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LeadingCards: Your Innovative Financial Partner

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LeadingCards: Your Innovative Financial Partner

Leading Cards is an innovative service with a long-standing reputation
for creating and managing debit and credit cards with amazing
simplicity and convenience. Nowadays, it is the most reliable option for
working with electronic finances. Leading Cards boasts numerous
advantages over its competitors and similar services:

1. Flexibility and convenience

LeadingCards provides a unique level of flexibility in card management,
allowing users to customize various settings such as address, limits
and balance and cardholder name. The user can work with two types
of cards: media or non-media, each with a different spending category. 

LeadingCards also offers instant card issuance without time zone
restrictions, and the finished card is issued immediately. This provides
freedom and control over finances.

2. Innovative data protection technologies:

The IT team of Leading Cards has integrated the most advanced
technologies into the service to provide a high level of security for
data and money transfers. Users have the option to enable two-factor
authentication to prevent unauthorized use of their cards.
Furthermore, the BIN system prevents card blocking.

3. Excellent technical support service

The support team of LeadingCards is always ready to help with any
questions or problems you may have!

LeadingCards is more than just a service for card management; it
is an entire ecosystem of financial capabilities. We collaborate
with over 12 banks to issue cards and provide our clients with a
reliable BIN system for their advertising needs. With one wallet and
multiple cards, you can ensure a smooth spending experience across
all of your ad campaigns.

Good luck!

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Which cards are the most trusted for linking to Facebook, Google and

To advertise on Facebook, Google, or TikTok, you must link a payment
card. Please remember the rule: one ad account - one card. If you plan
to run multiple accounts, you will require numerous high-quality
virtual cards. Let's review the most reliable cards that bind successfully
with advertising platforms.


Anti-fraud systems used by ad platforms evaluate the GEO in which
the card was issued. The best option is to choose a provider that offers
cards issued by major banks in "trusted" countries, such as the
United States. For instance, LeadingCards offers cards in dollar
currency from reliable, well-established American banks.

High-quality BIN

BIN refers to the first 6 or 8 digits of a payment card number, which
anti-fraud systems utilize to identify potential fraud. If you attempt to
link a card with a BIN on blacklists used by first-time card users, you
will automatically be banned. LeadingCards has a set of BINs that are
updated regularly.The company cares about maintaining high quality

Bank reputation

For Facebook, Google, and TikTok, the bank plays a crucial role as it
is closely linked to the BIN. Ad platforms generally have more
confidence in large international banks or Tier 1 country banks such
as those in the US, while they are less trusting of smaller banks. 

An important factor for success is having a card issuer that is
convenient and reliable. LeadingCards provides virtual cards from 12
issuers that are perfect for use with Facebook, TikTok, Google and
other advertising platforms.

Use a single wallet to manage multiple accounts. Recharge the cards
through various convenient methods, including cryptocurrency.
Moreover, by prior arrangement with our major clients, we issue free
cards for trial purposes. The cards are instantly issued for all affiliate
marketing tasks.

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How to properly warm up the card when linking to a new 

Many affiliate offers can only be promoted from trusted accounts. These
accounts are considered trustworthy by advertising platforms and are
owned by regular users. A  properly  linked and validated payment card
is one of the components of a trusted account.

Why is it necessary to warm up a card?

Facebook, Google, and other advertising platforms analyze all data about
users and affiliates who place ads. The algorithm also considers the type
of linked card,  giving more trust to cards used for verified payment
transactions rather than newly issued and linked ones.

How to warm up the card

Below are some approaches for warming up the card:

1. You can warm up the card at the same time you warm up the
account for Google. Before linking the card, you can make purchases
in online stores by authorizing in them through your Gmail account. A
purchase of $1-$2 is sufficient for Google to verify the card's reliability.
Experienced partners recommend that Google request your card
information first, and only then can you include it in Google Ads.

2. You can warm up your payment card for Facebook with a white
campaign or advertising "Interaction with publication". This can also
be done while warming up an account or Fan Page. For instance, run a
campaign for "Like" marks or spend a small budget on a white offer
without violations.

3. It is important to follow the principle of natural behavior. The
algorithms must determine that the card is linked and paid for by an
ordinary person. To achieve this, start with small budgets of $5-$10, avoid
large expenses initially, and ensure accurate data entry.

4. Use high-quality proxies of the same geo that the account and map 
belong to. In the anti-detect browser it is better to check the session 
settings once again, make sure that the login to the account is from the 
IP of the new geo. The less suspicious actions and errors - the better for 
the card trust.

5. The maximum number of campaigns you can run with one card is
4-5,  no more. To ensure the longevity of your card and account, limit
your ad campaigns to five or fewer. Running more than five campaigns
may  trigger suspicion from the algorithms.


To ensure accounts have a longer lifespan and campaigns receive
higher spending limits, it is important to warm up payment cards and
choose a reliable provider from the very beginning. LeadingCards
offers over 12 issuers  and issues payment cards from all countries


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What parameters are important to pay attention to when choosing 
a payment service?

When launching large-scale campaigns, affiliates require a significant
number of cards  to avoid any downtime. Therefore, selecting the
appropriate payment service is crucial.  Let's discuss the criteria for
making this choice.

Budget & Commissions (Fees)

Issuing cards and commissions (fees) should not negatively impact
ROI. Analyze the  fees charged by the service, their purpose, and

For instance, some services charge for deposits, withdrawals, or
transfers, while others charge for all three. It is important to confirm
that there are no hidden fees or unnecessary services included by

The level of support

Make sure that if you have a problem, the service will help you solve
it quickly. Clarify how to contact support, their availability, response
time, and competence. 

Convenience of deposit and withdrawal

The payment service should provide convenient options for depositing
and withdrawing funds to the account balance. For instance, if an
affiliate prefers using USDT TRC20 cryptocurrency, it is essential to
verify that the payment service supports deposits in this currency.


When choosing a card issuing platform, it is essential to consider its
security and reputation. Specifically, you should investigate how the
service safeguards financial assets and confidential information and
the measures it takes to do so. 

