Best 12 Affiliate Marketing Groups on Facebook, Reddit & LinkedIn
Best 12 Affiliate Marketing Groups on Facebook, Reddit & LinkedIn

Best 12 Affiliate Marketing Groups on Facebook, Reddit & LinkedIn

This article will reveal the best affiliate marketing groups on Facebook, Reddit, and Linkedin. Hundreds of marketing groups are out there; most have earned a bad reputation for being spammy or dead. But, among all the low-quality content, you can find some hidden gems that offer valuable resources to aid you in your affiliate marketing journey.

Starting your affiliate marketing business journey is a steep learning curve, and staying ahead of the game is a daily challenge. The good news is that there are plenty of people like you – affiliate marketers looking to learn, grow and succeed. And with so much money being made in the industry, there’s plenty to go around!

Finding the best Facebook groups for affiliate marketing may not be easy, but discovering the platforms with valuable insights can be precisely what you need to succeed.

That’s why I’ve gathered a list of 12 active affiliate marketing groups and communities on Facebook, Reddit, and Linkedin you should join today:

Affiliate Marketing Forum Rating Members
1. The Affiliate SEO Mastermind 4.8/5 26K
2. Affiliate Marketing Ninjas 4.6/5 33K
3. Niche Pursuits 4.5/5 26K
4. Affiliate Niche Builders 4.2/5 9.5K
5. ClickFunnels Avengers 4.1/5 92K
6. SEO Signals Lab 4.1/5 69K
7. Conversion Rate Community 4/5 6K
8. The Clickbank Affiliate 3.8/5 126K
9. Make Money Online  3.5/5 22K
10. Automation Nation 3.3/5 19K
11. Ultimate High Ticket Affiliate 3.1/5 4K
12. Affiliate Marketing Reddit 3.9/5 109K
13. Affiliate & Partner Marketing Linkedin 3/5 66K

Note that the rating we offered to the groups is subjective, based on the sole opinion of the author based on activity, quality of the posts, etc. It can change from time to time.

1. The Affiliate SEO Mastermind

The Affiliate SEO Mastermind is a group created by Matt Diggity, a reputable digital marketer.

The group is mainly dedicated to people who want to master affiliate marketing via SEO rather than paid methods or social media.

Matt is active in the group, posting research, case studies, and videos. Besides that, he helps the members as much as he can.

Fortunately, the community is active, so if you post a question, you will get your answer in a couple of hours.

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate marketing, SEO
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook
The Affiliate SEO MasterMind
–> Join The Affiliate SEO MasterMind

The Affiliate SEO mastermind community focuses on test-backed results. No theory, no guesswork…only results. Besides Matt, you will learn from other experienced SEO affiliates & learn how to fight the current or future Google update that slaps affiliate websites.

Join Affiliate SEO Mastermind

Vote for Affiliate SEO Mastermind

2. Affiliate Marketing Ninjas

Created in 2017, AMNinjas was one the fastest growing affiliate marketing group on Facebook, with over 33,000 members. Unfortunately, recently, things started to slow down.

Aussie Warren Wheeler of runs the AMNinjas group, a great place to congregate with fellow affiliate marketers to connect and help each other succeed.

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate marketing, SEO
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook
Affiliate Marketing Ninjas Facebook Group
Affiliate Marketing Ninjas Facebook Group

Grown out of a learning hub for affiliates, AMNinjas is all about education and networking, with tons of discussion and resources covering SEO, social media, niche websites, and much more.

Join the AMNinjas Facebook group

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3. Niche Pursuits

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate & DM, SEO
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

Spencer Haws, a reputable digital marketer and online entrepreneur created the Niche Pursuits Facebook Grou as an extension of his website, In the Facebook group, you can get advice from reputable digital marketers and Spencer himself on how to grow a niche website and monetize it with affiliate marketing, display ads, and other related aspects.

Niche Pursuits Facebook Group
–> Join the Niche Pursuits Facebook Group

One thing I particularly like about the Niche Pursuits group is that there is little to no self-promotion, users post real issues with their websites, and the community members’ answers are in-depth and helpful. Besides that, there are a couple of researches and tests about monetization that you can’t find elsewhere.

Join Niche Pursuits Affiliate Facebook Group

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4. Affiliate Niche Builders

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate marketing, Niches
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

Everything you wanted to know about building niche websites that get results! The Affiliate Niche Builders Facebook group was created in 2018 and is run by Ben Adler, an affiliate niche specialist whose primary goal is to bring together marketers of all levels – from beginner to advanced – to discuss, share, collaborate and support each other in their affiliate success.

Affiliate Niche Builder Facebook Group
Affiliate Niche Builder Facebook Group

Having grown organically to over 9500 members, it’s more of a “niche” group with a small yet passionate following covering everything from affiliate marketing, copywriting, affiliate niches, SEO, and many more of the hottest topics for affiliates.

