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  1. Smart Link Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will share information about its own “Smart Links” tool, which you can access in your personal account after signing up. There you will also find a list of special promo codes and bonuses for affiliate marketing services and ad networks, as well as useful tools. “Smart Links” is presented in one of the web platform’s self-made sections, which you can use to distribute traffic among 20 main triggers of the inbound traffic. The Smart Link technology is a “smart” multilink, which analyzes user data when he clicks the ad link, and selects an appropriate app, based on his technical data. The process algorithm is based on analysis and traffic distribution. The system consistently conducts tests on a certain part of the traffic and optimizes content based on the number of received conversions. The whole process is automatic throughout the whole traffic stream. Data is analyzed and redirected so quickly that the user only sees the offer that the algorithms calculated to be the most appropriate, and he doesn't notice any other processes. If a situation occurs where the main offer gets disabled, the system connects the next best converting offer with no delays. The main concept of Aivix’ “Smart Links” operations: automatic distribution of leads by user IP to the most relevant landing pages. The affiliate is given a single link, which receives traffic from all sorts of countries. This tool can be configured in a flexible manner as follows: brand, GEO, device type, operator, connection type. After code integration, it will display offers with the best conversion indicators at the time. Instead of testing several landings, you only need to get access to “Smart Links”, launch the ad campaign and start using the most converting bundle. Contact the personal manager to start using “Smart Links” to promote apps. Also, per affiliate request, a “multilink” is provided for 1 brand. Once it is used, the traffic outbound for different countries will be navigated to the relevant location, per the user IP. If the “Smart Links” technology presumes that one link contains many different brands, the “multilink” contains only one. Every brand is designed as a unique offer, but if the webmaster needs to separate the traffic on his side, then the ad network will distribute the “multilink” traffic. Another interesting solution is landing pages with language localization, which are translated into the various languages of the available GEOs and are based inside the “multilink”. Find more information on our affiliate marketing tools in our Telegram chat.
  2. Friends, vote for Aivix! Aivix is a nominee of Sigma Awards Eurasia in the category AFFILIATE NETWORK OF THE YEAR! We are happy to be a part of it and we are aiming to win, hope very much that you will help us to do it! Voting has already started and will run until February 27th, which means that we have just under a week left. As a token of our gratitude, we have prepared gifts for everyone who chooses to support us. What are they? AivixCoins, of course! For each vote we will credit your personal account balance with 200 AC, which you can spend on items from the Aivix Store. By the way, you can always check out our current selection (from iPhone 14 Pro Max to Nintendo Switch Oled). How to vote for us? 1. Click on this link. 2. Fill in the mandatory fields: First name, Last name, E-mail (personal) 3. Select Aivix in the AFFILIATE NETWORK OF THE YEAR category (third in order). 4. Please also vote in other categories, either making a random choice or one based on your personal preferences. 5. Click Submit at the bottom to submit your form. Done! To receive the vouchers, write to your Aivix account manager and don't forget to make a screenshot. Let's win this award together!
  3. Popular GEOs for financial offers Greetings to all affiliate marketers. The Aivix team has prepared a list of the most popular GEOs with short descriptions. Switzerland and Germany have one of the highest living standards in Europe, and thus they have a good conversion rate. The popularity is driven by the integration of blockchain technology into banking and other payment systems, as well as the high level of financial literacy of the population. Digital currency is officially recognized as a financial tool, while digital assets are deemed as private funds. Legal platforms have been established for developing digital start-ups and business in this sector is popular overall. The population has a high level of interest in investing with the goal of working less and earning more. Passive income and capital growth offers work well. Great Britain is planning on creating a digital currency hub and the king is in favor of blockchain tech. They set up the first NFT ATM. Quite soon, guidelines for the regulation and licensing of activities will come into effect. Searching for additional income is a relevant story for the population of Spain and Italy. A tenth of the residents own BTC. Spain has a large number of crypto ATMs. The locals are careful about ads and study the offered product. Facebook is the main source of traffic. Digital finance has recently started to gain popularity in Poland and Czech Republic, but it is still yet to be licensed. The banking system is well-developed. The majority of the population is interested in earning money online and more than 11% of them invest in digital assets. In Canada local and foreign digital asset platforms have an MSB status (money business service). More and more traditional financial establishments and services are joining in on the digital currency sphere. This country is one of the leaders in crypto mining. Australia is amongst the leaders in terms of the popularity of digital finances that are equated to foreign currency. Exchanges must go through a licensing procedure, while an increasing amount of funds is being invested. It is important for the population to be able to securely store digital assets. Offers on trading and education are popular in Brazil. The emphasis is on easy earnings and the possibility of improving your living standard. Crypto ATMs were set up here not long ago. The acceptance rate of digital currencies is growing. Every month we post the TOP 10 most popular GEOs and weekly reviews on each country individually. You can find info about a specific GEO in our Telegram chat, or chat to an Aivix personal manager.
