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ADxAD Ad Network

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ADxAD Ad Network last won the day on August 10 2023

ADxAD Ad Network had the most liked content!

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ADxAD Ad Network's Achievements


Enthusiast (12/28)



About Me

Hi there! We are ADxAD - advertising network.

ADxAD provides Asian and WW traffic for several mainstream verticals: Gambling, Gaming, Dating, Nutra, Betting, Crypto and others. Our managers take a personalized approach to all customers and help optimize your campaigns. Doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a newbie in dealing with traffic, a large business or a start-up, we will be there to support you every step of the way.

  • OpenRTB endpoints and directlink support

  • 34+ GEO’s

  • 3B+ bids per day

  • Bid for banner ad from 0.005$, for pop-unders from 0.2$

  • Quick campaign moderation 

  • English, Chinese, Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish speaking support

  • Access to API

  • Payment methods: Wire (€, $), Paxum ($, €), Capitalist ($, €), PayPal ($, €), USDT, Credit cards

🎁 Bonus for all TopGold forum members! Sign up with ADxAD, make your first deposit from $1000 and get a 10% bonus! To get the bonus, give your account manager the code word TOPGOLD10.

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