How to start and monetize an escort business - Ultimate Guide
How to start and monetize an escort business - Ultimate Guide


In this guide, I will show you what you need to consider before starting an escort business, what kind of business you can run, how to advertise an escort business properly, and how to monetize it.

The escort business is very lavish, with much money to make. Before starting an escort business, there are a few legal issues that you will have to take care of. Then, you can go on and create a website. And after that, you can advertise it and furnish your business.

Alternatively, you can start an affiliate cam website to make you money. We will go through it step by step. In New York City, escort services charge anywhere from $300 to $1500 per hour. The industry standard for dividing the money is 50% to the escort, 40% to the agency, and 10% to the booker.

6 Questions to ask before starting

Starting an escort business today is more accessible than 20 years ago but still challenging.

When you say you want to start an escort business, you need to consider it a full-time “job.” The great news is that the escort business is a recession-safe business.

For this article, I’ve selected three types of escort businesses you can run online: agency, directory, and reviews forum.

Before you start, here are some things you should know to be comfortable later.

1. Is the escort business legal in your country?

Before starting an escort business, you must ensure this is legal in your country. This is essential for running an escort agency while other services like escort directory and escort reviews forum, as you’re not involved directly. However, still, you want to make sure it is legal. For instance, one of the leading classified websites in Romania, where escort businesses are tolerated but not legal, was indicted by prosecutors because they allowed mass ads for escort services. They had to remove the escort ads category entirely.

You have to follow the rules and systematically run your business. If you fall foul of the law, you probably weren’t aware of all the rules. If necessary, consult a solicitor and get information about the legalities of running an escorts-related agency.

Make sure you talk with an attorney and give proper advice about what is legal and what isn’t, what services you can advertise, which ones you can’t, etc.

2 Do you have all the funds ready?

Setting up an escort business means that you need capital to start. You could either save or raise money from third-party sources. A successful escort agency also requires a constant cash flow to be successful, just like regular businesses do. However, while regular companies can opt for business loans, that is not true for an escort website.

The primary reason is the nature of the business. Most banks don’t consider it a legitimate business because it doesn’t fit their criteria, making it very difficult to get them to approve a loan for an escort agency. The only reliable way to get money to start your escort business is to pitch to acquaintances, friends, or investors. It would help if you considered capital initially, mainly the website and an advertising budget for the next 6-12 months.

3. Is your escort business in a lucrative location?

To run a profitable escort business, targeting big cities is essential as these have the most potential. In big cities, mature and intelligent people live a modern lifestyle. Also, It’s easy to recruit escorts in big cities. In small towns, women are usually conservative. People in small towns are generally reserved.

One problem with big cities is, of course, the competition. It’s tough for a new agency to compete with the existing ones. Unless and until you offer a unique, valuable, and engaging angle along with many benefits, your escort agency may fail to entice big clients.

4. Are you good with recruiting?

Recruiting classy escorts presents another challenge in running an agency you should know about. Most women enter this business because they want money, not just love the job. You must train them well and know precisely what the job entails. If you have been working as an escort for a long time, you probably have the right contacts and know some brilliant escorts.

5 Are you good at advertising?

There is tremendous competition in the escort business, and you need a solid marketing plan to succeed. Escorts are more open to advertising their services today, so you must do better.

Today, most escort agencies use a website as their front end to get clients rather than through other contacts. You should have an excellent website up and running. Go with a web development company that has built successful escort agencies. Don’t know any? Sign up on a freelance website and post a project. Don’t rush to choose a web development company until you have seen the portfolio, discussed the project in detail, and agreed on everything.

Regarding marketing, most escort business owners hire a marketing company to do their SEO for them. It would help if you went with an agency with experience in escort and adult business advertising because this niche has particularities.

Besides SEO, you should look for unconventional methods to advertise your escort agency, such as video, dating apps like Tinder, online classifieds websites, and local SEO, to avoid the high competition.

6 Are you sure you enjoy doing it?

Running an escort business is not easy and requires much work under stress. It would be best if you were comfortable doing that. Fiona set up her escort agency in Switzerland, She describes a typical work day: “Hold job interviews, exchange ideas with our escorts, and take reservations. I coordinate the operations and drivers accompanying our escorts in the evening. The last calls I get around 1 a.m. during the week – on weekends, it gets a lot later.”If you see yourself doing that, let’s move on to the next point.

On the other hand, if you don’t particularly enjoy this, why not consider making money as a Webcam Model Working From Home?

Start an escort agency website.

Today, an escort agency’s website is the breaking point for customers who want to make a booking or leave one of their competitors. You may have the best-looking escorts or outstanding fees, but you lose business if the contact methods are not easily found or the website is hard to navigate.   So when you start an escort agency website, make sure it has the following features:

1 Mobile-friendly and easy-to-navigate website.

Mobile traffic surpassed desktop traffic several years ago. The trend continues, especially in the entertainment niche, where users seek information or perform actions quickly. If you care about SEO and remember that your website is not mobile-friendly, you will not rank very high.