Required GEO and BIN

A trustworthy payment service should offer access to cards from
different GEOs.  It is essential to specify the available BINs. Ideally, the
service should provide BINs from reputable European or American
banks. These cards are trusted by advertising platforms and make
campaigns easier to run.

Limits and restrictions

You should ask the provider if there are any limits on the maximum
number of transactions per period, geographic or other restrictions.
For instance, some providers may prohibit payment for advertising,
which may not be suitable for affiliate marketing. Additionally, it is
important to inquire about the transparency of their services and
whether or not cards may be blocked without prior notice due to 
suspicious transactions.


If you want to find a permanent provider, you need to consider
all the parameters we have outlined. Also, check reviews of the
service and start with small amounts to avoid risking a large budget.
And give preference to time-tested and reliable services.

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How to minimize the risks of blocking accounts and ad accounts

Affiliate marketing poses several risks, especially in banking
transactions, such as  account blocking and advertising account issues.
These risks can lead to financial  losses, but there are techniques to
minimize them:

1. Diversify your sources of traffic

To minimize the risk of being blocked, it is recommended to diversify
and use multiple sources of traffic. This way, the others will not be
affected if one source is blocked.

2. Follow the rules of the platforms

Each social network has its own rules, just following them is the key
to avoiding account suspensions. These rules often prohibit shock
content, unfair methods of attracting traffic, and spam, which
auto-moderation detects.

3. Monitor the accounts

Monitoring accounts regularly can help identify potential problems
before they occur. It is important to track metrics such as CTR,
conversion rates, ROI, and other key indicators. Additionally, regularly
updating unique creatives can help keep your ad campaigns relevant.

4. Use trusted traffic sources

A good way to avoid being blocked is to use trusted sources - paid
advertising, social networks, and search engines. This will help you
avoid low-quality traffic that algorithms may flag as spam.

5. Use proxies and VPNs

Use local proxies, VPNs, and anti-detect browsers to diversify IP
addresses for different accounts on the same device. This significantly
reduces the risk of  being blocked due to suspicious activity.


Affiliate marketing, especially in the area of money transfer, is a
complex and competitive field where mistakes can be very costly.
Therefore, following simple rules and using the right settings and
services are the key strategies that will help you run your ad campaigns
safely and effectively.

We hope you achieve the highest conversions!

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Tips for optimizing conversions based on analytics data

You can optimize your ads and increase conversions by analyzing
audience activity data. This article explains how to collect analytical
information and use it to improve campaign results. 

First step: Collect data

In order to optimize conversions based on data, the first step is to
collect that data. You'll need information about ad click-throughs,
number and source of conversions, session length, depth of view, and
other activities.

The best way to gather this kind of information is to install Google
Analytics on your landing page.

Here are the instructions:

1. Create a Google Analytics account;

2. Choose "Web" to create a pixel for the website;

3. Provide a title and a link to the landing page;

4. Copy the code to install on the site in the "Tracking Code" section;

5. Insert the copied code between the <head> tags on the landing page.

After that, the tool will start analyzing site visitors. Run the traffic
and wait until enough data is collected for evaluation and optimization.

Second step: Analyze the information and optimize conversions
This section contains methods for identifying and resolving typical
conversion problems:

  • Incorrect Length of Funnel. To identify the appropriate
    funnel length, check the depth of view. If the audience is leaving the
    site before reading the entire landing page, shorten it and place key
    details on the first few screens. If users are leaving after reading the
    whole landing page, you can lengthen it;
  • Irrelevant Creatives.If the information in the creatives does
    not match the landing page, the viewer may leave the page quickly.
    Check the length of the session. If it is too short, it may indicate that
    the ad contains misleading information, and you should revise the
  • Problems with Usability. If a landing page takes too long to
    load, users may leave before it fully loads. This problem can be
    identified by a difference in the number of clicks and conversions.
    To address this issue, utilize Google PageSpeed Insights;
  • Inappropriate Audiences and Sources. Evaluate visitor
    statistics from various regions and traffic sources. It may be worth
    disabling the least effective channels to increase CR.


Accurate data collection and analysis is crucial for improving
advertising. Utilize analytics systems to gather data and monitor
audience activity on landing pages. This will aid in identifying
issues and boosting conversions.

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How to increase your profit when promoting gambling offers

In 2024, gambling continues to be one of the most profitable verticals.
So let's find out effective strategies for promoting offers to achieve the
best results.

What are the best GEOs to choose?

In 2024, advertisers are still opening new GEOs. These include
Tier-3 countries, such as Latin America, where competition is still low.

Such GEOs are a good place to start, as you can get cheap traffic. Please
note that at Leading Cards, we offer cards for all GEOs worldwide. 

Which sources of traffic you should choose to work with

Google, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter are
relevant sources for gambling. However, advertising a casino requires
documentation proving its legality in the relevant GEO. By using
quality proxies, anti-detect browser, and cloaca you can successfully
launch campaigns. 

Having a trusted social media account can increase its lifespan and
enable you to merge with a larger budget. Quality payment cards are
crucial for building trust and maintaining a long-lasting account. At
Leading Cards, you can order virtual cards from top US banks with
clean BINs that are trusted by source algorithms. All of these cards
can be linked successfully to ad platforms.

What approaches should be used

Let's analyze the approaches that will maximize your profit: 

  • A lot of emotions. Casino players seek excitement and strong,
    bright emotions. Creatives must capture and hold their attention from
    the very beginning.

  • Indicate the benefits. If a casino offers a bonus, it is important
    to specify its exact value.

  • Uniform style. There should be no logical breaks. If the offer
    is a specific application, then only its elements, slots and characters
    should be on the creative. If a bank for withdrawal of won money is
    popular in GEO - it is necessary to show the interface of this bank as
    accurately as possible.

  • Interactive. The landing page can provide players with the
    opportunity to play a demo game, enabling them to be immersed in
    the gameplay.

