18+ Affiliate Marketing Spreadsheets to Be More Efficient
18+ Affiliate Marketing Spreadsheets to Be More Efficient

18+ Affiliate Marketing Spreadsheets to Be More Efficient

In today’s article, you will find over 18 affiliate marketing spreadsheets for affiliate marketers and managers.

If you are an affiliate marketer, you will find the necessary Excel spreadsheets to help you track your affiliate programs and earnings. These tools will help you plan, budget, and track your affiliate marketing business for affiliate marketing managers. The better your analyses and predictions, the more successful your company will be.

How to use these affiliate marketing spreadsheets

We’ve posted a short description and instructions for downloading and using each affiliate marketing tool/spreadsheet independently. The spreadsheets for affiliates are created in Google Drive so you can import them into your account quickly. Don’t request edit access to the document we host because we will not grant it.

The affiliate spreadsheets for managers are a little older and are created in Excel by AffiliateTips.com

Here is how to download and use them:

  • Click on the link below and download the desired spreadsheet
  • Fill in your business details in the downloaded document and enjoy the result!

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Affiliate Marketing Spreadsheets for Affiliates

Affiliate Programs Log-In Information

Keeping track of the affiliate programs and affiliate marketing networks you signed up for can be difficult, mainly if you use multiple networks and stay active in various niches. Using the spreadsheet below, you will have all the essential information about the affiliate programs you joined in a single place.

In a nutshell, this sheet is all about knowing what programs you belong to, what they offer you, and where to get your links for them!

Affiliate Marketing Programs Info Spreadsheet
Affiliate Marketing Programs Info Spreadsheet
Copy the Affiliate Programs Info Spreadsheet

Affiliate Programs Discounts

Getting personalized discounts from vendors is a sure strategy for increasing affiliate commissions. After you have delivered several consistent sales, you should ask the affiliate manager to issue a personalized discount coupon for your community.

Affiliate Marketing Exclusive Discounts List
Affiliate Marketing Exclusive Discounts List
Copy the Affiliate Programs Discounts Sheet

Affiliate Payments List

Getting personalized discounts from vendors is a sure strategy for increasing affiliate commissions. After you have delivered several consistent sales, you should ask the affiliate manager to issue a personalized discount coupon for your community.

Affiliate Payments List Spreadsheet
Affiliate Payments List Spreadsheet
Copy the Affiliate Payments List Spreadsheet

Affiliate Sales Spreadsheets for Managers

Affiliate sales are, of course, of high importance for your affiliate business. Find the best tools, such as a lifetime customer value calculator and sales forecast, here at AffiliateTips.com. You can calculate and predict your earnings with these top affiliate sales tools.

Affiliate Sales Forecast on Year Spreadsheet

Forecasting your affiliate sales is an essential part of any serious business. So, make it easy on yourself and use our tool when making a sales forecast.

Spreadsheet - Affiliate Sales Forecast one year
Spreadsheet – Affiliate Sales Forecast one year.
Download the Affiliate Sales Forecast on Year Spreadsheet

Customer Lifetime Value Calculator Spreadsheet

You can use this customer lifetime value calculator if you have the average customer information and the company information.

Download the Customer Lifetime Value Spreadsheet

Sales Forecast Affiliates Spreadsheet

With our sales forecast tool, you can control your affiliate network and secure its future. Download it here for free and start using it today.

Sales Forecast Affiliates Spreadsheet
Sales Forecast Affiliates Spreadsheet
Download the Sales Forecast Affiliates Spreadsheet

Affiliate Marketing Spreadsheets for Managers

If you’re into the web and are also hooked on marketing, affiliate marketing is the thing for you. This type of marketing rewards an affiliate when they’ve directed visitors to a seller. It’s often a simple thing to do and undoubtedly a thing for the future. There’s a lot of money to be made in affiliate marketing.

Channel Marketing Budget Spreadsheet

Fill out the different marketing costs to get a good overview of your total marketing budget. In this file, you will work with costs such as Personnel, Telemarketing, Internet Marketing, Direct Mail, Agents or Brokers, Distributors, Customer Acquisition & Retention, and other expenses. Stay in control of your company!