Your users must be able to navigate easily between pages to find the necessary information. Otherwise, they will get frustrated and leave your website for your competitors. Use Google’s mobile-friendly test tool to ensure your website looks and works well on mobile devices.

2 Have these mandatory pages

Each escort website should have the following pages easily accessible on website:

  • Homepage – should tell your visitors more about the agency and the team, how you started it, why they should choose you, and how you are different from other agencies.
  • Contact us—List your location, if any, areas covered, phone number(s), email address, WhatsApp link, and contact form.
  • Services/Fees – List the services your agency offers and the fees the escorts ask. If there are any discounts, add them as well.
  • Escorts—List the escorts who work with your agency and their details. Pictures are crucial. Make sure they are well done and branded with your agency name.
  • Booking – What are the benefits and the conditions for booking? Make sure everything is crystal clear.
  • Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy (GDPR) – These legal pages will keep you out of trouble.

3 Awesome images and videos

Incredible pictures of your escorts are mandatory for your escort business. Never forget that and invest in quality photo services and equipment. Creating great images for the escorts will give you a competitive advantage. It will also make independent escorts join your agency because they don’t know how to advertise themselves, and here you come into play.

Read more: How to rank images in Google Images Search

With video now accounting for almost three-quarters of all internet traffic, your adult escort website should be taking this trend into account.

Escort videos can give your clients an idea of what to expect. Seeing them move can excite potential customers and turn visitors into clients faster than still galleries. Instagram allows 60-second videos, but most people only watch the first few seconds of social media. Ensure the first few seconds of your videos are energetic enough to keep viewers glued to their screens.

4 Contact ways

Clients are looking for comfort and convenience, and calling a hundred times and emailing each other forever is not something people would do for a couple of leisure hours. Most live busy lives, so they don’t have hours to install different apps or services to contact agencies.

Ensure your website has a working contact form and lists your phone number and email address in multiple visible places. These contact methods should be easy to access using a smartphone.

Checklist: Your website list in at least two different places the following:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Whatsapp number
  • A contact form.

5 Speak more languages

Translating your website into multiple languages can increase your business and give you another advantage. English is mandatory, but you should add German, French, Russian, and Arabic depending on your territory or the number of tourists.

Now, navigate to part 5 of this article to see How to advertise an escort agency or part 6 of this article to Find out how to monetize an escort website.

Start an escort directory.

If you want to avoid all the hassle of running an escort agency, you may start an escort directory where the escorts pay a fee to list themselves. These escort directories are more comfortable to run and can make you serious money.

On the other hand, hundreds of escort directories are online, so you must stand out and develop a unique approach. Check below, an escorts directory created for the UK. They are not charging escorts to add their listings to the directory. Another escort directory/ dating website you may want to look into is - Escorts Directory
EscortRankings.CO.UK – Escorts Directory

1 Who can I charge for listing?

Both independent escorts and agencies are looking for more exposure in the escort business. You could also list photo models, cam models, massage parlors, etc. We will discuss this further in the monetization section.

  • Independent escorts—Escorts can register on your escort directory site and add their full details. All escorts will have a profile page to add images, descriptions, and more information about themselves and their rates and services.
  • Agencies – Agencies can add more than one escort profile. All agencies have a profile page that shows reviews and a list of escorts added by that agency.

2 What escort directory software should I use?

Several escort directory scripts are available. I will list several here to help you decide which best suits your needs.


xscorts - Escorts booking Software
xscorts – Escorts booking Software

YoYou’llave everything you need to run a successful, profitable escort site with escorts! Install this script and have your escort site up and running within a few minutes. xScorts is fully customizable, written in clean open-source code, and packed with cutting-edge monetization channels.

XScorts from cost $399 and come with free installation and 100% non-encrypted source code. You can hire independent developers to add features or make changes, provide lifetime support, and offer free upgrades.

Escort Directory Script

Escort Directory Script
Escort Directory Script

Escort Directory Script from has four templates you can easily customize. It also runs on WordPress, which offers advantages such as multilanguage support, multiple payment gateways, a powerful CMS, and SEO options.

It has robust features like Google Maps integrations (so your users will know the nearest escort location), a membership system, private chat, and a messaging system, which you will not find in other escort directory scripts. Still, these come with a cost, which, at the moment of writing, is $528.

Escort Directory WordPress Theme

EscortWP Presentation Escort Theme
EscortWP Presentation Escort Theme

The  Escort Directory WordPress theme will help you build your escort directory in hours. There is no need for many configurations or ten extra plugins, just the theme.

This theme integrates with WordPress and WooCommerce for payment integrations, so you can install plugins to manage SEO, payments, and other features you may want to add.