  • High-quality localization. It is critical to ensure accurate
    translations, research the cultural specifics of the target audience,
    and incorporate elements of personalization into the creatives.


To promote gambling offers, it is still important to test and find
your own bundles. We recommend you take a closer look at new,
promising, and low-competition GEOs. Additionally, please be
reminded to strengthen account verification algorithms across all
sources. In 2024, it is important to focus on warming up your
accounts and finding reliable payment methods for advertising.
Leading Cards can assist you with this.

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How to scale campaigns in the gambling vertical

Gambling is a highly competitive industry in affiliate marketing.
Scaling campaigns  is crucial for success in this field. This article
will explore methods to enhance the effectiveness of your ad
campaign in the gambling industry.

1. Affiliate marketing

Advertising platforms can expand their audience reach through
various traffic sources such as search engines, social media, mobile
apps, and cost optimization by utilizing various tools for affiliate

2. Tools for Automation

To effectively scale ad campaigns in the gambling industry, you
need to use promotional tools such as Smart Ad Campaign or
AI-based bid management. These tools optimize ad campaign
management processes, improve targeting,  and increase
conversion rates.

3. Payment Cards

Reliable cards offer convenient and transparent management
of ad expenses. They enable international transactions, deposits,
and withdrawals. To obtain the right GEO card, contact
Leading Cards.

4. Budget increase due to advertising

Increasing the ad budget facilitates the scaling of ad campaigns
in the gambling industry. This strategy can help to increase the
number of impressions, attract more potential players, and boost
traffic volume. 

5. Platforms

Choosing the right platform for promotion is crucial. Google Ads,
Facebook Ads, and DSP platforms can assist in building the ad
budget, refining the targeting, and monitoring the results of ad

6. Data analysis

Effectively scaling gambling campaigns requires careful
analysis of data. It is crucial to constantly monitor key metrics
such as conversion rate, ROI, CTR, and others in order to make
necessary campaign adjustments.


Scaling ad campaigns in the gambling industry is a complex
process. It is crucial to follow the methods outlined above
as effective scaling can increase conversion rates and make
ad campaigns more flexible when changing creatives or ad 

We hope your ad campaigns are successful!

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What a BIN is, what it consists of, and why it is important to a trust

BIN, or Bank Identification Number, refers to the first 6 or 8 digits of
a payment card number. The optimal choice for affiliates is to utilize
payment cards with BINs from reputable major banks, as this will
enhance the account's credibility. 

Let's find out what a BIN is and how social media algorithms use it
to determine the approval or rejection of ads.

What does a BIN consist of?

The first digit of a payment card is the Major Industry Identifier
(MII), signifying the industry or sector to which the card belongs.
For instance, 1 indicates airlines, 2 covers airlines and finance, 3
pertains to travel, entertainment, and American Express cards,
while 4-6 are associated with banking, finance, and payment 
systems (e.g., VISA, MasterCard). Additionally, 7 corresponds to
oil, 8 to healthcare and communications, and 9 to government.

The digits 2 to 4 indicate the issuing bank and the country
where the payment card was issued.

The 5th and 6th digits indicate the type of card (credit, debit)
and the type (standard, gold, platinum, etc.).

What's the BIN for?

Ad platforms such as Facebook, Google, and TikTok analyze
whether the user is safe and not a fraudster based on the BIN
of the linked card. This is a security measure to protect both
the platform and its users.

For instance, if a BIN is found in the internal blacklists of
social networks, it leads to the blocking of the card and the
affiliate's account.. On the other hand, if the BIN indicates
that the card is issued by a major international bank, the
account will gain more trust.

At LeadingCards, we offer cards with US bank BINs that
are highly compatible with advertising accounts due to
their high level of trust. Our company is committed to
ongoing development, regularly updating our BIN base and 
adding new BINs.

How to check the BIN

When purchasing cards from various providers, verifying
the BIN is essential to avoid wasting money on issuance
and obtaining cards that cannot be linked. BIN verification
services, such as Binchecker or Bincheck, can be used to
verify the BIN. Some of these services also offer a prediction
of the success of card binding.


The BIN of the card may directly affect whether or not
the affiliate's account will be blocked. Algorithms
thoroughly check all payment details of those who place
ads. Therefore, it is crucial to pay extra attention when
searching for a provider. The service must guarantee the
accuracy of the BINs it claims to have, which can be
verified using BIN checkers.

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How to achieve high spending limits on the account

Having high spending limits on your account not only helps you earn
more but also enables you to scale your campaign. However, excessive
spending may lead to Facebook blocking the account. Let's explore how
to navigate around this restriction.

Overcoming Facebook's limitations

New Facebook accounts face restrictions on large budgets, often
limited to $25-$50 per day, resulting in missed potential profits due to
the inability to purchase additional ads.

To surpass this limitation, it is necessary to achieve trust:

  • Regularly post non-advertising, neutral content. This will
    demonstrate to Facebook that you are a "real" user.
  • Use FB to log in to other sites. You can utilize a cookie bot
    to increase the number of cookies associated with your account.
  • Select high-quality domains for landing pages. Verify their
    quality using the Web of Trust plugin.

How to increase the limit in Business Manager

To boost the spending limit warm up your account. The following
actions can help: 

1. Increase the number of cookies and authorize on sites with
Facebook pixel.

2. Enable two-factor authentication.

3. Regularly create and update a Fan Page. When creating a
fan page, fill in as many fields as possible that Facebook offers.
Consider rewriting posts using neural networks for added

4. Confirm the domain through Business Manager. The domain
must have SSL protocol.

5. Link your payment card after approximately one week. Avoid
errors during linking, and choose a card with a BIN from a major
international bank, such as those offered by LeadingCards from
over 12 issuers across various GEOs.

6. After linking the card, you should continue to create posts on
your account and fan page, perform actions within Facebook,
such as liking posts and leaving comments.

