced this new offer to our affiliate program not so long ago. This one helps to maintain a slim figure — it's Lipo Genetiq. Lipo Genetiq is a complex of day and night drops that curb appetite, block blood sugar levels, and normalize fat metabolism. Two bottles of the product contain: cinnamon extract, peppermint, ginger root extract, and other natural ingredients that certainly won't hurt! 😉 And we have also added a new GEO for this offer — Austria, under a rate of €38 or higher is waiting for your ad campaigns: https://bit.ly/3ENZQab
  8. ⚡️ NEW OFFER — SAME HIGH QUALITY December is indeed the month of giving gifts. And what could be better for an affiliate than a new offer? Only a new offer with a start rate of €37! Varicose offers have not left our top places for the past six months, and today, we introduce an offer in a new format that you can and should be the first to start working with! VariCaps MAX are capsules for varicose veins which is pretty unusual because creams are usually what’s offered to get rid of varicose veins. Use this difference in your advertising campaigns! 😉 ➡️ Enable the offer: https://bit.ly/3HbQMwR
  9. TOP APPROVED OFFERS We're gradually approaching Christmas and the New Year but there is still time to collect profit before the holidays. Our TOP offers will help you make the right choice. The first place was won over by Prostatricum to Italy. The offer earned a 39% approval rate. Artrolux + Cream ranks second in Switzerland. The third place went to Insulinorm. The approval for the offer was 37%. Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!😉
  10. 🚀 LAUNCH YOUR CTR INTO SPACE It'll become cosmic if you use photos that Webvork provides of its nutra offers that. We've taken them for your  creatives😎 Today, you will find a package of promotional materials for a weight loss offer that took first place in our list of top offers last week: https://bit.ly/3H0nRvH And if you add lively photos to your landing pages as product reviews, it will also increase your conversions!😉
  11. Guys! Are you not subscribed to our YouTube channel yet? Then here's a list of what you're missing out: — affiliate marketing tips from the owners of top teams and services — videos about Webvork services — a bunch of fascinating live records And also, we have a surprise for you, December 12 on our YouTube channel, featuring  the best affiliate marketing experts and a prize giveaway!🎁 Subscribe to not miss the main Webvork's live of the year: ➡️ https://bit.ly/2yywzQw ⬅️ And don't forget to turn on notifications 🔔
  12. Passing all campaign tests and finding working approaches is 50% of success for an affiliate marketer. And if you are part of a large-scale team, then spending money on tests can cost you hundreds or even thousands of euros. But what about when you are a lone warrior or rather when you are a solo affiliate in the traffic niche with a minimum budget in your pocket? There is still a way out if you know where to look for campaign approaches and how to test them correctly: https://blog.webvork.com/en/how-to-find-good-campaign-approaches-for-affiliate-marketing-ads-2
  13. 🔥 THREE TOP APPROVED OFFERS Let’s finish the last Monday of this November with the top nutra offers for European geos. The first place has a 40% approval rate, it’s Slim4Vit. This time, the offer did well in Austria. The second spot in the list was taken by Insulinorm in Italy with an approval rate of 38%. The third place’s got Cardiobalance. Its approval rate in Italy was 37%. Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!😉
  14. 👩🏻‍🎨 Creative room — you source of inspiration! The world’s statistics regarding chronic prostatitis says that 25% of men are already diagnosed. And not a single man wants to carry this unpleasant diagnosis to the point of prostate adenoma. Therefore, all these diseases need to be prevented and properly treated, and, fortunately, medicine today provides tools for this, one of which is Dr. Prost. ➡️ Read about the offer’s creatives and best approaches: https://blog.webvork.com/en/creative-room-dr-prost-2
  15. 💬 EXPERT VIEW Free (or semi-free, relatively free) affiliate marketing traffic is real and you can find it too, as well as easily measure and evaluate your results. But beforehand, we must also evaluate the pros and cons of such traffic sources. So, let’s see our options in this article. And the final note in the article is given by an experienced affiliate and founder of the ZeonAds agency — Evgeniy Toporkov. 🤘🏼 👉🏻 Enjoy: https://blog.webvork.com/en/affiliate-marketing-traffic-sources-in-2022/
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