EscortWP theme is compatible with WPML and Polylang, so multilanguage is not an issue.

It costs 169 euros, a little over USD 190 at the time of writing, making EscortWP the cheapest option if you intend to start an escort directory website. You may also look into our list of 50+ affiliate marketing themes for WordPress, as some can be easily customized for any niche.

Suppose you consider installing and configuring such a script difficult; despair is unnecessary. We have covered the following: Check out our top WordPress maintenance and support services here.

Now, navigate to part 5 of this article to see How to advertise an escort agency or part 6 of this article to Find out how to monetize an escort website.

Start and monetize an escort review forum.

There are no vast differences between escort directories and escort review forums. Those two can work well together. An escort review forum is a forum 🙂 where members post ads about escorts, give reviews, ask questions about services, etc.

These forums are not new but have become more popular due to the escort industry. Some escorts take customers only from these forums to screen them first.

Being a member of such a community allows you to check opinions about a particular escort, ask her questions about a fantasy you may have, etc. I’m not going into detail about how to start and monetize such a forum because we covered the topic in a different article (one of our most popular): How to start and monetize a forum.

Now, navigate to part 5 of this article to see How to advertise an escort agency or part 6 of this article to Find out how to monetize an escort website.

How to monetize your escort website

This section will present several options to monetize an escort website properly. If you started an escort agency, the only way to monetize it is to share the profits from escort contracts/appointments. There are multiple ways to monetize the websites for escort directories and review forums.

1 Get a share of the profits from escorts

If you run an escort agency, you can earn money by charging the escorts a fee for being listed on your agency or a share of the profits.

2 Sell subscriptions and memberships

If you run an escort review forum or an escort directory, adopt the freemium model and utilize both free and paid versions of your site. You can offer multiple benefits for paid memberships, like premium placement, removing the ads, etc.

3 Sell advertising space

This is the traditional way. Let advertisers place their ads on your site, and you make money. It’s a great way to make money as your site grows. Some advertisers are keen on investing in Ad spaces with escort sites. They know you have got quality traffic. You have to find the advertisers interested in your site. You may try to approach the advertisers. Doing so can boost your Ad revenue by almost 20-30% without extra effort.

4 Look for sponsorship

Please don’t take it for an Advertisement. Sponsorship works in collaboration with the relevant brands. You can approach to get sponsorship from an adult brand and promote their products on your site. For example, you can ask the cam models to perform using the toys given by your sex toy sponsor.

5 Sign up for CPA affiliate networks

You can sign up for the top adult CPA affiliate networks and promote their products on your site. This is a little more difficult than just lending your space, as you are responsible for marketing your affiliate links. The more you sell through the affiliate links, the more money you make.

Read more: CPA Marketing for Beginners

6 Sell your traffic to the Ad networks

You won’t have to sell your traffic, but let the advertisers capitalize on it. This is the most popular way to make money from an adult tube site. Unlike affiliate networks, you don’t have to search for sales or customize your site. Instead, you can sign up for a popular ad network and let the advertisers show Ads on your site in the allocated spaces.

Native Advertising Beginners Guide

It’s different from lending an Ad space, as you can choose from various ad types, such as banners, display ads, native ads, popunders, push notifications, and more. Moreover, you are paid based on the per-impression made on the Ads.

7 Look into affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing earns marketers commissions by promoting someone else’s products on your site. It is similar to advertising because it’s a passive income stream, and you don’t have to produce goods or services, but unlike advertising, you only get the income if you make a sale.

If you know little about affiliate marketing, check our affiliate marketing for a complete guide. Also, here is a list of 65+ affiliate marketing high-paying programs that can inspire you. You should know enough about affiliate marketing, so check the best 21 affiliate marketing networks you can sign up for.

Read more: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners [Complete Guide]

Though you can treat affiliate links like advertising and make them a passive element of your page, affiliate products are more likely to sell if you review or promote them with an actual post. You should only endorse products you believe will help your readers if you want to maintain their trust and loyalty. You should also ensure that the product connects logically to your escort niche.


There you go. You now have the complete roadmap for starting, advertising, and monetizing an escort business. It doesn’t matter if it is an agency, escort review forum, or escort directory; the key is accumulating as much traffic as possible to your website to make money.

The more traffic, the more chances to show ads, sell stuff, collect data, get sponsorship, and make great money. You can’t imagine how much money adult sites make once they are popular among viewers, advertisers, and brands.

To make money from the adult industry, you must try every option. Just be patient, prepare a strategy, follow it, and wait for the traffic to drive money to your site.

Do you have questions? Let me know in the comments form, and I will gladly answer.

About Stephan

Stephan J is the founder of and is making a living exclusively online since 2004. He tried and managed to make good profits on everything from Forex trading, options, website flipping, adsense, affiliate websites.His passions are cycling, fitness and he is spending a small fortune on watches and fine cigars

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