  4. Affiliate marketing of digital finances Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today Aivix prepared for you some information about a topic everyone has heard about, and that’s trading in digital finances. Trading is an economic term, which means earning from a price difference. Your income is the difference between the buying price and the selling price. Consequently, trading with digital currency is a method of earning based on the difference between assets. In other words, you buy digital currency there where it is cheap, and sell it there where it is more expensive. The spread is your profit. Basically, trading is searching for operating and profitable bundles of buying an asset with the goal of reselling it profitably. Types of trading: Intra-exchange trading – this is the easiest and simplest and affordable trading, which consists of reselling digital currency within one exchange. International trading is the use of bundles, where currencies, payment cards, exchangers and local exchanges of various countries are used. The development of technologies allows us to do these operations in a second and get secure profit. Also, you can repeat the same bundle several times over. Cons of working with digital finances You will need large starting capital. The difference between buying and selling price is very small. Commissions also use up a part of the capital. This means that you can only earn a large sum of money, if you have large capital to work with. Difficulty of the process Trading only seems simple. You can be successful only if you work through the services and bundles you’re going to use, have the necessary information, constantly analyze the market and quickly conduct the necessary operations. Use referral links to save money on commission. Go to our chat to find even more useful information about improving the effectiveness of your digital finance offers, and to get more information about digital finances.
  5. Features of Yandex and Google algorithms Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, together with Aivix we will discuss the features of Yandex and Google search engines. Knowing the fundamentals and algorithms of search systems is the basis of successfully promoting a website and quickly reaching the top search results. Besides optimization, you also have to consider important factors, such as expertise, content quality, quick page loading, and no sketchy promotion methods. To successfully prevent problems and apply filters, consider your TA, emphasizing on syntax and your website’s technical characteristics. Features of Yandex algorithms: - Values unique texts and images; - Tracks behavioral factors; - Likes websites that are in Yandex.Business, Services, Q and Zen; - Ignores new websites that don’t have behavioral factors and determines artificial promotion; - It’s better to opt for long low-frequency search requests and synonymical phrases. Yandex YATI algorithms: displays the relevant page to the user, even if the entered search request has no key words; takes into account not only the quality of the text, but also how user-friendly it is, and how well-developed the topic is. YATI is based on machine learning and targets improving the quality of voice search. Features of Google algorithms (Bert algorithms): - Likes well-structured longreads with subheading that are relevant to the request; - Values high key density; - Internal relinking; - Behavioral factors are closely connected to the user’s experience; - Ignores new websites without an external link; - A quality URL profile is essential; - The subtitle and description that is used to create a snippet are critical; - Core Web Vitals determine not only the loading speed, but also the optimization level of domain interaction. You can get leads by developing your profile on Google.MyBusiness. Google also introduced new criteria for determining the website comfortability and page loading speed: LCP – loading speed of main content; FID – waiting time until first interaction with content; CLS – cumulative layout shift. Google is suspicious of digital finances websites, due to the YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) rule. Here is a complete list of ad restrictions on finance products. Despite contextual restrictions, Google displays a lot of trusted digital finance resources at the top of the search results, and supports a convenient platform for traders – Google Finance. It has a section for digital currencies, comprehensive analytics and highlight news from Google News. Find more useful info in our chat.
  6. Digital identity Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will tell you about the concept of “digital identity” that emerged as the Internet became popular. Digitalization has a number of pros: e-ID, electronic driver’s licenses, “smart cities”, etc. That said, a digital identity shouldn’t pose a threat to real identity. Leaks of information that shouldn't be available for public access can threaten your reputation and other aspects of your life or business company. There are at least three aspects that describe a digital identity: - IP address; - Personal information and logins; - Digital signatures and metadata. Digital identity and cybersecurity The main technical tools to protect your digital identity: creating an IP address; using encryption and having a system of passwords. A security system has only two weak points: your device and your own head. You can solve the first problem with technology, and the second with conscious behavior, aiming to improve your personal security. Protecting your device: - Update your operating system and make sure all the security functions are enabled; - Install a good antivirus and anti-spyware program; - Connect to the Internet via a VPN. Protecting your data Your everyday information could be stored on a device that is protected by a reliable password system. What about your business data, it should be stored on a special storage system that can provide reliable protection. It is accessible only from a protected device. Essential information, including business info, passwords and confidential info should be stored on a USB drive in a secure location, so that you can get access to it only when you need to. Be cyber-hygienic The main concept of cyber-hygiene presumes avoiding excessive informational excрange. Don't leave information for hackers in various stores. You can use a separate card for purchases. Limiting online information about your life and real location is the best decision you could make. Alternatively, get a separate set of devices for communicating with people who you know well in real life. Use another account with a made-up name for anyone else. The less devices contain your personal information, the better. Do not download suspicious third-party apps. Delete all data from printers, TV-devices and other smart devices as often as possible. Find more useful information in our chat.
