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Looking for solution or ideas for FB Ads Ban


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Hello guys,

I need help with Facebook because I am going crazy on it. I run a 7x ROI business thanks to FB, business is based on betting (location:Italy), I know betting is against FB policy but everything worked well because we built a system for lead generation which did not talk about betting but about investments.

The process is quite basic we, run an ads, then the customers' lands on a squeeze page and must fill the form with personal details in exchange for a freebie.

After this process, follow-up starts and so on.. FB ads was mostly Conversion Ads-> lead conversion.

In November 2020 I created an ad more aggressive and after 30-45 days my business manager was banned, my business page, my pixel and also my profile too (they turn my role from admin to mod in all of my business pages, even restaurants and others). From then slowly I rebuilt my profile, business manager, page and others and I started to advertise my business again, but this time I was very soft on copywriting and very careful about keywords.

I had just two ad accounts blocked for 1 and a half years, which was pretty good. Real problems starts in Jan 2022, first my business page was restricted, then slowly my business manager, then fb profile again.

I tried to rebuild everything again with these steps:

  • New profile, different IP address and devices, different ID (real person), different ad photos, same page name, same company on the business manager, same squeeze page -> restricted
  • New profile, different IP address and devices, different ad photos, different ID (real person), different page, same company on the business manager, same squeeze page -> restricted
  • New profile, different IP address and devices, different ad photos, different page, same company on the business manager, same squeeze page -> restricted.
  • This time I run some engagements ads for two weeks without links to my squeeze page then again started lead conversion ads to my squeeze page and after 3 days my page was restricted.
  • New profile, different IP address and devices, different ad photos, different page, different company on the business manager, different payment card name, same squeeze page -> restricted.
  • Again, I run some engagements ads for two weeks without links to my squeeze page then again started lead conversion ads to my squeeze page on a new domain and new website and after 3 days my page was restricted.
  • Last time I tried this: New profile, different IP address and devices, different ad photos, different page, different company on business manager, different payment card name, NO squeeze page just facebook module leads ads -> restricted.
  • Again, I run some engagements ads for two weeks without links to my squeeze page then started Leads ads to FB Lead Module (no squeeze page) and after 3 days my page was restricted.

During this last test photo and copywriting were ridicolous like “are you supporter? Subscribe to our group” and also was sponsored using Facebook lead form and not squeeze. So no point against the policy, no squeeze page, no website connected to the page, nothing.

Usually, FB leave ads run for 3 days then they restrict the page on 3rd day, then after 7-10 days restrict BM and others. It is like a pattern. I tried also old page, old BMs, old profiles, different copy, differt images/videos, different websites.

Meantime I have my personal profile with mine IP, my device who are running ads for restaurants and postal service and works well.

Do you have any suggestions that can save my business on Facebook? I also tried Google ads, tik tok ads but I was not able to have the same ROI as FB.

PS: I am also working on affiliate system for good sellers, I just want to fix this problem before then I will be happy to have great affiliate sellers (price of my products are from 90€ to 1000€).

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  • 6 months later...

If your Facebook ads account has been banned, there are a few things you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Review the Facebook Advertising Policies: Facebook has strict advertising policies that outline what is and is not allowed in terms of content and behavior. Review these policies to see if you may have violated any of them. If you believe that your account was banned in error, you can appeal the decision by following the instructions provided in the Facebook Ads Help Center.

  2. Check for technical issues: Sometimes, an ad account may be banned due to technical issues such as a billing problem or an issue with the ad itself. Review the technical details of your ad campaign to see if there are any issues that need to be addressed.

  3. Create a new ad account: If your ad account has been permanently banned, you may need to create a new ad account. Be sure to carefully review the Facebook Advertising Policies before creating a new account to ensure that you are following all of the rules.

  4. Consider alternative advertising platforms: If you are unable to resolve the issue with your Facebook ad account, you may want to consider using alternative advertising platforms such as Google Ads or LinkedIn Ads.

It's important to note that violating Facebook's advertising policies can result in a ban, so it's important to always follow the rules to avoid any issues. If you do experience a ban, it's important to carefully review the reason for the ban and take steps to resolve the issue so that you can continue to advertise on the platform.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, it sounds like you have been through a lot of trial and error and I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. It seems that Facebook is having trouble trusting your account and it could be due to a few different reasons. If the issue persists, I suggest reaching out to the Facebook Ads support team to inquire about the issue and ask for suggestions on how to resolve it. They should be able to provide advice on how to troubleshoot the issue and get your business back up and running. I wish you the best of luck with this!

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