7. Then, you can run a warm-up campaign for a small amount,
such as  $1 per day. 

This approach ensures Facebook views you as a trustworthy
and financially stable advertiser with a valid payment card.
Then, gradually increase spending limits by running several
more white campaigns, promoting white goods, your website, and
setting up campaigns for "Like" marks. It is crucial to follow this 
process systematically to increase your spending limit on Facebook.


Increasing the spending limit on a new account is achievable
with a systematic and consistent approach, demonstrating to
Facebook that you are a genuine user. Additionally, linking reliable
cards with trusted BINs and choosing high-quality domains is crucial
for success.

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What other payment systems are used worldwide apart from Visa 
and Mastercard? 

There are other payment systems besides VISA and MasterCard that
are also effective. Let's discuss the major international payment
systems whose cards are accepted in almost every country and many
stores and retail outlets.

American Express

Founded in 1850, American Express is one of the oldest companies.
Although originally a transportation company, its payment system
is now accepted in over 140 countries worldwide.


Discover is a payment system that was developed by the Sears
supermarket chain. In the early 2000s, Discover acquired the
interbank payment network Pulse, the Diners Club payment
system, and several other financial companies.  Today, Discover
has its own bank and issues its own cards.


UnionPay is a payment system originating from China that has
gained international recognition in recent years. It is accepted
in over 170 countries, including the USA and Europe. However,
not all stores currently accept UnionPay cards, so it is important
to confirm whether they are accepted at a particular location.
Additionally, UnionPay cards are compatible with Huawei Pay
and can be used on Huawei devices.


Japan Credit Bureau (JCB) is a payment system widely accepted
in many countries worldwide. JCB supports direct conversion
between Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, making it popular
and beneficial for entrepreneurs conducting business in Japan
and China. Using JCB can result in savings due to the direct
conversion process.


RuPay is an Indian payment system that integrates with the
UPI service,  a unified interface for online payments and
transfers. UPI can be connected to any company using an API,
and it saves card data while providing seamless integration.
Currently, the RuPay system is only developing in India, and
Western companies do not have access to it. However, RuPay
cards are accepted in the USA, Europe, and Asia.


International payment system cards are ideal for business,
, and purchasing goods and services from large
international stores. In addition to VISA and MasterCard,
there are other payment systems available for consideration.
It is crucial to select a trustworthy bank or provider to process
the card. Our company, LeadingCards, offers cards from 12
issuers for any GEO, including those customized for affiliate
marketing purposes. 

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What services are available for generating bank card details?

In this article, we will talk about some of the services that can be used
to quickly generate card data. Our guide will be especially helpful for
those who want to test platforms that require a bank card number.
These services for generating bank card data allow you to avoid
revealing your card information and prevent problems with automatic
subscription cancellations and refunds later on.

What payment card data generator services are available?

Let's examine free online services that generate bank card data,
including numbers, CVC, owner's name, expiration date, and even PIN.

Random Lists

This service generates card numbers of several payment systems:
VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. However, it
does not generate such data as CVC, owner's name, expiration date.


This site generates complete credit card details, including the card
number, CVC code, payment system (such as MasterCard or VISA),
expiration date, and name of the owner for free.


This service not only generates card numbers but also provides
an algorithm to verify the validity of cards and CVC codes.
Additionally, it can generate the cardholder's name and payment


This site generates card numbers of various payment systems, such
as VISA, MasterCard, JSB, and ATM CARD. Users can manually
select the country, bank, and payment system to generate the
card number.

BIN Codes

This service generates card numbers, BINs, and is perfect for
testing online platforms that require credit card data for registration.
Additionally, it provides the card owner's name, expiration date,
and allows you to select the country and bank. 


This is a user-friendly card number generator that indicates the
country, expiration date, CVC, and payment system (e.g. Visa,
MasterCard, Discover,  American Express, JCB). It can also
generate card numbers with more than 16 digits if you need.


The services that generate card numbers are useful for testing,
development, and educational purposes. They enable access to
platforms that require bank card data for registration. If the goal
is to observe or describe the platform's interface without using it,
such services are very helpful. They allow you to avoid problems
caused by tying your personal card, such as unexpected charges
after the trial period has expired.

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Which cards are suitable for paying for advertising on TikTok?

In 2024, TikTok remains a relevant source of traffic, and there is a constant 
demand for high-quality payment solutions. Let's explore how to pay for 
advertising on TikTok and which cards are suitable.

Which cards can be used to pay for TikTok Ads?

Visa and MasterCard virtual bank cards can be used to pay for your TikTok ad 
account. TikTok's moderation requires high card security and reliability. A large 
number of transactions pass through this social network's ad platform every day, 
and TikTok is committed to protecting its users. To ensure global coverage 
of advertising campaigns,the cards must support 3DSecure and international 

The best solution for issuing cards for TikTok Ads is to use services that allow 
you to quickly issue a card with the required balance and GEO. However, keep 
in mind that these services may charge fees for transactions, top-ups, or card 

Advantages of these services:

  • If TikTok moderation has blocked an ad account and the card associated 
    with it - you can quickly issue a new card and create a new account.

  • They are also convenient for ad agencies. When creating advertising 
    accounts for clients, it is possible to provide them with both an 
    account and a linked payment card, eliminating complicated bureaucratic 
    procedures for replenishing the balance for advertising.

  • You can set budget limits for each card to save money. By transferring 
    a specific amount to the card, you can avoid accidentally overspending 
    due to mistakes in the advertising campaign settings.

  • The service offers multiple ways to fund the account. For instance, 
    LeadingCards even supports cryptocurrency transactions.

LeadingCards collaborates with over 12 issuers and offers cards for any GEO, 
allowing you to effectively promote offers, goods, and services worldwide. 
The BINs belong to major US banks, which are trusted by TikTok moderation.


To pay for advertising on TikTok, it is recommended to use cards from 
major international banks with reliable BINs and 3DSecure support. When 
selecting a card issuance service, consider the available GEOs and BINs, 
as well as the convenience, speed of balance top-up, and associated fees. 
One of the top players in the payment solutions market, LeadingCards 
provides virtual cards for TikTok.

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What services can be used to generate documents to bypass 
Facebook's advertising ban?

