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Tell us your favorite Crypto Payments Solution

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We take nomination for cryptocurrency payment solutions (payment processors, debit card providers) that will enter in the TGF 2022 Awards - Best Crypto Payment Solution.

Post here your favorite cryptocurrency payment solution!

(Feel free to nominate your own company or the company you are working for)

Also all the users that voted will participate in a raffle with prizes from the organizer (Top Gold Forum) and its sponsors.

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El 22/9/2021 a las 15:38, Easton Easton dijo:

El mercado monetario criptográfico ha estado creciendo a un ritmo más rápido que nunca. Según la información disponible, más de 5,300 tipos de formas criptográficas de dinero se están intercambiando en el mercado con una capitalización de mercado absoluta de más de 200 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses.


On 22/9/2021 at 15:38, Easton Easton said:

The cryptographic money market has been growing at a speed more than ever. According to the information accessible, in excess of 5,300 kinds of cryptographic forms of money are as of now being exchanged the market with an absolute market capitalization of in excess of 200 billion US dollars.


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Here are the nomination SO FAR for the best crypto payment solution 2022 TGF Awards. We will split them by two categories for merchants and for users:

  1. AdvCash
  2. MetaMask
  3. Coinbase Payments
  4. Blockonomics
  5. Coingate
  6. Blockchain.info
  7. Spectrocoin
  8. CoinPayments
  9. Bitpay
  10. Plisio
  11. NowPayments
  12. Cryptomus

If you have any other crypto payment solution that you will like to nominee please do it now as the deadline for nominations is Jan 31 or so 🙂

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