  7. Good afternoon, I have written to you in personal messages
  8. How to drive white hat SEO traffic to finances Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, the Aivix team has prepared some content about white SEO traffic for financial offers. SEO traffic are clicks done from search engines to the target page. The website must appear in the top search results. To do this you need smart promotion and SEO optimization of the web resource that can bring passive leads and stable, long-term sales. Depending on how the promotion methods adhere to search engine rules, they can be divided into white, gray and black. White SEO is working on a project that does not offend any search engine rules. This includes external (increasing the authority of the promoted resource for better ranking in search engines) and internal optimization (working with content based on user requests). Internal optimization - processes that include: - Optimizing the resource to keywords of various frequencies, and ranking observation; - Removing technical errors: main mirror setup, creating robots.txt file, erasing copies of pages, etc.; - Working through commercial factors: price, correctness of transactional element implementation, etc.; - Working through usability: analyzing the user-friendliness of using the resource, logic of consecutiveness and form completion, etc. External optimization – actions connected to developing a natural link profile: registering in various directories, catalogs, placing links on various thematic resources, etc. Creating quality content To optimize content you need to understand the ecosystem of the search results. The basis is always relevant content and user-friendly websites. The website must be genuine, with an interesting way of presenting information. Make use of various useful and thematic media files. The content must have practical value with an emphasis on introduction, education, and must meet the requests of users. This method will help you get into the top search results. Effective ways of acquiring SEO traffic for digital finances: - PBN network or a special multi-page website; - News website featuring the main trending topics; - A review-website; - Catalog-websites. Quality results take a long period of time and sufficient financial investment into search optimization. The investments are recouped once your website hits the TOP 10 in the search requests. Initially, it’s best to combine SEO with contextual ads and other additional means. Find more useful information on traffic sources in our chat.
  9. How to promote finances via apps Mobile applications are an effective traffic source for financial offers. Users are more lenient to ads that are integrated into mobile apps. Besides, the app, along with the offer, stays on the phone. This preserves the communication with the audience, unlike landing pages, which the user forgets about, as soon as he closes the tab. Mobile app traffic can vary in terms of conversion, depending on targeting. Targeting for promoting mobile apps: - Type of device: smartphone, tablet. - Device manufacturer. - Device model. - Operating system. - Type of connection: mobile Internet or Wi-Fi. - Mobile network operator. - Device GEO. Specialized traffic sources for promoting mobile apps include: - Google UAC; - InApp (using other apps to promote your app); - ASO. You can use other methods to promote mobile apps, if you pass the ad platform moderation criteria. Take note of ads in: - FB, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok, YouTube (take into account the difference in format and TA); - Apple Search Ads; - Google Ads. Don’t forget about motivated traffic: the more times an application is installed, the better it is ranked. Usually, you get the following categories of mobile apps that are suitable for financial offers: games, utilities, shopping apps, catalogs, wallets, simulators, educational apps, various financial apps and others. Features of promoting digital finance offers There is a seasonality in the vertical of digital finance – periods of sharp growth or decline. In these periods you can earn more than during flats, but traffic costs will be higher, due to competition. Direct advertising of digital finances is prohibited on social media platforms and search engines. You need to use cloaking tools, antidetect browsers, proxies and quality account farming to bypass moderation, if you’re working with a traffic source with strict moderation (FB, IG, Google). You also need processed creatives with a CTR of no less than 0.5. Advantages of affiliate marketing through apps: - Long-term communication with the user; - Lenient attitude from users; - A large selection of traffic sources. Drawbacks include: - Need to create an application; - Lengthy moderation in the store and possible bans; - Apps are hard to come by. Pay attention to the KPI and stay in touch with the affiliate network: Aivix - chat [ENG]
