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OrigamiMag last won the day on July 28 2023

OrigamiMag had the most liked content!

About OrigamiMag

  • Birthday 03/13/1982

Profile Information

  • Country:
    United States

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OrigamiMag's Achievements


Enthusiast (12/28)



About Me

OrigamiMagĀ is here to share some of that fun and awesomeness with you.

Every step by step instruction available on this site assumes you have little to no experience inĀ folding origamiĀ so that everyone is able to fold any model they see here.

Some models are extremely easy and some require a little patience and trial and error, but none are overly complex. We do our best to create origami instructions that you can follow.

Have fun folding and tell all your friends aboutĀ OrigamiMag!

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