All affiliates who work with Facebook's traffic source and farm accounts are aware 
of the ad ban. This is a type of temporary block from Facebook that can be lifted 
by submitting necessary documents to moderators through the verification form 
in the 'Account Quality' section. Here are some useful services that can help you 
quickly generate the necessary documents.

Disclaimer: It is important to note that document forgery is illegal. Our review 
is intended solely to aid in overcoming the advertising ban.

RD Generator Diasp

This service allows you to create multiple photos of documents, which can then 
be uploaded to Facebook. To obtain the result, you must provide your full name, 
date of birth, and country, and upload a photo of the model's face. 

Joke card generator NPPR 

This generator was created by the NPPR team, experts in the field of affiliate 
marketing on Facebook. This service helps to generate a realistic photo of a 
document held by the person who owns it.

This service can be used to create various types of documents, such as passports, 
driver's licenses, or any other form of ID. Additionally, it supports an API that 
allows for the mass generation of data.

Id Card Generator

This service works as an Android app that allows you to quickly create 
documents on your mobile device. All you need to do to get a photo 
document is enter your full name, and date of birth and upload a photo. 

Cloud Passport
Cloud Passport allows users to create driver's licenses and other ID cards to 
bypass Facebook's advertising ban. Moreover, it supports multiple GEOs and 

Some useful tips

The moderation system of Facebook is very strict, so we want to give you 
some useful tips to help you avoid ad bans:

  • The best option is to use a unique photo that doesn't exist on Google. 
    For instance, you can generate a face using the "This person doesn't 
    exist" service, or modify photos of people showing their driver's 
    license or other documents with the help of Photoshop.

  • Before uploading a photo, you should clean all its metadata using 
    the Imgonline service or its analogs.

  • Facebook reads the file name of the document photo. The file name 
    should be in a logical format, similar to a photo taken with a phone, 
    and include the date and time of the upload, such as 


Thanks to document generation services, it is possible to overcome an ad 
ban in a short time. Many of these services are free and do not require 
registration. To successfully pass verification and gain trust, it is important 
to specify accurate data and personalize the photo uniquely.

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Why do you need verification when ordering virtual cards and what 
are the benefits?

Many websites that offer virtual card ordering services require users to pass a 
verification process. This article will explain why verification is necessary and its benefits.

What is the purpose of verification?

The card issuing service has implemented a verification process to ensure security 
and compliance with financial legislation.

Verification is necessary because:

  • Helps eliminate or minimize the risk of fraud. By verifying the user's identity, the 
    service can ensure that it is working with a real person, not a potential attacker.

  • Helps you comply with regulatory requirements. Some countries and regions 
    have regulations that require financial services to meet security standards and 
    verify customer identity.

  • It helps to minimize the risk of financial losses due to unfair user actions.

  • Prevents the service from being used for money laundering.

Each service establishes its own rules and requirements for verification, which may vary.

The advantages of verification for the user

The verification process has several benefits for the users:

  • Advanced functionality. Upon successful completion of the verification process, 
    the user will gain access to additional service features. These features include 
    higher transaction limits, the ability to create multiple virtual cards, and access 
    to advanced security features.

  • Bonuses & Special Offers. Some services offer bonuses, discounts, or privileges 
    to verified users. For instance, offers from partners, loyalty programs, and so on.

  • Trust and reputation. Verification enhances the level of trust that the service and 
    other users have in the user, which is especially important when making online 
    transactions or interacting with other participants of the payment system.


After successful verification, the user will have access to the full functionality of the 
service, which includes the ability to order an unlimited number of virtual cards. It 
is important to note that each service may have its own unique requirements and 
procedures for verification.

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How to quickly create a virtual card to pay for foreign services

If you need to pay for a certain service or online service provided by a foreign website, 
you have several options to create a virtual card. Let's explore them.

Which services require virtual cards for payment?

Numerous foreign services, online platforms, and websites allow payment through 
foreign virtual cards. These include popular online stores such as Amazon and eBay; 
streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify; storage services such as Google Drive 
and Dropbox; travel services like Booking.com, Airbnb, and Expedia; online courses 
from Udemy and Coursera; gaming platforms like Steam, PlayStation Network, and 
Xbox Live; and freelance platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr; and many others.

How to quickly create a virtual card

You can create a virtual card to pay for foreign websites through various financial 

  • Electronic payment systems. For instance, PayPal, Skrill, Neteller and 
    WebMoney provide virtual card services. Users can link their payment system 
    accounts to a bank account or credit card and then create a virtual card 
    through the platform.

  • Banking services. Certain banks provide virtual card services. The users can 
    contact their bank and request the creation of a virtual card for online 

  • Services for virtual card issuance. These companies specialize in providing 
    virtual cards for online payments. For example, LeadingCards and others.

How to choose a service for fast issuance of foreign virtual cards?

When choosing a service, focus on several criteria: 

  • Geographical coverage. The selected service must support the country 
    whose service you wish to pay for. For instance, LeadingCards allows you 
    to create a card of any country.

  • Currency transactions. The currency that the service accepts for payment 
    must be supported.

  • Commissions & fees. You should study the structure of fees associated with 
    the use of a virtual card: for recharging, withdrawal, currency conversion.

  • Security.It is crucial to consider the security measures offered by the 
    service, such as two-factor authentication and the ability to block or unblock 
    the card through the application.


To quickly create a virtual card for foreign payments, it's crucial to select a 
trustworthy service. LeadingCards stands out among such services by offering 
virtual cards with support for all countries, 12+ issuers and BINs of major banks. 
We offer secure and convenient online payments, making the process of creating 
a virtual card fast and efficient.

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What will be the launch of Facebook traffic in 2024 according to affiliate forecasts, 
what should you consider?