  10. A/B testing Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix is going to discuss A/B testing. A/B testing (split testing) is the comparison of two or more effectiveness variants. In the testing process, one element of the ad campaign is altered. Then, the variants are evaluated in terms of performance under a single parameter. Elements that usually undergo A/B testing: - Titles, subtitles; - Texts and product descriptions; - Amount of content on the page; - Images; - Appearance and CTA-button texts; - Reviews; - Signup forms; - Page design and layout; - Prices, promotions and other business components. Stages of A/B testing 1. Select what you’re going to test based on the set goals. For example, test elements of creatives to increase CTR and forms, buttons, discounts, promotions, etc., to increase conversions. Test one element at a time. 2. Analyze initial data. You can use any tracker or statistics to do this. You need to compare your results to the initial data. 3. Select the element you’re going to test. E.g., the title, description, button or CTA. 4. Create options.If you’re testing the CTA, change the color of the button or its position. In terms of the title, you can opt for a second one. 5. Select tools for A/B testing. Most make do with Google Analytics, but you can also use services, such as VWO and Optimizely. 6. Create the test. Configure the main parameters of two identical ad campaigns with a single variable and determine the testing period. 7. Collect data. At this stage there is no need to jump to conclusions. Wait for the test to end. 8. Analyze the A/B testing result and choose the best option. Compare the KPI of both results and choose the most effective one. Main recommendations -Test the parameters individually. - Don’t terminate the testing too soon. - Don’t ignore external factors.User behavior can be affected by an ongoing crisis in the country, the macroeconomy, holidays, seasonality, etc. Opt for neutral periods for testing. - Track the primary (CR, CTR, etc.) and secondary indicators to evaluate the overall effectiveness. After the test conversions take place, assess the general outcome of the campaign, not just the tested element. Find promo codes for services that can aid you in testing in our chat.
  11. Affiliate marketing on Telegram Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will tell you about affiliate marketing through Telegram. Telegram is a rapidly growing messenger, attracting more and more new users who can become potential leads. You can use it as a traffic source and as a preland. Let’s take a closer look at the major affiliate marketing methods via Telegram. 1. Promoting your own channel. The hardest yet most reliable way of enticing traffic on Telegram. Traffic sources on TG are organic (internal channel search) and commercial (advertising on cross-themed platforms). A typical algorithm of promoting a channel: 1. Create the channel; 2. Fill the channel with a little bit of content; 3. Artificially increasing the number of subscribers to 1000; 4. Purchase ads from other channels and chats. After you are successfully able to promote your channel, you can start driving traffic through Telegram. As a bonus you have the option of earning additional income from ads on other platforms and channels. 2. Affiliate marketing through other channels. If you aren’t up to it to invest in a long-term growth of your own channel, you can use other channels to post ad creatives with an affiliate link. Telegram traffic is target and high quality, but the conversion depends on the selected offer. Leads cost less than those on social media and other platforms. To select an advertising platform, it is essential to pick Telegram channels with an active audience and a minimal number of artificial bots, views and votes. 3. Affiliate marketing via Telegram bots. Today, bots are used to drive traffic on Telegram. The obvious advantage of a bot is that there is no need to engage in communication with the user because the process is fully automated. You can configure a bot in such a way that it will display an affiliate link based on lead replies or without them. 4. A channel or bot as a preland. You can use a Telegram channel or Telegram bot as a preland. It makes it possible to upload many links simultaneously and to retain the audience if someone subscribes. Telegram channels similar to prelands are used in any vertical, since Telegram is a free platform. This factor increases offer selection and can serve as a tool for “warming up” traffic. You can also use targeted ads just like standard targeting, but specify the Telegram channel as the landing page. Find more information on traffic sources for working with financial offers in our chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]
  12. Insurance in digital finance Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, Aivix will tell you about the possibilities of digital finance insurance. You get specific insurance protocols in digital finances providing insurance for your digital assets. It is especially relevant for DeFi, which, in fact, are considered high-risk and are prone to hacking. Currently, less than 1% of digital assets and around 3% of decentralized finances have insurance. Only in 2022, hackers managed to steal assets worth more than 4 billion USD. That’s thousands of victims that could have got their accounts back with the help of insurance. Insurance of digital finances isn’t so different to regular insurance. An example of an algorithm for digital asset insurance: 1. Specify the smart-contract address – what you want to insure exactly. 2. Then, choose the amount and period for which the digital finance insurance will make an offer. 3. Next, with your agreement your funds will be fully insured for the specified sum and time. Insurance protocols can protect from: - stablecoin unpegging (stablecoin doesn’t get untied from its rate, for example the dollar, which results in fixed parity loss); - smart-contract hacking; - custodian bankruptcy/hacking (digital asset «holder»); - a broad range of exploits (various malware, codes, command sequences, attacks and manipulations – minting vulnerability, flash-credit attack, a trojan token, proxy manipulation, mathematical errors, repeated attack, etc.); - IDO risks (for example, IDO transfer or cancellation); - digital finance wallet insurance. You can find a good tool for risk hashing if you study insurance products carefully. TOP 3 insurance protocols where you can find the necessary insurance: 1. insurace.io. 2. nexusmutual.io. 3. solace.fi. Insurance will cost you around 2-5% of the asset value yearly. As a rule, it is settled in the respective insurance protocol tokens. InsurAce is one such company that has paid out $11 million to its 155 clients that lost funds in algorithmic stablecoins. Find more useful information on increasing your operations efficiency and learning more about digital finances in our chat: https://t.me/aivix