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5. ClickFunnels Avengers

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate Marketing
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

This is the official ClickFunnels affiliate marketing group on Facebook, where marketers who promote ClickFunnels share ideas and help one another become successful. The exciting part is that as a beginner, you’ll get the opportunity to connect with hundreds of newbies seeking to make a side income.

ClickFunnels Avengers Affiliate Facebook Group
ClickFunnels Avengers Affiliate Facebook Group

Russel Brunson is a genius when it comes to selling online. He has a FREE Affiliate Bootcamp Training For ClickFunnels Affiliates dedicated to promoting Clickfunnels. He expects you to earn a full-time income from just one affiliate program through the training. That is why the success rate is so high amongst consumers and affiliates, as I will highlight later in the article.

Join ClickFunnels Avengers Group

Vote for ClickFunnels Avengers Group

6. SEO Signals Group

  • Topics Covered: DM, SEO, Niches
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

In SEO, what you don’t know can hurt you badly. With thousands of small and big ranking factors in play, testing and re-testing SEO signals are crucial for your SEO campaign to be successful. This group is dedicated to sharing case studies, split-test results, and SEO algorithm trends.

SEO Signals Lab Facebook Group
SEO Signals Lab Facebook Group

You will not see many affiliate marketing posts in this group, yet organic traffic and SEO are crucial to my affiliate marketing success.

On the SEO Signals Lab group, you will get a lot of real-life advice about setting up a website, optimizing it for search engines and conversions, etc. Also, many SEO experts in the group have their affiliate marketing and lead gen websites.

Join SEO Signals Lab Group

Vote for SEO Signals Lab Group

7. Conversion Rate Community

  • Topics Covered: CRO
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

The Conversion Rate Community is created by Oliver Kenyon, a reputable internet marketer. He owns the Internet Marketing Group of brands, Conversion Wise CRO agency, and Conversion Wise Academy, where you can learn to skyrocket your conversion rates or get your money back.

Conversion Rate Community Facebook Group
Conversion Rate Community Facebook Group

This group is for conversion rate optimization discussions. You can share ideas, successes, and inspiration and discuss conversion principles and best practices.

Its mission is to create an environment where all our members are improving their online conversion rates.

Join the Conversion Rate Community

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8. The ClickBank Affiliate Group

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate Marketing
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

The Clickbank affiliate group is the official affiliate marketing group of the Clickbank affiliate marketing network. The group is moderated by Spark, Clickbank’s new online education platform.

This platform offers step-by-step, easy-to-follow courses that teach you everything you need to become a successful online seller and affiliate.

Clickbank Facebook Group
Clickbank Facebook Group

Join our Clickbank Affiliate Facebook Group FREE! This is your chance to meet other affiliates, publishers, and potential business partners. Expand your network, get known, and make awesome friends worldwide!

Join the ClickBank Affiliate Group

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9. Make Money Online With Liam James Kay

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate marketing, SEO
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

After some experience with BuilderAll & ClickFunnels, Liam James Kay decided to shift to Kartra, where he sells his courses and promotes affiliate products. In addition, he also has a gigantic YouTube Channel where he shares what works for him. After Joining the group, you should check him out on Youtube.

Make Money Online with Liam James Kay Facebook Group
Make Money Online with Liam James Kay Facebook Group

Join the group if you want to master the high converting, affiliate-friendly traffic source of Native ads and make money in your affiliate marketing journey.

Join Make Money Online with Liam James Kay Group

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10. Automation Nation – Affiliate Marketing

  • Topics Covered: Aff Marketing, Passive Income
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

The Automation Nation Facebook group is a good resource for learning affiliate marketing and how to create a passive income online. In the group, affiliate marketers make 4,5, 6, and 7 figures. The community discusses turning any online business into a passive income model.

Automation Nation - Affiliate Marketing & Passive Income for entrepreneurs
Automation Nation – Affiliate Marketing & Passive Income for entrepreneurs

Spencer Mecham has earned well over 7-figures as an affiliate marketer, providing a ton of value inside this group for free! Most of his students are Facebook community members willing to help, so it’s a great place to network with super affiliates and other aspiring affiliates.

Not only will you learn affiliate marketing and marketing automation strategies, but you’ll be plugged into a community that you can grow with!

Join Automation Nation Group

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11. Ultimate High Ticket Affiliate Marketing

  • Topics Covered: Aff Marketing, Online Income
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Facebook

As the name suggests, the Ultimate Affiliate Marketing group for High Ticket Affiliate Marketers & Coaches is for those affiliates promoting high ticket programs. The group is based on over ten years of real-world experience ‘from the trenches.’