 In 2024, Facebook is expected to remain a highly popular source of traffic. According 
to Statista, the platform boasts 3.049 billion active users, with people spending an 
average of 30.8 minutes per day on the social network. To succeed in driving traffic 
on Facebook in 2024, consider the following:

Improvement of algorithms

FB's algorithms and its advertising capabilities in terms of campaign optimization 
and rates are constantly growing. No other traffic source, such as TikTok, X, or 
Snapchat, has reached this level of AI development. Utilize all of Facebook's features 
in campaigns to optimize campaign performance and rates.

Enhance personalization

Personalization is a key trend for 2024, with a focus on appealing to the interests 
of the target audience. A Facebook ad should maximize its relevance to the interests 
of the users to whom it is shown. The emphasis should be on close location, targeting 
not only countries but also cities and individual streets.

Ban on advertising activities and Risk Payment

Temporary blocks on advertising activities may occur, requiring documentation and 
proper card linking. Expect these blocks to continue in 2024, so consider using 
document generation services such as Id Card Generator, Cloud Passport, and work 
with a virtual card provider such as LeadingCards. 

High-trust accounts

Facebook carefully verifies accounts. To bypass moderation, the same farming and 
bypassing techniques used before will still be effective. It is important to continue 
focusing on account activity, creating high-quality content, and utilizing anti-detect 
browsers and proxies.

High-quality payment solutions

Facebook has implemented stricter policies for analyzing payment cards. FB now 
analyzes BINs more thoroughly, which means that not every card can be linked the 
first time. Priority is given to cards issued by large banks and foreign VISA and 
MasterCard providers. It is also advisable that the country of the card and the GEO 
of the account match or are in close proximity. 


Driving traffic on Facebook in 2024 remains relevant and highly profitable. 
Selecting a reliable financial payment card provider can assist in managing the 
complexities associated with strict moderation. LeadingCards products are well-suited for 
Facebook,  you can choose a card from any GEO, and all BINs are trusted and owned 
by major banks.

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How to protect your virtual card from fraudsters?

Protecting your virtual card from fraudsters is essential, especially when using it for 
traffic arbitrage. While virtual cards offer great benefits, they also come with risks that 
must be managed to ensure the security of your financial transactions and data. Fraud 
can result in unauthorized transactions, data breaches, and financial losses

To safeguard your virtual card, consider the following measures:

  • You should be careful when disclosing your virtual card details and making 
    online transactions. Avoid sharing sensitive information such as your card number, 
    CVV code, expiration date, or any other personal data over the phone, via email, or 
    on untrustworthy websites.

  • Be careful on the Internet. It is recommended to use trusted payment gateways 
    and online platforms. Additionally, it is advisable to choose virtual card providers 
    with a good reputation for reliability and transaction security. To minimize the 
    risk of card information leakage, you should use reputable payment platforms 
    such as PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. When dealing with sensitive data or 
    conducting financial transactions, ensure that the payment gateway you use is 
    safe, and verify that you are on a secure site with security logos and SSL 
    certificates. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for financial transactions 
    as they may be insecure and susceptible to data interception by fraudsters.

  • Enable 3DSecure service. Make sure your virtual card supports 3DSecure and 
    activate it through your bank or card service provider.

  • To enhance the security of your online accounts and services where financial 
    transactions take place, it is recommended that you enable two-factor 
    authentication. This security measure requires you to verify your identity with 
    an additional factor, such as an SMS code, in addition to a password.

  • Use complex passwords that include letters, numbers, and special characters. 
    Do not use the same password for multiple accounts. Regularly update 
    passwords to enhance security.

By choosing LeadingCards, you're selecting a card aggregator that prioritizes 
security. LeadingCards is supported by an anti-fraud team dedicated to protecting 
your virtual cards around the clock

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What are card issuers? Let's explore the term and main functions of card 

The term "issuer" can be confusing to those who have never worked with cards before. 
Some people may confuse it with other terms. Therefore, let's clarify the meaning 
of "issuer".

What are card issuers?

Issuer is a bank engaged in issuing bank cards. The Issuer is always the owner of all 
its issued cards. 

The Issuer is broadly defined as a legal entity that puts into circulation securities, 
traveler's checks, bills of exchange, payment documents. It can be an authority, 
a stock exchange. Each issuer is subordinate to a higher regulator and operates 
under a license from this regulator. For instance, in Russia it is the Central Bank.

Functions of issuers

One of the main functions of the issuer is to conduct transactions. The goal is 
for the client to use card services and pay for purchases.

The concept of issuer is closely related to the concept of acquirer. Both the 
issuer and the acquirer together participate in the transaction process. The 
acquirer is a bank that serves the points of acceptance with bank cards. 
Acquirer and issuer can be the same bank.

Transactions are immediate and based on an algorithm:

1. A person can use a card to pay for a purchase, either at the store or 
through an online service.

2. The acquirer requests permission for the transaction from the issuer 
through the processing center.

3. Issuer reviews request, sends permission to processing center.

4. Operation receives an authorization code. 

5. Payment for the purchase is complete and the corresponding 
amount has been deducted from the card.. 

Rights and obligations of the issuing bank

Issuers who issue their own cards define in the contract the rights and rules 
of interaction with the customer. The issuing bank has the following rights:

  • Monitor the account and check for any illegal or suspicious transactions;
  • Block the account in case of suspicious transactions;
  • Offer additional services.

Obligations of the issuing bank:

  • Ensure the security of accounts and protect customer funds;
  • Provide clients with 24/7 access to their funds;
  • Reissue the card after it expires;
  • Conduct instant transactions.


Issuers are organizations that issue cards and act as guarantors for financial 
obligations. They handle card services and provide instant access and 
transactions to customers. For instance, LeadingCards collaborates with 
12 card issuers, which allows it to quickly issue trustworthy, reliable cards 
that meet all the requirements of services and advertising platforms.

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How to link a card to Facebook in 2024: basic rules, features, and what you 
need to consider
Facebook is a relevant and profitable traffic source for affiliates. It is a dynamic 
platform with constantly changing algorithms, including card linking features. 
Here's how to link a card to FB in 2024 and what you need to consider.

