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Everything posted by Simi123

  1. Hi Saanvi, Welcome you yo join this forum. Nice to meet you
  2. Hi Saanvi, Welcome you yo join this forum. Nice to meet you
  3. what are the benefits of referrals?Â
  4. The most time of day (around 11–13 hrs) I spend in front of my computer. Nowadays it’s really hard to avoid using it, as almost everything connected with computer. Shopping, playing video games, doing some work, communication, entertainment - all of those things are usually online. Are we “computer-addicted”? Yes. Is it good? I don’t really know. I like that progress is moving on, but if something happens and computers die - I have no idea how our life will look like. That’s an amazing thing: just around 30 years ago people couldn’t imagine such life, when everything is done with help of computer
  5. I don't like play it. It's really crazy game
  6. Rank Brain is an artificial intelligence (AI) program used to help process Google search queries. RankBrain uses artificial intelligence to embed vast amounts of written language into mathematical entities, called vectors, that the computer can understand. If RankBrain sees a word or phrase it isn’t familiar with, the machine can make a guess as to what words or phrases might have a similar meaning and filter the result accordingly, making it more effective at handling never-before-seen search queries. In practice, for a search phrase like “How many tablespoons in a cup?”, Google’s Rank Brain will show different search results based on things like what country the search was made from. Google told Search Engine Land that RankBrain favoured different results in Australia versus the United States for that query because the measurements in each country are different, despite the similar names. And it’s effective: Google search engineers were asked to look at some pages and guess which ones they thought Google’s search engine technology would rank at the top of search results. While Google search engineers guessed correctly 70 percent of the time, Rank Brain had an 80 percent success rate. Overall, Rank Brain is capable of learning and recognizing new patterns and then revising SERPS (search engine results page) based on its new knowledge.
  7. Hello from Jimmie. I'm Simi Nice to meet you Welcome you to join this forum
  8. I don't play Pokemon Go. It's really nonsense, bullshit
  9. RankBrain is a component of Google’s core algorithm which uses machine learning (the ability of machines to teach themselves from data inputs) to determine the most relevant results to search engine queries. Pre-RankBrain, Google utilized its basic algorithm to determine which results to show for a given query. Post-RankBrain, it is believed that the query now goes through an interpretation modelthat can apply possible factors like the location of the searcher, personalization, and the words of the query to determine the searcher’s true intent. By discerning this true intent, Google can deliver more relevant results. The machine learning aspect of RankBrain is what sets it apart from other updates. To “teach” the RankBrain algorithm to produce useful search results, Google first “feeds” it data from a variety of sources. The algorithm then takes it from there, calculating and teaching itself over time to match a variety of signals to a variety of results and to order search engine rankings based on these calculations.
  10. 1. Vitamin D fights disease1 In addition to its primary benefits, research suggests that vitamin D may also play a role in: reducing your risk of multiple scllerosis, according to a 2006 study published in the Jouranl of the American Medial Association decreasing your chance of developing heart disease, according to 2008 findings published in Cirulation helping to reduce your likelihood of developing the flu, according to 2010 research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2. Vitamin D reduces depression Research has shown that vitamin D might play an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression. In one study, scientists found that people with depression who received vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in their symptoms. In another study of people with fibromyalgia, researchers found vitamin D deficiency was more common in those who were also experiencing anxiety and depression. 3. Vitamin D boosts weight loss Consider adding vitamin D supplements to your diet if you’re trying to lose weight or prevent heart disease. You can find a great selection of vitamin D supplements on Amazon.com In one study, people taking a daily calcium and vitamin D supplement were able to lose more weight than subjects taking a placebo supplement. The scientists said the extra calcium and vitamin D had an appetite-suppressing effect. In another study, overweight people who took a daily vitamin D supplement improved their heart disease risk markers.
  11. Hi everyone. I'm Simi. I'm a new member.Ă‚ I'm glad to join this forum Ă‚
  12. Hi everyone. I'm Simi. I'm a new member. I'm glad to join this forum
  13. Hi newbie. I come from to USA. Nice to meet you.
  14. Hi newbie. I come from to USA. Nice to meet you.
  15. Nice to meet you. I'm Simi. I come from to USA.
  16. Nice to meet you. I'm Simi. I come from to USA.
  17. Hello. I'm Simi. Nice to meet you. Magento PWA
  18. Hello. I'm Simi. Nice to meet you. Magento PWA
  19. Hello, I'm Simi. I come from to USA. Nice to meet you.
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