This group contains everyone from all walks of life, including newbie affiliates through to 7-8 figure earners.

Jamie Gardiner teaches everything from how to make money online, affiliate marketing, how to get started online, sales, high ticket affiliate marketing, sales, content strategies, email marketing, funnel building, and more.

Ultimate High Ticket Affiliate Marketing & Coaching Group
Ultimate High Ticket Affiliate Marketing & Coaching Group

If you want to learn from industry veterans who have tried (and in many instances) made all the mistakes under the sun and can show you how to avoid them! Join the best affiliate group on the net for affiliate marketing tips & hacks for entrepreneurs and learn how to scale your business beyond six figures.

Join Ultimate High Ticket Affiliate Marketing & Coaching Group

Vote for Ultimate High Ticket Affiliate Group

12. Affiliate Marketing Reddit Group

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate marketing
  • Group Type: Public
  • Social Network: Reddit

Affiliate Marketing Group on Reddit is a community to discuss Affiliate marketing (AM), paid traffic, SEO, email marketing, and more. As the group has over 100K members, it gets new topics posted daily. However, you should expect to read more about affiliate programs and offers or requests rather than case studies or informative material.

Affiliate Marketing Reddit Group
Affiliate Marketing Reddit Group

You can join the affiliate marketing subreddit instantly, but to be able to post, your account should have at least 250 karma, and to comment on other posts, you must have at least 50 combined karma.

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13. Affiliate & Partner Marketing Group

  • Topics Covered: Affiliate marketing
  • Group Type: Private
  • Social Network: Linkedin

The Affiliate Marketing & Partner Marketing Group was created and launched by Evan Weber in 2007 to address the needs of the affiliate marketing industry. It’s a networking hub for affiliates, affiliate managers, partners, influencers, and networks to meet and share ideas.

Affiliate Marketing & Partner Marketing Group Linkedin
Affiliate Marketing & Partner Marketing Group Linkedin

Join to meet other affiliates and learn in this group! The group is perfect for connecting with other affiliate marketers, affiliate networks, and managers, providing affiliates/publishers, affiliate education, affiliate resources, and more!

Get loads of valuable resources and info about relevant events and promotions too!

Join Affiliate & Partner Marketing Group on LinkedIn

Vote for Affiliate & Partner Marketing Group

Vote for your favorite group

Now you can vote for your favorite affiliate marketing group. If your preferred community is not on our list, feel free to add it in the comments below and tell us why you like it. No self-promotion, please.

Affiliate Marketing Groups FAQs

What is an Affiliate Marketing group?

An Affiliate marketing Group is a community hosted on a social media platform like Facebook, Linkedin or Reddit that offers specific information for affiliate marketers and will teach you new methods to improve your affiliate marketing game. Getting in touch with the right people can be a game-changer for your affiliate earnings. You can get your questions answered pretty fast and benefit from the mistakes of those who have sought support in the past.

What are the main reasons for joining an affiliate marketing group?

You should consider joining an affiliate marketing group if you need support in your journey or if you have the time, will, and knowledge to help others. Besides that, you will get inspiration and motivation from other affiliate marketers, and you can make new connections in the huge affiliate marketing world. Don’t join a group to spam it with your affiliate marketing offers because you will get banned in almost no time and put a dim light on your name.

What is the best affiliate marketing group?

There is no correct or wrong answer to this question. I’ve presented 12 groups on Facebook, Reddit, and Linkedin. Check their features, sign up, and find out which is the best, considering your preferred social network, expertise level, and goals. If I had to recommend some, I would tell you to try The Affiliate SEO Mastermind by Matt Diggity, Niche Pursuits by Spencer Haws, and SEO Signals Group by Steven Kang. But that’s for me; you should find the ones that work best for you.

Conclusion on Affiliate Marketing Groups

Finding the most reliable Facebook affiliate marketing groups is difficult, especially if you’re a new player in the affiliate marketing industry. We hope that our review of the best groups for affiliate marketing can help you find the answers you need and identify the platforms that provide the most to their members.

These groups offer all the help you can need, from the correct information to the set of people you need to kickstart your career as an affiliate marketer or manager. This article’s top affiliate marketing groups include the best of the best.

Further readings:

Join one group or more to learn affiliate marketing strategies, find great business partners or even make friends who have similar interests as yours.

Have questions? Is a group that you think we missed adding to the list? Let me know in the comments below.

About Daniel S.

Daniel is the founder of Competico SEO & CI agency and co-owner here at 2005 he helps online business owners to establish a presence online and win the digital race.

One comment

  1. I am a beginner in the affiliate marketing field & I was looking for some helpful facebook affiliate marketing groups where I can promote my affiliate products & get various tips & tricks from the experts. Thank you so much for your blog. Keep writing!

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