Basic rules of card linking

One of the main rules in 2024 is the trustworthiness of the card. Facebook 
examines the BIN of the card and the reputation and reliability of the bank. For 
instance, cards from LeadingCards are successfully linked to FB due to trustworthy 
BINs and cooperation with 12+ major issuers. 

It is crucial to maintain anonymity by logging into the account from the IP 
address in the same GEO where the account was created and where the campaign 
is launched. Ideally, the card's GEO should also match the GEO of the account or 

Features and methods of card linking in 2024

There are different ways to link a card to Facebook. If one method fails, you can 
try the others.

Via FB Business Manager

You need to create an ad account in FB Business Manager, go to the "Billing" 
section, click the "Start" button. Then you need to set the currency, GEO. We 
also recommend that you add tax information. Keep in mind that FB may 
request a hold, which means that a small amount will be charged and returned 
to you. This hold should be confirmed.

Via fundraising

Facebook has a section called 'Collect Donations'. To donate, click the 'Donate' 
button and select an amount, such as $1. Facebook deducts the chosen amount 
and links the card simultaneously. Such cards are more trustworthy because FB 
has verified that the payer is willing to pay and that the card is valid.

Linking card directly in "Billing"

Firstly, navigate to the "Ad Account" section, then to the "Billing" section and 
click the "Start" button. As with previous methods, select the currency, GEO, 
and tax information. Then, add a card and confirm the hold. 

Via a Fan Page ads

You need to go to the Fan Page, select "Promote publication". Then, specify 
the desired budget, add a payment method, and click "Place". This way the 
card will be more trustworthy, because the affiliate pays for the promotion 


Some methods, such as paying for publication promotion or donations, can 
increase trust in the card and account. These methods can be used to warm 
up accounts. When linking cards to Facebook, choose cards from a trusted 
provider with good BINs to avoid the risk of losing your account.

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Risk Payment Blocking on Facebook: What is it, how can you avoid it, and 
how can you extend the life of your account?

What can trigger Facebook to trigger a risk payment block and how to avoid it? Here’s 
the story of Jonh, a store owner who entered his payment information but mistakenly 
provided an old credit card number that's no longer active. This discrepancy triggers a 
Risk Payment block because Facebook detects the information as inaccurate, highlighting 
the importance of ensuring all payment details are current and correct. 

Then there's Casey, who manages a boutique clothing store. In an effort to clear out last 
season's inventory, Casey decides to significantly increase her advertising budget 
overnight, from a consistent spending of around $200 per month to $2,000 in a single 
Such an abrupt change alerts Facebook's monitoring systems to potential fraud or stolen 
credit card usage, resulting in a temporary block of her account for suspicious activity. 

How to avoid these situations for your own campaigns?

Risk Payment Blocking on Facebook can occur when the social network detects potential 
risks associated with payments. Below you will find a sample list of reasons why your 
account may be blocked:

  • Incorrect Payment Details: when payment details, such as card or bank account 
    details, are incorrect.
  • Any suspicious or unusual activity related to financial transactions This may 
    also include multiple failed payment attempts and frequent changes in payment 
    methods. Other issues like financial transaction errors, such as incorrect 
    transactions, overpayments, or insufficient funds in the account, may also result 
    in a freeze.
  • Payment fraud and violations of Facebook's platform policies, including 
    advertising and behavioral guidelines

Keep in mind that while this list provides common reasons, any suspicious activity 
related to payments on your account may result in a Risk Payment block. If this occurs, 
please contact Facebook Support to regain access to your account and resolve the 
reasons for the block.

How to avoid being blocked by Risk Payment?

  • When creating a Facebook advertising account, ensure that you provide 
    accurate and valid information, including your payment card details.
  • Regularly update your payment information to avoid issues with incorrect or 
    outdated card details.
  • Monitor your financial transactions and promptly notify management of 
    any discrepancies.
  • You should be careful when using payment information in your account to 
    avoid fraud and abusive transactions.

How can you extend the life of your account?

  • Follow the rules for using Facebook and the advertising platform to avoid 
    violations that could result in account blocking.
  • Keep your account active. Update content regularly and interact with your 
  • Diversify the types and formats of your Facebook ad campaigns to keep 
    your audience interested and avoid source monotony.

By following these tips, you can avoid being locked out of Risk Payment on 
Facebook. Moreover, you can extend the lifespan of your account by ensuring 
its security and compliance with the platform's terms of use.

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How to calculate the budget for Facebook ads?

When planning your Facebook advertising budget, several key factors come into play. 
You need to consider the audience you're targeting, your campaign's objectives, and 
the competitive landscape of your industry. Here's a streamlined approach to get you 

  • Determine the goals of the ad campaign: increase sales, raise brand awareness, 
    attract new customers, etc.
  • Understand your audience: Dive into your target audience's online behavior. 
    This insight helps pinpoint the number of people you aim to reach and identifies 
    the groups most relevant to your campaign.
  • Choose your ad format: Facebook offers a lot of ad formats, including options 
    like photo and video ads, carousel ads, dynamic ads for showcasing products 
    from your catalog, and even ads that run on Instagram or through Messenger. 
    Selecting the right format is critical for aligning with your campaign's aims.
  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs): Decide on the metrics that will 
    guide you in assessing your campaign's success, such as conversion rates, 
    click-through rates (CTR), and return on investment (ROI). Predict possible 
    outcomes, like sales or lead generation, and weigh them against your 
    budget to ensure cost-effectiveness.
  • Budget Calculation: Utilize tools like Facebook Ads Manager to monitor your 
    campaign's performance. A good approach to take is taking the percent of 
    revenue approach, where you allocate a portion of your income to advertising. 
    For instance, if you're setting aside 10% of a monthly income of $5000, your 
    ad budget would be $500.
  • Understand Cost Per Click or Impression: Familiarize yourself with the costs 
    involved, such as CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Mille, i.e., cost per 
    thousand impressions). Estimate these costs based on your ad's nature, 
    campaign goals, audience, and the competitive environment.
  • Test & Optimize. Set a budget for the entire ad campaign or for individual 
    ads. It is recommended to start with a small amount and gradually increase 
    the budget based on the results.

