There are a few very important things that you must always consider in regards to online money making. Below is a list of the most common monetization methods, along with some important things to consider for your blog. In my opinion, Google Adsense or advertising sales and affiliate marketing should be used as primary …
Read More »How Do Consumers Feel About Chatbots And What Does It Mean For Your Business? [Recent Research Data Included]
Globalization and broad access to the Internet changed the way we do business in the modern age. These two elements brought speedy communication (even when the participants are continents apart) and the possibility for almost anyone to extend in new markets all over the world. But there are other factors …
Read More »Digital payment trends in business
In this day and age, thanks to the ever-increasing power and presence of the internet, everything is digitized. This includes entertainment, news, socialization and everything else. With the advancements in software and app development, every industry as we know it is undergoing huge changes. Payments are no exception to this …
Read More »Monetizing a gaming website – Dos and Don’ts
Gaming is not only one of the most fast-growing, but one of the most universally-fast-growing industries in the world. Everybody loves video games, no matter their nationality, race, gender or any other characteristic. With the internet becoming more relevant and prominent in everyone’s day-to-day life, gaming is just more accessible …
Read More »How Subscription Services Are Helping Online Businesses
When was the last time someone showed up at your door with a surprise? Something that unlike getting another cardboard package from you know who was a little treat for you with something special inside. It might have crept up on you, but 2020 is going to be the year …
Read More »How to Find a Domain Name with Fun, Memorable Domain Phrases
Domains are a precious, finite resource. In today’s competitive realm of business naming, it can be difficult to find a domain name for your business that is available. In most cases, if you want to find a domain name that is the exact match for your business name, it will …
Read More »10 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Franchise Owner
One of the questions that people wanting to become entrepreneurs are often faced with is whether they should start an original business or just buy a franchise. Both of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages but it’s not as easy to look at all of them or even compare …
Read More »How Instagram, Airbnb, Pinterest and Twitter started. [Awesome Tips for Entrepreneurs]
If you are reading our magazine, most probably you already own a startup or you think to go on your own and start a business. Doesn’t matter the phase you are there are plenty of things you can learn from other people’s experiences, especially from tech startups. That’s because most …
Read More »Why buy an online business if you can build it from scratch?
Many potential buyers ask themselves why they should buy an online business or buy a website when they can start one from scratch. The net profit multiple of the business should be a key decider factor, and anything around a 30x multiple is what you should look for. To put …
Read More »Using Pinterest to Sell Products and Generate Traffic to Your Website
Most people go to Pinterest for their fashion, home dĂ©cor, and recipe inspirations. However, what they don’t realize is that this platform is a massive sales and traffic source for businesses. Despite the relatively small population of approximately 150 million users, Pinterest justifies the saying; the best things sometimes are …
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