Channel Marketing Budget
Channel Marketing Budget
Download the Channel Marketing Budget Spreadsheet

Market Analysis 1 to 4 Years Spreadsheet

Get a great market analysis of the gross margin. The gross margin contributes to a business enterprise – the relationship between gross profit and sales revenue.

Market Potential Analysis Spreadsheet
Market Potential Analysis Spreadsheet
Download the Market Potential Analysis Spreadsheet

Marketing Budget Spreadsheet

Marketing is essential to any business, but it can quickly result in a low return on investment. By budgeting your marketing plan, you will know what to expect.

Marketing Budget Plan Spreadsheet
Marketing Budget Plan Spreadsheet
Download the Marketing Budget Plan Spreadsheet

Affiliate Startup, M&A Spreadsheets

Affiliate mergers and acquisitions (abbreviated M&A;) are something for you who are already in the world of affiliates and want to take your business to the next step. As with any significant merger and acquisition, it’s essential to do a due diligence assessment, and you’ll find it here. Get the help you need to do an evaluation here!

Startup Capital Estimate Spreadsheet

When fulfilling your dream of starting your own business, we’ll help you with the essential paperwork, including estimating the startup capital needed. Download our pre-filled Excel document and add your details!

Startup Capital Estimat Spreadsheet
Startup Capital Estimate Spreadsheet
Download the Startup Capital Estimate Spreadsheet

SWOT Analysis Spreadsheet

This is a must for any new business or product launch. Know your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Just fill in your business details.

SWOT Analysis Template
SWOT Analysis Template
Download the SWOT Analysis Template Spreadsheet

Due Diligence Assessment Spreadsheet

Fill out this form to get an assessment of a company. This is commonly done when a potential acquirer evaluates an acquisition company.

Due Diligence Assessment Model Tool
Due Diligence Assessment Model Tool
Download the Due Diligence Assessment Spreadsheet

Affiliate Budget Spreadsheets for Managers

An affiliate budget is one of the single most important things for an affiliate marketer. Here, you’ll find budget tools ranging from a breakeven analysis tool to a budget scenario analysis tool and a balance sheet. But there’s much more than this. Please take a look at all our featured tools!

Projected Balance Sheet

Fill out your historical and projected assets to get an assessment of your total assets. Also, fill out the information about liabilities and equity.

Projected Balance Sheet
Projected Balance Sheet
Download the Projected Balance Spreadsheet

Breakeven Analysis Spreadsheet

Fill out your sales and costs to get a breakeven analysis.

Breakeven Analysis Spreadsheet
Breakeven Analysis Spreadsheet
Download the Breakeven Analysis Spreadsheet

Budget Scenario Analysis Spreadsheet

Fill out three different revenue impact scenarios. This will give you three different budget scenarios—best, average, and worst-case scenarios.

Budget Scenario Analysis
Budget Scenario Analysis
Download the Budget Scenario Spreadsheet

Rolling Budget Spreadsheet

Calculate your business budget and forecast all in one Excel document. Download the document and fill in your numbers.

Rolling Budget Spreadsheet
Rolling Budget Spreadsheet
Download the Rolling Budget Spreadsheet

Small Business Cashflow Projection Spreadsheet

Calculate your business cash flow with our easy-to-use spreadsheet. Download this tool for free now to succeed and start structuring your cash flow.

Small Business Cash Flow Projection
Small Business Cash Flow Projection
Download the SMB Cashflow Projection Spreadsheet

Web Site Budgeting Tool Spreadsheet

Like any other business, managing a professional website is about budgeting and controlling costs and earnings. Use this spreadsheet to structure your online business!

Download the Website Budgeting Tool


And there you have it. Here are the essential affiliate marketing spreadsheets both for affiliates and managers. Using them will organize everything, and you can plan the future better and earn more.

Is there any spreadsheet that will help you, and did we miss it? Let me know, and I will do my best to create it for you and add it to the list.

Also, if you need help to step up your affiliate marketing game, you can hire me as your affiliate marketing consultant.

About Stephan Monetize.info

Stephan J is the founder of Monetize.info and is making a living exclusively online since 2004. He tried and managed to make good profits on everything from Forex trading, options, website flipping, adsense, affiliate websites.His passions are cycling, fitness and he is spending a small fortune on watches and fine cigars

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