You can optimize your budget through constant analysis and testing. This allows 
you to maximize the benefits of promoting your business through Facebook 

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Why is it profitable to top up a virtual card with cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency virtual card enables payments, purchases, and transactions using
digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies instead of traditional
fiat money.
Here are the reasons why you should top up your virtual card with cryptocurrency:

  • Topping up a virtual card with cryptocurrency is typically fast and hassle-free.
    There is no need to wait for transaction verification through banks or payment
    systems, making the process instant and convenient.
  • Cryptocurrency transactions offer users a high level of anonymity, while
    blockchain and encryption technologies ensure transaction security, increasing
    the protection of personal information.
  • Virtual card transactions in cryptocurrency allow users to bypass restrictions and
    associated with conventional bank cards. This is particularly useful for
    users living in countries with strict banking restrictions.
  • By topping up a virtual card with cryptocurrency, the user is investing in digital
    , which can bring additional benefits due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency
  • Cryptocurrencies provide global opportunities for cross-border payments
    without the need to convert currencies. This is particularly beneficial for
    international transactions, as the use of cryptocurrencies can save time and money.  
  • In some cases, using cryptocurrency to top up a virtual card has lower fees than
    traditional funding methods, so you can save money. 
  • Virtual cards enable the exchange of cryptocurrency for traditional currencies
    such as USD and EUR, facilitating the use of digital assets for payments and

Virtual cryptocurrency cards offer convenience for everyday financial transactions
and expand the possibilities of using digital assets.
 Despite the risks associated with
the volatile cryptocurrency market, this payment method is beneficial. It is an innovative
solution that expands the possibilities of cryptocurrency as an alternative form of payment
beyond traditional bank cards. Cryptocurrency payments made with virtual cards are
secure, anonymous, and can save time and money while also providing new investment

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Overview of the LeadingCards dashboard: useful features  

LeadingCards is a user-friendly platform for issuing cards and processing
payments. The interface is designed to provide everything you need.Even
first-time virtual card users can easily navigate the platform, while experienced
users can take advantage of a range of advanced customizations. Let's take a
closer look at them. 

High-yield features of the LeadingCards Dashboard

After signing up, you can easily top up your LeadingCards account, choose
your preferred GEO and card issuing platform, receive a premium promotional
card, and start shopping - all from a single dashboard.

Let's take a look at what's available in the Control Panel: 

  • There are several ways to add funds to the card. You can top up in USDT
    TRC20, USDT ERC20, BTC and via bank transfer. 
  • Access to any number of cards at any time. Order processing and card
    provision are available 24/7, regardless of time zone. Each campaign can
    be assigned a dedicated card. 
  • Order cards that are suitable for various platforms. These platforms include
    Facebook, Google, Twitter, Taboola, and other popular traffic sources. All
    cards are provided by trusted banks, and in total - 12 issuers. 
  • Order cards in multiple currencies. These currencies are dollars, euros, and
    pounds sterling. The option to choose the currency that best suits your
    campaign budget and GEO eliminates the need for currency conversion,
    making management easier. 
  • Order cards for different GEOs. This allows affiliates to drive traffic to
    offers in different countries, scale ad campaigns, and test regions
  • Set an expiration date for the card that corresponds to the end of the
    Additionally, you can establish a budget limit to prevent
  • Maximum level of security. Leading Cards addresses the challenge of
    protecting your funds with its 24/7 anti-fraud team, which ensures the safety
    of your financial transactions by constantly monitoring and protecting them
    from fraudulent activity. 


The LeadingCards dashboard has a smart design and a user-centric approach.
Its ease of use is especially valuable in time-sensitive areas, as it can significantly
improve campaign management effectiveness. The interface simplifies card
issuance and enhances the user experience, ensuring that users can manage
cards with minimal hassle. 

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Taboola: A brief overview of the ad network and why it's ideal for affiliates.

Today, we will discuss a highly effective traffic source suitable for many verticals:
the Taboola advertising network. This network provides access to large volumes
of quality traffic from Tier-1 and Tier-2 countries.

Features and benefits of Taboola for traffic arbitrage

Taboola is an international native advertising network created in 2007 and is one
of the top networks on the market. It supports various ad formats, such as teasers,
banners, video ads, In-App, and native In-Feed ads. The primary advantage is that
all ads are native, meaning they are seamlessly integrated into the content. 

Taboola partners with over 3,500 premium themed sites, including Bloomberg,
Business Insider, and ThisIsMoney. All the websites are selected carefully
according to their traffic quality and relevance. . The creatives blend seamlessly with
the site's content, increasing the number of conversions and leads compared to
conventional advertising networks. 

Taboola algorithms analyze user behavior and key queries to place advertising in
areas of the site where users are most receptive to new information. They analyze
which parameters people are using to view ads and take more targeted actions.
For instance, this may be after they have finished reading an article. 

The users who view the ads on the websites are residents of the United States,
Canada, and Europe. Taboola is an ideal platform for promoting high-cost offers
due to its ability to generate high-quality, expensive leads. 

Taboola supports CPM, CPC, and CPV payment models. Accounts can be funded
using LeadingCards virtual cards. The minimum budget for entry is $2,000. 

Taboola only accepts white-labeled offers. It is well-suited for: 

  • white offers; 
  • white nutra; 
  • mainstream acting; 
  • finance and ICOs; 
  • educational; 
  • travel-offers; 
  • HR; 
  • B2B; 
  • apps and utilities; 
  • mobile and browser games.  

To pass moderation, a creative must provide accurate information and have a
high-quality design. 



Taboola offers excellent support services, with staff available for consultation
via email and phone. The website also has detailed educational content that helps
you get started. 


Taboola is a great source of traffic for affiliates who specialize in white offers.
This ad network provides detailed targeting settings, access to premium solvent
audiences, and the opportunity to receive high-quality traffic and profits. Taboola
can be funded using our LeadingCards, which are highly trusted for this source.

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