  13. Stablecoins and digital dollars Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, together with Aivix, we will explore one of the basics of digital finances. Stablecoins (payment tokens or real cryptocurrencies) are digital tokens with a stable exchange rate tied to, let's say, the dollar. They are a universal accounting unit, which are convenient for trade and storing capital. Their main feature is the presumed absence of volatility. The value of the stablecoin is tied to the cost of a base asset instead of supply and demand. For example, 1 USDT must always cost 1 dollar. However, market conditions might make it fluctuate slightly. There are 4 main types of stablecoin: Tied to fiat; Tied to physical assets; Tied to cryptocurrency; Algorithmic. Stablecoins tied to fiat are digital assets that have financial reserves in fiat currency, and are stored in a regulated establishment, e.g., a traditional bank. Stablecoins tied to assets are grounded on physical assets, like gold, precious metals or Swiss real estate. As a rule, these stablecoins are tied to a specific amount of goods. They are stored in a place that gets externally audited frequently. Stablecoins tied to digital currencies use something like over-collateralized loans to ensure that their value is properly tied. They are backed by a basket of one or more digital currencies. They use over-collateralization and require buyers to block deposit tokens in smart-contracts. These will be liquidated if the deposit value drops too much. You can get this deposit by exchanging it for stablecoins. Algorithmic stablecoins are generally baked by 2 tokens. The one is a stablecoin, and the other is a digital currency which backs the stablecoin. So, the algorithm regulates the ratio between them. The algorithmic stablecoin system decreases the token supply, if their price drops below the tracked fiat currency value. Digital dollars are considered to be the largest stablecoins available. They represent the value of a US dollar, but are not a fiat currency tied to conventional banks. Another factor that makes them more convenient is that they are quicker to transfer than traditional money. Stablecoins help to make payments and transfers worldwide and get passive income for staking in the DeFi ecosystem. Find more useful information on increasing your operations efficiency in our chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]
  14. Deeplink in affiliate marketing Greetings to all affiliate marketers. Today, especially for you, Aivix prepared content about deep links. A deep link is the specification of a web portal’s section (e.g. /trade/), which redirects the visitor to a specific part of the website, instead of the whole. The purpose is to facilitate the multi-stage process of clicking on a link and providing the visitor with access to the end goal. This increases conversions and makes ad budget spending more efficient. Such an approach in affiliate marketing prevents losing about 50% of potential traffic. A deep link is placed: in ad campaigns launched on social media, messengers, and search engines; in push notifications, SMS, and email newsletter; in action buttons on the website’s “Contact us” section; in referral programs; in electronic business cards; in QR codes of external ads. Types of deep links: Regular — a URL that redirects to a section/app when installed on the smartphone; Delayed – the user is offered to install the app via the Android or iOS store in case it is not done yet, and the link is followed after installation; Contextual – these operate the same as delayed links, but they save the data about the redirect and collect statistical data; URI – operates similarly to one’s “in-house Internet,” where the resource path is used instead of https://; Mobile – functions based on the Apple Universal Links or Android App Links, which have the option to check the availability of the application and its download, if needed. The main purpose of using deep links in affiliate marketing: Redirecting the visitor to an app on a mobile device instead of a webpage, including from emails and SMSs; Redirecting leads to the desired website section instead of the main page; Indexation in search systems; Exchanging invitations or URLs between users; Collecting statistics on clicks, plans, etc.; Integrating into QR codes to collect data and save the user’s time; Optimizing marketing campaigns. An approximate algorithm for creating deep links via special services: Add the end link to the exchange buffer (copy it); Select the service able to perform the task; Add the copied URL to the form and click “Edit/Change”; Get the deep link. You can also create deep links for applications manually; if you know how to write scripts and codes. Use our special guide for tips. Find more information on deep link services in our chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]
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